Jesús Moral, Revelation Chef Award at Madrid Fusión 2017


Jesus Moral

Jesus Moral

The three intense days at Madrid Fusión 2017 came to an end with one of its most special moments, the announcement of the Chef Revelation of this fifteenth edition . And the award has gone to the youngest of the six candidates: Jesus Morales.

“At only 21 years old, this child prodigy of the kitchen is capable of composing dishes of enormous coherence and sensitivity. With a self-confidence unbecoming of his age and an advanced aesthetic sense, he mixes concepts of classic haute cuisine with popular jien recipes . He does not invent anything but adapts everything he has learned to his own way of cooking with splendid results”, said the organization of the contest after communicating his accepted decision in the auditorium with a great celebration: his family, with which Moral learned to cook , It was there.

Product elaborations

Michael's Tavern

Many of the popular recipes from Jaén referred to by the jury made up of gastronomic critics, Moral learned them from his mother, his father and in the family restaurant where he went to help at the age of 15 because he didn't really like studying. But he realized that he did like cooking, and that he really wanted to study it.

After passing through the hotel school The Lagoon in Jaen , Work with Nacho Manzano and his Asturian Casa Marcial de dos Estrellas ; and later at Casa Antonio, in Jaén, with Pedro Sánchez, to end up again at his parents' restaurant, Miguel's Tavern in Bailén.

Last year, his father, Miguel Moral, expanded a space adjacent to The Tavern where Jesús Moral offers his tasting menu for 60 euros with eight courses and two desserts, which changes seasonally. Recipes among which there are traditional ones such as a Garlic rabbit with potatoes or a scrambled eggs with asparagus , whom Moral has flooded with creativity, as all those who have passed through there assure. That, surely, after this award there will be many more.

The Revelation Chef Award has been the definitive launch pad for many. Before Jesus Moral they have received him David Muñoz, Ricard Camarena, Rodrigo de la Calle, Óscar Calleja or Javier Estévez, among others.

Along with Moral, as finalists for the award were Daniel López, from Camiño do Inglés (Ferrol); José Miguel Bonet, from Es Ventall (Ibiza); Toni Romero and Quim Coll, from 4amb5 Mujades (Barcelona); Gregory Rome, from Brel (El Campello, Alicante) and Pello Noriega, from Castro El Gaiteru (Llanes).

Jesus Moral

Jesus Moral

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