The most beautiful roads: a route along the A366 that connects Coín and Ronda


On the road from Ronda to Coín you will find landscapes typical of other latitudes

On the road from Ronda to Coín you will find landscapes typical of other latitudes

we propose a spectacular 'roadtrip' under a blazing sun impossible elsewhere, but during which, however, you will go through fertile forests typical of the north , which will alternate poetically with those white villages so characteristic of the south.

Do you have the keys already? Well, start, we will be your guide through this route of approximately an hour and a half, which actually requires several days if you continue at our own pace: stopping at waterfalls, natural viewpoints and cobbled streets one of those that steal the heart.

The most beautiful roads a route along the A366 that connects Coín and Ronda

High doses of beauty along the way


The A366 road begins in Coín, a municipality of exceptional natural landscapes thanks to the fact that nothing less than seven rivers. However, the truth is that to immerse yourself in its best places you would have to go way out of the way , so, if you don't have much time, maybe it's better to move on to the next point of the tour...

Of course, if you have a few hours and you want to know better the orange blossom valley, here are some tips: take a walk through the magical pine forest of the Llanos del Nacimiento ; look for paths that run parallel to Rio Grande, Rio Seco or Rio Pereilas ; visit the streets of town center -extremely well cared for and always adorned with plants and flowers- and, above all, if you're willing to get wet! Take an excursion through **the pools and waterfalls of Barranco Blanco**, where it flows crystal clear between stone nooks and crannies. lush vegetation.

And for eat? we propose Coconut if you are looking for a modern, innovative and informal stop, and Bohemia if you come back at sunset on a cool summer night and feel like having dinner the candlelight in his magical inner courtyard, dating from the 19th century.

Coconut Delights

Coconut Delights


Are we ready to leave Coin? Then, take the A366 towards Ronda and start to marvel seeing how green becomes more and more evident on both sides of the road. arable fields, fruit trees, gigantic eucalyptus trees and hundreds of pines will follow one another behind the windows, along a path that ascends and descends slightly, offering beautiful perspectives about the surroundings.

When the town of Tolox crosses your path, deviate until you enter it and reach the Spa , founded in 1867. It is the only one in Spain specialized in the respiratory system, since its waters give off a very suitable gas for it. You can take advantage of their treatments From May to October , and stay at the hotel that bears his name, established in 1870.

The Tolox Spa has been a sanatorium since the 19th century

The Tolox Spa has been a sanatorium since the 19th century

In addition, you cannot leave without visiting what for us is the star attraction of the place: the River of the Horses trail - Charca de la Virgen , an absolutely fascinating place that in spring will treat you to leafy forests of a thousand colors and mighty pools fed by small waterfalls.


We return to the A366 to head for Alozaina, a small white village in steep and winding cobblestones and views on Jorox valley. It preserves traces of each of the phases of its past, which begins in prehistory, and has as its maximum reference to Mary Sagredo, heroin who defended the enclave during the Moorish invasion.

Give yourself some time to explore this municipality slowly and admire yourself with the flirtatious of its streets, to have some tapas in their traditional bars and to merge with your providential calm , in which you will feel like staying to live. Or at least, to sleep, which you can do in the middle of the nature of the area, in the original Airstream 'Glamping' .

The most original accommodation in the Sierra de las Nieves

The most original accommodation in the Sierra de las Nieves

The next morning, when you continue on your way to the romantic Ronda, be sure to stop at the Jorox Lookout , which rises next to the road showing a idyllic picture . This village of Alozaina, which had 24 inhabitants in 2012, seems out of a child's imagination.

How else to explain his waterfall in the middle of the town, under the terrace of the only bar in the area? The same, by the way, constantly changes its cause, since all the neighboring lands are nourished by it thanks to a system of ditches and pools of Arab origin.

The magical village of Jorox

The magical village of Jorox


The road continues to open and close in increasingly pronounced curves, in an overwhelming postcard reminiscent of those mountain passes that precede the ski resorts. Now, the predominant landscape is light in color, as we have reached the white mountains area , composed of large massifs of sedimentary origin.

We thus arrive at Yunquera, where we will make a stop to eat, which you will especially appreciate. the most carnivorous . The place is called The Kitchen of the Tendrils , and it has a wood-burning oven from which excellent roasts , although they are also absolutely enjoyable lamb stew croquettes , as well as the cheese of the region, which they serve in salads.

Once we have satisfied our appetite, it will be time to eat lunch, which we will achieve thanks to a dream route more typical of the Alps that of the Costa del Sol. We talked about the path Caucón - Tajo de la Caina , which crosses one of the few fir forests that exist in the world.

This species of fir, ice age survivor and shaped like the perfect Christmas tree, it is the star of the Sierra de las Nieves. Here it is found in the hundreds, producing a elegant contrast when confronting its dark green against the white of the limestone mountains and the ocher of the earth. Luckily, it is easy to enjoy panoramic views of this chromatic paradise from the many natural viewpoints that you will find along the way.

However, when night falls and the color fades, another show will emerge in the same place: that of l the celestial stars, that shine brightly here thanks to the low light pollution . And if you want to see them in detail, come to astrolab , where they organize theme nights for bring astronomy closer to the ordinary citizen.

The beauty of the pinsapar impresses

The beauty of the pinsapar impresses


During the next stretch, the variegated groves will give way to a more plateau landscape , populated mostly by fields of olive trees and cereals . Still, her simple and open beauty, curdled with terrifying ravines, will leave us speechless.

soon we will get to The Burg , another one of those little towns that have preserved in their streets the to the peace of past times, and well worth a leisurely stroll. it will be unavoidable stop at your river , the Polecat, which appears and disappears as we walk through the place, giving rise to liquid and picturesque recesses that we will surely want to photograph: the medieval ditch , the waterfall of the Dam, the Fuensanta Mill...

The road gains in contrast as we approach Ronda

The road gains in contrast as we approach Ronda

However, to see the most imposing landscape of the town we will have to get back in the car and drive about ten minutes on the A366. There is the Forest Ranger Lookout , from which we can appreciate, once again, the diversity of the Sierra de las Nieves with just a glance.

Under your feet they will spread white rocks ; before your eyes, they will emerge pinsapares, pine forests, oak forests, cork oak forests and gall oaks , and the elevated perspective will allow you an impressive panoramic view of the Sierra de las Nieves, which in this area was bandit shelter . In fact, until 1934 it was territory of the last Andalusian bandit , Juan José Mingolla, or what is the same, long steps , a rogue whose story is worth knowing.


Before reaching our destination, a new stop is necessary, this time at the Mountain Goat Viewpoint -undoubtedly, the most characteristic animal of the mountains-. there, about an imposing karst massif that seems to cut the sky in two, it's easy see flying eagles and griffon vultures , among many other species. Take a seat, what the show is guaranteed.

After having contemplated the flapping of wings of these formidable birds, we must get into the car one last time. Now yes, we will not stop until we reach Ronda, which is already very close waiting for us with his stately 19th century architecture , making the dream of the romantic traveler come true with his buildings on the brink of the abyss. We could say more about this city singular and inimitable , but we already did it: we warn you that ** has 'charme' **, and that it is the right place if what you want is have a perfect weekend. Enjoy it!

Ronda awaits you with its miraculous landscapes

Ronda awaits you with its miraculous landscapes

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