7 routes with waterfalls in Galicia to enjoy nature


Galicia is stuck in the heart of those who visit it. A form of love are its waterfalls, 'fervenzas', especially now, in spring, They carry a lot of flow. We suggest you return to this green matrix, to that Galicia, “terra de meigas e de fervenzas” to enjoy, in style and in silence, the sound and life around these 7 waterfalls with route.

We have chosen these (and not others) sure that the proposed routes are suitable for all hikers and because the beauty they keep keeps them in the top ten of the most beautiful waterfalls in Spain. Take note because you will not regret meeting them.

Galician Tourism

Galician Tourism.


An awesome 40 meter high jump –one of the highest in Galicia– awaits us at the end of a path of 2.42 km: Route from Augacaída to Castro de Marce, which takes just over an hour. This waterfall, formed by the Aguianza stream, is located in panton, in the heart of the Ribeira Sacra, and is one of the jewels of the area, which is also you can access in zodiac along one of the river routes that exist.

But it's more impressive to do it walking, through this path that crosses a old castrexo town and the remains of a 10th-century fortress. Another option is to contemplate it from a nature lookout, that exists, from which the view also reaches the river Miño, or descend to the waterfall itself by some steep stairs –be careful!, because it is a very steep descent–.


Other nature's masterpiece and one of the waterfalls –of 30 meters–, known in Galicia, which you will reach after a 15 km route through the countryside , in Pazos, in the council of Silleda (Pontevedra). But the best of all is that in this crystalline water, coming from the toxa river, tributary of the Deza, runs to a huge pool surrounded by a forest of chestnut, oak and cork oaks, in which you can bathe and meditate among these enormous riverside specimens!

Near the waterfall, which is easily accessible, since it has a service area equipped with parking, there are two viewpoints and picnic areas to be able to enjoy these views, and very close to the impressive carboeiro monastery, an architectural work of Romanesque style (s. X) that is in the vicinity. Just 5 km from the monastery and 9 from the fervenza, a small spa hotel keep using these waters as the Benedictine monks did, which emerge at 28ºC and are perfect for getting rid of stress.

Waterfall or Fervenza do Toxa Galicia.

Galician Tourism.


Also known as Fervenza do Cachon –which could be translated as bubbling–, this waterfall with this suggestive nickname has a 15 meter drop and the route that takes us to it follows the Barbantiño Nature Trail down river. From the bridge over the river it connects with the route and is the easiest way to get there, becoming a nice walk what can you do with children, only 1.7 km.

In any case, as the long route is not exhausting either, it is recommended that you do it from the hot springs in O Bañiño, in A Forxa and travel the 7 km enjoying the landscape until you get to San Fíz bridge. Several water mills will come your way, but among them the best known is the Muiños da Penas. In addition, from them there is access over a metal footbridge to the upper part of the Fervenza do Cachón, from where you can see The Well of Hell and its impressive falls.


Ézaro's has become all a ceremony that you should not miss on your visit to Galicia –everyone knows it–. its spectacular 40 meter drop artificially lit during the summer months and this light, water and sound show is unique because this, the Xallas It is one of the few rivers that flow into the sea in the form of waterfalls. See him merge with the Atlantic priceless.

To get to the waterfall, which is located near the municipality of Dumbría, in the middle of coast of death, You must first reach the small council of Ézaro and take a road detour that in just over a kilometer leaves you at the starting point of the path to the waterfall which also has a recreational area that children will love. To get another point of view of this wonder of nature, don't miss the views from the Ezaro viewpoint , or consider the option of see this impressive waterfall by kayak.

Waterfall or Fervenza do Xallas Galicia

Galician Tourism.


Another of the most beautiful waterfalls in the interior of Galicia is this one, the Brañas waterfall, that you will find in Santa Mariña das Brañas, council of touches, the largest Galician municipality within the Natura 2000 Network and it is the furelos river –which flows into the Ulla– the person responsible for this waterfall whose ascent jump term a 40 meters high on a huge rock wall.

Next to it, at its base, you will find a old water mill of great size, the Muiño da Fervenza, which gives a picturesque air to the area, which is accessed through a route with dense vegetation that begins in the Recreational Area of ​​Furelos, next to the river. The path from here is circular, 6 kilometers perfect to do it with children who will already enjoy from the first minute in the environment of the recreational area.


Natural border between Arzúa and Touro, This waterfall is made up of two waterfalls 30 meters high. Its waters drag They were a legend, who has also won the name of fervenza de Santa Marta. Legend has it that a young woman was rejected by her boyfriend after confessing that she was pregnant. One night, her lover pushed her from the top from the waterfall and she was saved from it after entrusting herself and asking for help from Santa Marta, who put an oak tree in her path to cushion her fall.

To reach, the hiking trail, PR-G 169, has about 20 km one way (and yes, another 20 km back) ending at the waterfall and starting from Ponte Santa. The option to simply visit it is park as close as possible taking the access through a hand-painted sign that says Fervenza (GPS 42.849593, -8.215356) and from there walk about 300 meters, first on a dirt track, and the last meters through a walkway and wooden stairs.

Waterfall or Fervenza de Fonsagrada Galicia

Galician Tourism.


Attention! Another waterfall with a pool for bathers. Because this beauty located in the Serra do Suido –one of the rainiest areas in Spain–, in the parish of A Laxe, in Fornelos de Montes, ends in a pool where it is possible to cool off. A natural paradise, as indicated by the signs engraved in the stone, formed by the union of two rivers, the Barranqueira de Fonte Uceira and Barranqueira de Rego de Casariños.

You can go up with the car up to a Stone bank which acts as a viewpoint, and from there begins the route who drives straight to the waterfall in five minutes, through a path that in sections has quite pending . You may even meet cows grazing. Around here other routes suitable for the whole family such as the Route two Chozos, the stone constructions that gave shelter to the shepherds here.

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