Ten coves to escape to Menorca


Cala Mitjana and Mitjaneta surrounded by their pine forests

Cala Mitjana and Mitjaneta, surrounded by their pine forests

That this was here and we hadn't found out? Minorca declared Biosphere Reserve on October 8, 1993 by UNESCO, guards true paradises on its coastline. But perhaps speaking of paradise and a Mediterranean island is a reiteration? Let's analyze... What does Menorca have that the other islands do not?

Virgin beaches all of them that we will not want to leave. In which to bathe, spend the day, eat a few pieces of watermelon, melon or a coconut offered on the beach by street vendors, fall asleep and wait even until the sun goes down, that feeling of tranquility on a beach that little by little is becoming deserted and that has that Mediterranean light reflecting in a sea that is so much ours and for which we have so much affection. There is no better feeling, believe us.

But there's so much more : Cala Pilar, Binagaus or Cala Escorxada, Morell, Es Grau o Tortuga, Calas Coves, Binigaus, Escorxada, Trebalúger or Algalarens among other.

In any of them we can feel like the protagonist of Fernando Colomo's latest film, Isla Bonita, and "make a trip to Menorca looking for what was lost in Madrid" . There are corners and coves where coverage does not reach, but the sun's rays do. But who said we need WiFi in paradise? ** We could not live without you, Menorca .**

The sunset overlooking the Pont d'en Gil

The sunset overlooking the Pont d'en Gil

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