An exhibition to make the home a better place


Home Sweet Home. Those words that we say almost sighing when we get home, have made more sense than ever today. Our houses have gone a step beyond their mere functionality and have become a refuge. Mazda, Coat Y The Sybarist they invite you to their house it's an exhibition , but also a demonstration that in the home, comfort matters, but also aesthetics.

Until March 20, within the programming of Madrid Design Festival , craftsmanship and well-being merge in an exhibition that advocates our care, but on behalf of our home. During the pandemic, we have seen the thousand faces of our homes , their multifaceted attitude becoming gyms, kitchens, dance floors, movie theaters... That's when we realized that we were underestimating them as four simple walls.

'Mazda SACo and The Sibarist invite you to their home'

'Mazda, SACo and The Sibarist invite you to their home'

“We want to surround ourselves with beautiful objects in daily life” , said Elena Goded, president of SACo. And indeed, we want that daily life to be comfortable, but without ceasing to be beautiful. SACo artists and artisans have made it possible, with objects that seem to make our homes, warm and welcoming places where craftsmanship shines and, therefore, also creativity.

Lorna de Santos, the designer and interior designer in charge of the project She has opted for a minimalism that embraces well-being and that aims to spread that much-needed tranquility to the domestic space. Finally, a tune is created that starts from the stage itself, The Sibarist Greenhouse (Calle de San Lorenzo, 11), going through the exhibition, with the work of 28 artists , up to the exclusive presentation of the new Mazda CX-60 plug-in hybrid.


In this case, the home that hosts the exhibition already gives us clues as to what we are going to find. The Greenhouse appears from the hand of The Sibarist, a boutique real estate agency for unique properties and luxury that is clear about its motto: “houses that take care of you” , clarified Silvia Hengstenberg, founding partner of The Sibarist. This change of perspective towards the domestic resides, as Silvia said, in the fact that what we previously considered the houses of the future, has now become the needs of the present.

The Greenhouse appears from the hand of The Sibarist.

The Greenhouse appears from the hand of The Sibarist.

After following the steps of his invitation, inside we find the creative extravagance of 28 SACo designers , who pour their talent into textiles, wicker, ceramics, wooden objects, lamps, sculptures, crockery and everything we could imagine in a home. The beauty and delicacy in the design It is such that it is difficult not to simultaneously think about where in our house we would place each of these objects.

Artists parade there, such as ELSUR, works by Cristina Vallejo behind which are hidden a deep work with a sewing machine and thread that end up becoming figures that imitate clay or ceramics; LZF lighting , a perfect combination of technology, research, craftsmanship and aesthetics; the textiles of Ábatte , handmade with high quality natural fibers, or the Ultramarine Tableware , fine earthenware pieces that go beyond the simple functionality of a plate and become works of art. Idoia Cuesta, Candela Cort, Fernando Alcalde, Mayice Studio or Mercedes Vicente They will also be some of the names that can be seen in the sample, among others.

Ultramarine tableware

Ultramarine tableware.

And following in the footsteps of craftsmanship, there also awaits the new Mazda CX-60 , with the same philosophy that aims to make daily life easier, more beautiful and committed to careful work. Making beauty and elegance a whole, the design of its interior, which combines materials such as maple wood, nappa leather or Japanese fabrics, follows in the footsteps from the Japanese concept ‘Ma’, the sense of place , that calm and beauty that diaphanous spaces have the power to transmit.

Together with the 'takumis', the Japanese artisans Working new design lines on clay, and Mazda's artisan identity, the new plug-in hybrid represents a perfect confluence between the tradition of craftsmanship, along with the innovation and new technology that Mazda includes in this new model. The result rises as an embrace between past and future that generates the best present.

Until March 20, Mazda, SACo and The Sibarist shake hands to facilitate our environment and invite us to his humble abode.

Mazda unveils its CX60 plug-in hybrid

Mazda introduces its CX-60 plug-in hybrid.

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