Mysterious Andalusia: Cursed, enchanted or legendary places


Andalusia has a reputation for hiding multitude of corners that are said haunted, haunted houses and hundreds of legends that give a second life to places that were abandoned. On these dates, these places are only fit for which they do not fear souls in pain. Welcome to the mysterious Andalusia!

We have traveled the territory from one end to another and we bring you since castles with spirits that whose cries make the hair stand on end, to entire villages abandoned They look like something out of a horror movie. Any of these locations becomes the best getaway for spend a few days of fear whether you are one of those who celebrates Day of the Dead or are you more than universe Halloween.

Cervantes Theater of Almeria.

Behind the scenes… a ghost.


This year 2021 marks the first centenary of the inauguration of this famous theater that was scenery of one of the crimes of passion most horrible in the history of Almeria. happened on January 21, 1922, when the play Santa Isabel de Ceres was premiered, a piece about a painter's love for a prostitute he worked for the beautiful actress Conchita Robles.

A work of this type, in the conservative Spain of the 1920s, was a time bomb, especially for Conchita's husband that he couldn't resist his jealousy and he killed her with a gun behind the scenes to the stupor of the public. Since then, it is said that the actress appears in the corridors of the theater, and that on some occasion she has come to see her with a headscarf. And to curl the curl, it is known that the Cervantes Theater It was built on an Arab cemetery. There anything can happen.

Jan's pretty girl

Jimena in a ghostly key.


Every time you get close the night of the dead, the shire of Sierra Mágina is full of mysticism. It is a night when souls of the dead come out of their graves and roam the streets of the towns trying to enter the houses.

There has been a very curious custom for a long time, which is that of cook Porridge, a flour dough (formerly of peas) milk and cinnamon which was sweetened until sticky. It is very typical to see the night of the dead in the streets of Jimena either Albanchez de Magina (to give two examples) how young and not so young pretend drive away evil spirits by sticking the magical concoction on doors, windows and even locks. One way or another, these towns are filled with a sweet smell very characteristic, an unequivocal sign that souls roam the streets.

Road trip in the Alpujarra

Between Mondújar and Lanjarón, the ghostly Tablate.


Whenever we talk about ghost towns, it comes to mind. the terrifying town of Belchite. But our country hides many more gloomy towns what were they abandoned by misery, illness or fear. One such example was the Granada town of tablate, that even the past 2019 got for sale for 6 million euros.

It was never a very prosperous village but came to have its own town hall and even some mesons. The bloody post-war period caused many people died of hunger or emigrate to the big cities, leaving the town completely desolate. Today it is a very visited by lovers of the paranormal since a walk through Tablate, in the Granada Alpujarras, at nightfall You have to do it with poise and gallantry. Some say that horse carts can still be heard going through the gloomy royal street


Few are the students of the University of Córdoba (the UCO) who have not heard of paranormal phenomena in the corridors of the Faculty of Law. which is known as “the most bewitched Faculty in Spain” has been a mecca for many researchers who claim to have recorded hundreds of creepy EVP when the classrooms are empty.

But this year 2021 has been the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters the one that has been in the spotlight of public opinion, as many students claim, just at the end of the course, to have witnessed spectral apparitions what were they going from a lame and disfigured old man to a woman with a covered head. The Faculty of Philosophy and Letters it was once a hospital that hosted many epidemics, including the yellow fever that took the lives of 1,500 people in the city of Córdoba. The building had a morgue. Anyway, therein lies the crux of the matter.

The ghost of Princess Zaida in the Almodóvar Castle.

Princess Zaida is one of those ghosts...


Huelva has its own itineraries Y ghost trails, each year gathers more followers. And when it comes to visiting mysterious places, you always have to stop at one of the bastions of Huelva terror, and this is located in the Red Cross Assembly building.

screaming on the stairs, elevators that go up and down on their own without anyone calling them, noises of chairs that move when the rooms are empty... Many strange phenomena without any explanation in a building that lived very closely the collapse in 1956 of a façade on Aragón street. That catastrophe was carried ahead the lives of thirteen people and caused a great social commotion. It is said that ever since paranormal phenomena multiply at the Red Cross Assembly. And visits to the building too.

Exterior of the Castle of Almodóvar del Río in Córdoba.

The castle, spectacular, also by day.


The surroundings of Castle of Almodovar del Rio are well known for their appearances in film and on television. But in addition, the castle of this beautiful Cordovan town is cult object when the night of the dead approaches, since it is the scene of the Moorish princess appearances that she lived there at the end of the 11th century.

known as the enchanted, It is said that this princess of great beauty she couldn't get over death in combat of her husband and she decided to seclude herself in the castle where, it has been assured through the centuries, the young woman died of grief. The lament of the princess Zaida, which is how she was called, seems to be heard very clearly many October nights. There are those who claim to have seen a young woman dressed in white look out from the tower of the castle. What does make your hair stand on end is that, on the Night of the Dead, Zaida's sob seems to be heard from anywhere in town.

Cover of the book Terror in the Sanatorium of the Dead

Readings to get into situation.


One of the scariest places of Seville and this is only suitable for the brave and passionate about abandoned gloomy places. Originally named as Saint Paul's Hospital, this sanatorium had a certain splendor when Spain It was a military base for the United States. and he never stood out for anything in particular, beyond serving in the army. With the arrival of the new Hospital de la Macarena, the Hospital de San Pablo stopped being used and ended up abandoned in the mid-seventies.

From then on they began to see each other shadows that wandered through the interior of the rooms, or the ghost of a girl who supposedly drowned in a nearby well. These phenomena baptized the hospital with the name of Sanatorium of the Dead. Today, the walls of the rooms that remain standing exhibit satanic Symbols, pentagrams and other emblems used in all kinds of rituals. The episodes lived in this place are collected in the book Terror in the Sanatorium of the Dead , (Editorial Niebla) where the authors summarize the most chilling of the mythical hospital.

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