Nature heals you: immerse yourself in the 'therapeutic forests' of Pontevedra


woman in the forest

We wanted to meet you (and invite you to a dream hotel)

"In these exceptional times, it is necessary, even more, to rethink the relationship between people and nature", they affirm from the program of therapeutic forests of Pontevedra . It is an idea that resonates throughout Europe: in Iceland, for example, the authorities have already encouraged its citizens to hug trees to overcome social isolation, and even before this health crisis, forest baths or Shinrin were all the rage on the continent. -Yoku, a Japanese therapy that, through conscious observation, ensures to reduce stress and increase the well-being of patients.

But let's go back to the Galician province, which, starting in July, will begin these guided tours that mix nature, exercise, culture, history and health . "The main objective of the guided tours is to introduce the five selected forest parks and experience, first-hand, some of the benefits that these natural spaces offer us physically, but also emotionally and socially , framed in the current of therapeutic forests", reads the program's website.

The five forests they speak of are part of the natural areas of Bueu, Fornelos de Montes, Ponteareas, A Guarda and Oia , that we will be able to see with new eyes thanks to the wisdom of a interdisciplinary team formed by the artist Sergio Portela, the heritage expert Isabel Fernández and the forestry engineer Alfredo Agra.

"Since reality is polyhedral, it seemed essential to us to make it known from different faces , to better delve into it and thus be able to offer a multiple knowledge guide. And to this we will add an internal-external relationship, where matter and spirit intertwine emotions and reason," Portela told

Hiking on Mount Aloia

A unique opportunity to get to know the beautiful natural spaces of Pontevedra

Thus, the visits, according to the artist, will be different from the usual ones in the level of consciousness reached by the participants : "We will try to experience in a simple way that complexity of the forest and ours in a yogic fusion: everything is united, and we will realize that reciprocal relationship between nature and our nature, simply because it is the same", explains the artist .


The visits will last an hour and a half , will be offered to a maximum of 15 people per group and will take place at 10:00 between July 18 and September 27 according to the calendar indicated on the Pontevedra Provincial Council website. As of July 1, it will be possible to sign up electronically on the service website.

"Each of the routes will have a central theme designed specifically for these visits, according to the characteristics and values ​​of each space, around which all the activity will revolve, and will have a participatory approach , in which people can feel integrated in the activity from the first moment. The use of the senses will be encouraged, favoring, for example, the perception of various textures or smells in nature , always with the premise of conservation and scrupulous respect for sanitary measures current", they explain from the organism.

Portela, for his part, concludes: "The strength of the virtual world in our new urban and rural world has many advantages, but also many essential cons. Especially, the break that is established with reality in our minds. And being in the moment present uniting attention and action in peace will readjust as many mental imbalances through a sustained therapeutic function during the visit . At the same time, information will be provided in a very important group relationship , establishing a feeling of learning together, interrelating in a positive way, in cooperation, not in competition. The purpose is for the participants to become better people in nature and in society, by being consciously enjoying themselves."

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