Ronda has 'charme'


Ronda has 'charme'

Travel with whom you travel, this is your getaway

Who has not seen the impressive Round Cut at sunset, one of the most famous pictures of Spain of all time is lost. And its historic 18th-century bullring is a breathtaking monument – ​​its construction is attributed to Martin de Aldehuela, the same architect of the Puente Nuevo over the Tajo de Ronda.

The most festive Ronda takes place in September, when the city's big festivities are celebrated and the picturesque goya bullfight : an event that will teleport you to the times that Francisco de Goya painted. The collection of etchings, engravings and lithographs that the painter possesses by the overwhelming institution of La Real Maestranza de Caballería de Ronda is a jewel to which is added the collection of documents, engravings, books... that it possesses on the History of Bullfighting the institution (its riding school is the oldest in Spain, from 1573). The institution itself, with its museums, library, educational work, research, etc. is priceless.

For this reason, you still prefer to visit the city with another excuse, that of the interesting cycle on Music and Philosophy (parallel to the festival) that at the end of June organizes The Royal Maestranza . Yes, a round excuse for stay in one of its wonderful farmhouses.

The historic bullring in Ronda

The historic bullring in Ronda

The truth is that Ronda's excellent travel health is amazing, which at first glance might seem like a town to the south, not very vast, with an old bullring. But if travelers from all corners of the world choose it, it will be for a reason . Much of its magic comes from being the gateway to the wonderful Sierra de Grazalema –Thirteen municipalities are included in the area of ​​the natural park: Grazalema, Zahara de la Sierra, Villaluenga del Rosario, Benaocaz, Ubrique, El Bosque, Prado del Rey and El Gastor in the province of Cádiz; and Benaoján, Montejaque, Cortes de la Frontera, Jimena de Líbar and Ronda in the province of Malaga.

Round viewpoint

Round viewpoint


The collection of farmhouses, hotels, country houses and luxurious villas in this region It would leave more than one speechless. There are so many of our favorites that this selection has been a bit long for us. Even so... for those who seek the soul of Ronda made farmhouse , the authenticity of Hotel Molino del Arco It will come like a glove. It is an 18th-century farmhouse-oil mill, set among centuries-old olive trees and vineyards. 19 rooms and suites that respect the essence of Andalusian charm **(artisanal olive oil, made in the farmhouse, of course, and a restaurant that uses products from its garden) **.

But if your interest is more in exploring the Serrania de Ronda and Sierra de Grazalema , a fantastic location (and more affordable than the previous one) but without losing the atmosphere of the mountains and the sounds of nature is the Cortijo Las Piletas (12 km from Ronda in the direction of Montejaque) . It has a huge pool and 8 rooms that are the perfect hub for exploring the surrounding white villages by hiking or biking.

View of the Hotel Molino del Arco in the middle of the mountains

View of the Hotel Molino del Arco, in the middle of the mountains

Is your priority to open the window and let the light pour in along with the image of the Tajo de Ronda? Then we suggest either the Parador de Ronda, which has rooms from which the New Bridge can be seen through the window; or the Hotel Montelirio in whose suites (Ronda, Granada and Marbella) you will feel like a romantic traveler with its 12th century furniture and its fabulous views of the Tagus. Although if you stay in the city and want to live the experience of the romantic traveler made hotel book a room in the Hotel Catalonia Reina Victoria, a 1908 English-style hotel completely renovated in 2012. Spa, pool and garden included.

Ronda Parador

In a privileged situation

A very special accommodation is the one we found built on an old restored mill, the Hotel Fuente de la Higuera, just ten minutes from the city. The eclectic decoration of its rooms is very elegant. Perfectly prepared for the extreme weather of the Serranía de Ronda , also has wi-fi connection throughout the hotel and a library in the courtyard. Each room has its own terrace or garden and breakfasts are based on homemade jams and delicious km 0 products.

Breakfast at the hotel Fuente de la Higuera

Breakfast at the hotel Fuente de la Higuera

Looking for more privacy? The Lodge is a luxury cabin inspired by African lodges 7 km from the hotel, among olive groves, with a bronze bathtub, private pool and heart-stopping views of the mountains. A perfect place for celebrations of all kinds.

The Lodge

Welcome to the luxury cabin in Ronda

But if what makes you feel good it is a beautiful interior design , you will be surprised by the design of one of our favorite accommodations, the Orange Farm. In addition, if you come with children and you want them to be able to enjoy such beauty in peace, this farm also has them in mind. Any of its corners is worth a trip to Ronda by itself. Its owner, Conchita, is one of those people (foreigners) who visited Ronda from her native Holland and got hooked on this dream of Serranía , transforming an old farmhouse into a special place that mixes Dutch design, Spanish style and Balinese furniture by the pool.

In the chapter on private villas, two love nests seduce us. They are rented weekly: Give Hajrah and ** El Tejar ,** both in Montecorto (20 km from Ronda), with terraces with wonderful views of the Sierra, and with the possibility of the housekeeper cooking.

Orange Farm

Romanticism raised to the maximum power


In one of the most charming white villages in the Serrania de Ronda (at 711 meters of altitude, on the road that goes from Benaoján to Cortes de La Frontera) is one of the claims of the region. The ** Cueva de la Pileta ** brings together one of the greatest representations of prehistoric art in southern Spain, and it is a highly recommended excursion that you could round off with an excellent lunch on the terrace of the ** El Molino del Santo restaurant,** in Benaojan.

Holy Mill

In Benaoján, the perfect gastronomic getaway

Beside a charming and sonorous stream, grilled meats and delicious products from the region –their specialty– have a different flavor. Also between Benaoján and Montejaque, another cave can become the place for a romantic picnic or an adventure with children (there is a 2 km path for them): the cat cave (this one without cave paintings) is the southern mouth of the Hundidero-Gato speleological system that is 7,818 m and a drop of -219 m, ideal for speleology lovers.

Adventurers aside, the setting is incredible just to go for a simple walk and admire the cave and the soundscape. A must-see is the remains of the ancient Roman city of Acinipo, about 20 km from Ronda, known as Ronda La Vieja. The theater is the best preserved of the archaeological complex But if something has been kept alive since the 1st century, it is its wines, which have been made in the area since Roman times.

For this reason, and because In vino veritas to round off this archaeological journey, there is nothing better than visiting the Felisa Winery, in the area known as La Chinchilla , at the foot of the Acinipo deposit. If you want to take home a souvenir of their wines, the best is their Chinchilla Conarte (the visit to the winery with tasting, €15/person).

Felisa Winery

Vineyards in La Chinchilla

Other wineries that are well worth an excursion to another white town, Zahara de la Sierra, are the Old Barefoot Cellars. The current owners restored this old convent to turn it into the headquarters of its winery . The main building, the gardens, the orchard, the ponds and the surroundings seem to be taken from a forgotten Italian villa. The appearance of some frescoes on the main altar , under numerous layers of lime, chips and moisture, miraculously survived and have become the flagship of this family winery (they organize guided visits and tastings) . As the tasting will whet your appetite, in the same town we recommend the restaurant at the lake that as it says, its terrace overlooks the lake of Zahara de la Sierra.


The world of the horse and the bull is so linked to the Serranía de Ronda that passing through here without immersing yourself in the universe of the dehesa would be missing part of its essence. Reservataur It is that tribute of a peculiar rancher and bullfighter who abandoned his career to dedicate himself to his true passion: the field, the bull and the horse. You can (must) come with children. They are only 10 minutes from the city, and the tour (there are several modalities) aboard the farm's off-road vehicle is exciting.

You will get to know the ranching of brave bulls, the Andalusian horse stud farm, the fauna and flora of the dehesa... The secrets, the care, the country tasks... a glass of wine, a cap of Iberian ham. Highly recommended. Another fun getaway with kids could be the visit Bandit Museum to later carry out some of the classic routes that these characters made around the surroundings while we align these places with the stories and legends of Pasos Largos or Flores Arrocha.

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Restaurant Al Lago

With a terrace that watches over Zahara de la Sierra

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