Five plans to enjoy Girona


Photogenic in Girona

Photogenic in Girona

1) Finish off the battery by photographing the houses of the Onyar river

Crossing the river and leaving the old part of the city behind, we find what is already the most emblematic image of Giron: the colored houses hovering over the river . If you want to integrate with the landscape, you can become part of the photo of someone looking out of one of the windows of the ** Casa Masó : its main facade is a sober stone construction **, but the part that overlooks the river stands out in white, orange and blue. The interior is the charming home of one of the emblematic figures of Catalan modernism, full of tiles, period furniture and tons of color.

2) Evoke the Jewish heritage in the Call

Addresses written in Yiddish and the occasional presence of a kippah may throw off the unsuspecting traveler, but at the heart of medieval Girona lies one of the best-preserved Jewish quarters in Europe. A sometimes labyrinthine layout of narrow streets and cobbled patios that house a bookstore specializing in Jewish culture or a Museum about life right here during medieval times.

Cellar de Can Roca

What else can be written about Celler de Can Roca?

3)Put on your boots in the best restaurant in the world

For lovers of lists, there is no possible discussion: the current best restaurant in the world, **El Celler de Can Roca**, lives here and for that reason alone the city should already be marked with neon lights on the map of every foodie. of pro But there is more: **here people love good food, whether in the stormy world of signature cuisine (el Nu, Massana)** or joining the locals for some tapas around Plaça del Ví. And never forget the (insert obnoxious yummy here or plain yum) ice cream from Rocambolesc , because in the end in Girona you always end up going back to the Roca brothers.

4) Change the perspective by taking a walk along the ramparts.

A tour of the coastal path from the Carolingian era gives an idea of ​​the true dimension of the ancient city and allows us to compare it with the expansion of the 19th century. The cathedral of Santa María, San Feliu, the university buildings and some of the most emblematic silhouettes of that Monumental complex so well preserved that it served to feature medieval Paris in the filming of El perfume.

Rocambolesc ice cream parlor

Rocambolesc ice cream parlor

5) Be fascinated in the cinema museum.

Our favorite part of the permanent collection of this crazy museum is precisely the one that speaks of the time before the birth of cinema: an impressive collection of shadow plays, darkrooms, kinetoscopes, tricks that would make Méliès salivate , games of mirrors and photographic tricks that remind us that magic and cinema have always gone hand in hand. Perfect for children and adults who are not dead inside.

Medieval and elegant flirty

Flirtatious, medieval and elegant

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