Recipe: Tula Goat Cheese Tart


'Pan cheese napkin and oil' the Tula cheesecake

'Bread, napkin cheese and oil', the Tula cheesecake

It's one of those cheese cakes for which we would travel to any part of the geography. Although to go to Javea we never need excuses, we added one more to our list a long time ago. And since we cannot now pack our bags and go to this little Mediterranean town (hopefully, but we will make up for it this summer ), we have asked the chef of the Tula restaurant (that love story in the form of a restaurant) goat cheese cake recipe so we can make it easily at home.

And why is this one so different from the others? For him napkin cheese , a fresh goat cheese typical of the Valencian Community, and for its texture . “I did not think of a cake but of a royal , which is the mixture of eggs and milk that is used to bind sauces, similar to flan”.

But his starting point was not a cheesecake: the azudense cook (although now he lives in Jávea with clear , her adventure partner, was born in Azuqueca de Henares, Guadalajara) wanted to do a plate with this cheese , but after some tests, he was not convinced by the results in savory dishes. “ I never thought of a cheesecake to use , but I wanted to join my two passions for cheese, which are the cheese napkin and my favorite texture: the Camembert cheese when it's been out of the fridge for a couple of hours , when you cut it and it spreads. That point where you have to scoop it up with a spoon or spread it with a knife.” And so came his” Bread, cheese, napkin and oil” , which you can find on the menu of his restaurant... or make it at home with his recipe.

Preparation time : 30-40 minutes

Cooking time : 16 minutes

portions : 8

Ingredients for the base:

90 grams of breadcrumbs

90 grams Of flour

90 grams of sugar

110 grams of butter

'Pan cheese napkin and oil' the Tula cheesecake

'Bread, napkin cheese and oil', the Tula cheesecake

Ingredients for the cake:

250 grams goat cream cheese . Not all supermarkets have it: Borja buys it from his cheese refiner , but you can order it at your usual cheese shop. Rubén Valbuena, from the Cultivo cheese factory, recommends acid creams such as Elvira García or the one from Bucarito (both made from raw goat's milk) or Caprijara (from pasteurized goat's milk).

300 grams cheese napkin . If you live in the Valencian Community, you will easily find it through small producers, factories and even in the supermarket, but if this is not the case, you can substitute it with a soft or semi-cured goat cheese. It is important that it is curdled , that don't be curly goat cheese , for instance.

5 eggs

120 grams cream

150 grams of sugar

extra virgin olive oil . They crown it with an extra virgin olive oil jam that they make, but they have adapted the recipe for us so that we can make it easily.

Sugar glass

Steps to follow:

We grate the bread (Borja uses the leftover sourdough bread that they serve in the restaurant, when it has already become hard) or we use already grated bread. We mix it with flour, sugar and butter and we form a layer of approximately half a centimeter on a mold of about 20-25 centimeters in diameter. “We in Tula use 10 centimeter diameter molds because it is a dessert to share between two”.

We make the royal in the Thermomix or in a glass blender: we divide the napkin cheese into cubes and grind it . To break it down, add the goat cream cheese . Blend again to mix everything together. We add the eggs, sugar and cream and we grind it all so that a very stable cold cream with a texture similar to that of an emulsion remains.

Let's pour about 2-3 fingers of this mixture on the mold, on which we have already put the base as we have seen in step 1.

We bake it at 190º for 16 minutes.

We take the cake out of the oven, although it will not be curdled at all . The cap will have dried slightly. Let it cool out of the fridge for a couple of hours. They, in Tula, crown it with an olive oil jam they make, but in our case, they suggest that we decorate with a generous splash of raw extra virgin olive oil and with icing sugar on top.

If you want to eat it the next day, leave it in the fridge and take it out a couple of hours before consuming it. If you've left it in the fridge for several days (although we don't think you'll be able to resist the temptation!), heat it in the oven at 180º for 2 minutes … and ready!

'Pan cheese napkin and oil' the Tula cheesecake

'Bread, napkin cheese and oil', the Tula cheesecake

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