Morning Breeze: and the Mediterranean became home


the province of Alicante is experiencing an awakening similar to the one they experienced long ago Cadiz and more recently Almeria. Beyond the rice, the ice creams , the Beaches and the ceramics , the White shore wants to be known for her architecture , a category in which it stands out since in 1973 Ricardo Bofill devise in Calp a dreamlike casbah called the red wall.

The new one Morning Breeze of Somium , creator and promoter of the most impressive homes in the area, proposes leave your mark in that ranking the most memorable buildings in the province, but not on the hill in which it fits.

Inspired by the new proposals of biosustainability and in the clear precepts of the Bauhaus, this house (the villa top rated of the Costa Blanca, the top in the province of Alicante) is worth each of the almost five million euros that it costs and is built only with kilometer 0 materials and without violating the landscape, to the point that the house "surrounds" some trees that were there before.

One of the terraces promoted by the architect Monica Armani.

One of the terraces promoted by the architect Monica Armani.

"From Somium they invited me to see this beautiful plot and they told me that they wanted it to be 360º Monica Armani ", the Italian architect herself tells us. "As an interior designer, this level of confidence is the best thing that can happen to you," she adds. Absolute freedom meant for Armani absolute fun, a fun that aesthetically translates into spaces that the architect (and anyone without masochistic paraphilias) associates with enjoyment.

She has designed each square centimeter , from construction to interior design through the s obrio furniture (lamps and beds are exclusive design for this project) of this love song to the Mare Nostrum. It's so mediterranean Morning Breeze that he exterior sculptural has been inspired by a greek agora and the interior, almost in a Roman bath.

The indoor pool at Moning Breeze is a dream you won't want to wake up from.

The indoor pool at Moning Breeze, a dream you won't want to wake up from.

Because they are the swimming pools (a exterior with beach shores and another interior in the living room, a luxury until now only reserved for Isabel Preysler Already lex luthor, the ones that will make you feel in Olympus. Or the closest thing you can find in the interior of Alicante: Las Colinas Golf & Country Club, just 45 minutes from Alicante.

Las Colinas Golf & Country Club.

Las Colinas Golf & Country Club.

And that he terrain was not easy : not available a big surface that majesty of the house demanded. Monica has done it developing volumes in unexpected dimensions, extending the house like a telescope.

It is also not on flat ground, but on a hill. Far from betray the orography, the villa is fully integrated into it with its White walls , their seven meter high windows ("each of them is a living work of art , a painting of a changing forest", clarifies Armani) and its flat roof topped with solar panels.

The living room opens completely to the outside.

The living room opens completely to the outside.

"This villa allows you to live an experience very private or very social, as you need. But above all it makes you feel emotions: who sees it, perceives it almost before a work of art", concludes the architect, who has managed to give warmth to minimalism with only three materials: glass, oak wood and a sand colored granite of beach (even the glass of the swimming pool). If the sea could become a home, it would be a lot like Morning Breeze.

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