Reasons why everyone should take a road trip at least once in their life



Road trip Las Vegas!

Growing our particular anecdote is one of the reasons that could push us to get in the car and go on an adventure like Jack Kerouac and his friends did in the late 40s, although there are many more. The halo of romance that surrounds these trips can also give us that push we need before getting behind the wheel. And everything does not end there, there are others 20 reasons why you should decide to hit the road instead of deciding on the plane during your next vacation.

1) there is nothing to plan . You just have to have the car ready and want to drive, the rest comes by itself. It is not necessary to have a marked itinerary. Because if there is no place to sleep in Pisa, you can always go to Lucca. And if you see that it's not beach time, instead of staying in Caños de Meca you have the option of visiting Border Arches.

two) You will not have to wear a watch because you will live without a schedule . This is not about getting up very early to be on time to catch the next flight or be on time at the train station. do Does anyone care when we reach our destination ? Or if we decide to extend the hours of bed? It's not about wasting time, it's about live without haste. it's vacation.

3) You will not have to wait . The worst thing about taking a plane is when your flight is delayed or canceled and you feel like little by little you are wasting your vacation time sitting in a terminal. This does not happen when traveling on the highway. Your vacation starts as soon as you sit in the car.

4) you are the dj . You'll get rid of the supposedly relaxing music on airplanes and you won't have to listen to what your bus mate has on his iPod. In the car you and your friends are the ones who decide if you prefer to get interesting with the musical selection or if you choose to review the complete Raphael discography or Camela's greatest hits.

5) You can sing until you lose your voice . Because there is no greater pleasure than driving and ripping your neck off. You and your colleagues giving it your all like there's no tomorrow . It is a highly recommended experience.

The plan is there is no plan

The plan is there is no plan

6) You will never run out of battery in your mobile . Before you charged your phone on a Monday and you could all week. Now the load does not reach you at the end of the day. As you unplug the phone, you see how it begins to go down in leaps and bounds to establish itself in the dangerous ' below 20% ' the moment you need to make that all-important call or look up something on the internet. Traveling by car that does not happen. As you do kilometers, you can fill the load.

7) It is unpredictable. If you see a beautiful landscape you can stop to take a picture, if you come across a sign with an attractive detour you can do it... There's nothing written so you'll never know what's next . Remember the choose your own adventure books? Well, this is more or less like that. The only thing that in them did not suddenly appear a flock of sheep in the middle of your reading and here you can find it in the middle of the road. It is the magic of these trips!

8) There's no baggage limit and no liquids to worry about . It is your trunk that determines the number of bags you can carry. Everything fits in the back of the car , especially if you spent the 90s playing Tetris. Also, if you don't have enough space, you can always use the roof rack and store your bicycle, kayak or whatever you need for your adventure.

adventurous road trip

On a road trip you can find everything

9) You will save food at the airport . Exceptions aside, the air terminals are not exactly characterized by their good culinary offerings. Nor for the affordable prices. This does not happen on a road trip, because this is a trip to take gastronomic tributes.

10) And you can stop to eat wherever you want . Deviate from the route if the offer is better elsewhere or even stop in a pine forest and eat an Iberian ham sandwich under the shade of a large tree. You choose what you want at that moment.

11) You can live an idyll with a hitchhiker . he passed to Clark Gable with Claudette Colbert in 'It happened one night' and you can experience something similar, although in the 21st century version. ¡ The road is perfect for love !

Love in road trip

The road is perfect for love!

12) It is also a good time to reflect . Whether you go alone or accompanied, car trips always give rise to moments of silence and those, when there are big straights in between (either those of USA or those of Castile They invite introspection. The setting will become more idyllic when our companions sleep and we are alone before the asphalt.

13) You will stop when you feel like it . It is not a trip with scales, you decide if you do it and when you do it. You will need them to rest, eat, etc. but it is you who decides how and when, not the airline on duty.

14) Souvenirs for everyone . How many times have you left a gift in the store due to lack of space in your suitcase? If you know that feeling you will know how to value the importance of the trunk where it fits from the maxi jug of beer to the giant cowboy hat.

Highway between Trujillo and Zafra

Highway between Trujillo and Zafra

15) The road connects a lot . What today is a tragedy (that the wheel punctures or explodes), tomorrow is history and the past is an anecdote. It will be a memorable trip that you will never forget.

16) If it's bad, you change course . Why travel south if for the first time in the year there is better weather in the north? Nothing will leave us without a beach if that is what we are looking for.

17) You will reach places that you would never have weighed . The villages, the forests, the abandoned castles... are not within the reach of all tourists. only the privileged people who travel by car can take a photo in one of those places that those who choose the plane will be left without seeing.

Road trip as a colleague

The road connects a lot

18) Finally some time together . You spend the year at work surrounded by strangers and with hardly any time to be with your friends, the car trip is a good opportunity to correct it: share confidences, make jokes, improvise games, remember old stories... or simply enjoy that time you don't have during the year.

19) It is the opportunity to go to a summer cinema . Because that is something out of a movie and full of romance, but you can only do it if you travel by car. The option of parking the plane in front of the screen or having one of the train cars arrive there is ruled out.

20) And you can also find Brad Pitt on duty . If Thelma and Louise had a run-in like this, why can't you have another similar one?

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Everyone should take a road trip at least once in their life.

Everyone should take a road trip at least once in their life.

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