Ode to the vineyard: the vintner Stendhal Syndrome



Aigle, a vineyard with a castle. With beauty.

One cannot love wine and stay in the cellar. This (so obvious) truth has a hard time getting into the brains of the first years of a wine aficionado. Those first years -so beautiful- the thing is about collecting corks, bottles, very expensive refrigerators, blown glasses and visits to wineries. Majestic wineries, designed by types like Calatrava, Foster or Gehry . Wineries with canvases by Antoni Tàpies, works by Eduardo Chillida and rooms with more computers than a server room at MIT. Wineries that are castles , where a guy who is a winemaker talks to you about coupage and you look at the glass and nod, “aha”.

But one day you understand that all this is fine, but the wines that touch your soul -the so-called coup de coeur - the ones that scratch your heart, move you, break you and stick in your memory forever, those (and all the others, but especially those) are made in the vineyard. And there is no more secret than the land or hands more important than those of the winegrower. Everything else is noise.

In Genesis, Noah plants a vineyard . In the biblical tradition, wine is a sign and symbol of joy. It represents all the presents made by God to men. In the same way, wine is, in all religions close to Israel, the drink of the gods . Among the Greeks, the cultivation of the vine (belongs to the Ampelidacea family) was later than that of wheat, and for this reason it is not related to a goddess as ancient as Demeter, but to Dionysus. Dionysus is pleasure, ecstasy, madness. And pleasure is what is lavished by each of these 29 perfect vineyards. Die.

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