The best restaurants in the province of Lugo


The best restaurants in the province of Lugo

The best restaurants in the province of Lugo


** Spain ** _(Theater, 10; tel. 982 24 27 17; €€€) _

With more than a century of history, this city classic has managed to update itself without losing sight of the local gastronomic tradition.

His 110 years have not prevented him from updating in a friendly way and keeping himself as a reference of the kitchen of the interior of Galicia.

With a menu very marked by the season, the presence of meat from oxen raised by the family on their farm in Portomarín.

This restaurant is excellent value for money. Very to take into account its thematic days (rice, beef, mushrooms...).

** Alberto's Inn ** _(Cruz, 4; tel. 982 22 83 10; €€€) _

Solidity and traditional elaborations in a mansion in the historic center of Lugo. There are not many restaurants that after 42 years are not only capable of maintaining a consistent line but have also improved the comfort of their space, expanded their wine offer and updated details of their menu, as this classic from Lugo has done.

Among its most demanded dishes are the seafood stews, seafood and the excellent meats of the province. It combines tapería at street level with a dining room and cozy private rooms on the upper floors of the building. It offers a good wine list. Their shellfish with turnip greens are a must of the house that have given rise to dozens of imitations.

paprica _(Noreas, 10; tel. 982 25 58 24; €€€) _

Signature cuisine. One of the most solid bets on contemporary cuisine in the capital of Lugo. In the table. At the entrance, a small bar allows you to try tapas or a more informal menu. Once in the dining room, the menu is a journey through contemporary Galician cuisine that fits perfectly into the line of the ninth group , collective to which the cook belongs.

In it, raw materials and local tradition are reinvented, leaving room for reasoned creativity. dishes like razor clams with free-range chicken and eucalyptus glaze or the Old beef sirloin tartare with oyster mayonnaise they are a good example.

Pleasant garden with views of the Roman wall, the best preserved in the country.

Baby squid Lume Coello and Paprica Vermouth

"Squid, Lume, Coello and Vermouth" by Paprica


Nito _(Playa de Area, 1; tel. 982 56 09 87; €€€€) _

Seafood proposals with products from La Mariña. This is one of the classic tables of Galician cuisine in recent decades, a restaurant solidly anchored in the tradition of this Marina Central in which it is based, which pays homage to the classics of the local recipe book, through an exceptional selection of raw materials.

Grilled or Galician fish , lobster salad; stews such as squid in its ink, and local specialties such as coquinas from the neighbor Ria do Barqueiro.

Spectacular views. In summer you have to try their tuna roll.

Hotel Ego

Nito, your views are unbeatable; its seafood too

€ Less than 10

€€€ Up to 20

€€€€ Up to 50

€€€€€ Over 50

*You can find the 2018 Gastronomic and Wine Guide in a digital version for your devices, at Manzana , Zinium Y google play .

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