What if we go to Matalascañas now that there are no people?


summer is far away … although there are destinations like Huelva –and its beautiful Matalascañas beach– where the light keeps reminding other seasons... Besides, it's always autumn when we miss the tan days endlessly under the sun of the beach, those days in which we let ourselves be inundated by that mixture of aromas from a beach bar that does not close, a bottle of sunscreen and a sea ​​breeze which is still hot.

This happens with destinations that are usually crowded in the summer months, especially in the south of Spain. And now that all those Beaches have been cleared, the time has come for those who enjoy the latest vacation, those who don't want to fight over a reservation at a restaurant. And so we have come to Matalascañas, out of season, who said fear?


One of the events that has put Matalascanas on the map of tourist interest occurred in February of this year, when under the clayey sands of the Asperillo beach Have been found Neanderthal footprints. And it is possible that a group of Neanderthals settled in this area more than a hundred thousand years ago due to the presence of fresh water, making Matalascañas the Deposit neanderthal oldest in the world no more no less.

Matalascañas is one of the beach destinations most visited in all Andalusia. The proximity to Seville, the quality of its beach (the blue flag is usual every year), its generous gastronomy and the coat of Donana are the keys to taking advantage of this town in Huelva that in autumn it is better to visit than ever.

Castilla beach with remains of the Torre de la Higuera Matalascañas Huelva.

Playa de Castilla, with remains of the Torre de la Higuera, Matalascañas, Huelva.

It's time to leave the backpack and walk through its more than five kilometers of coastline from the border with the Doñana National Park to Torre de la Higuera Beach, through a promenade that invites you to discover beach bars that smell of fish between companies dedicated to the rental of equipment for water sports. The sand of Matalascañas beach is golden and fine, and the sea ​​water, although much colder for being November, it is crystal clear.

The history of Matalascañas revolves around the Fig Tree Tower, that exists since, at the end of the 16th century, Felipe II insisted on defending the coast from the invaders, building up to five beacon towers.

Today, the Torre de la Higuera is the most characteristic photo of Matalascañas, in Playa de Castilla, where you can see how the sea wants to swallow what remains of this tower defense that fell demolished in the year 1755 with the earthquake of Lisbon. The sunsets on this beach have that film photography that always appears in all the guides.

Dunes Park in Matascañas Huelva.

Dune Park.

From this beach starts a boardwalk that goes into the National Park and that it is well worth continuing just for the views you get of the coast view from above.

Although without a doubt, now that there are no people, one of the most rewarding activities is the possibility of going through the Dunes Park paragliding, one of the most demanded adventures in the summer months but that is now in autumn when best enjoyed. because now you can fly over the dunes observing how the sea fights with the sand without that swarm of people that crowd the paths and trails that lead to the beach.


One of the most appreciated things about dropping by Matalascañas now that everyone has left is that the beach bars are still open and there is no need to kill yourself for a free table.

And there are some restaurants in the promenade that in summer are impossible, as is the case of Toucan, one of the beach bars that have been around for almost three decades Oceanfront serving a marinated dogfish that would delight himself Hemingway if he still lived. Anchovies, cuttlefish, shrimp from Huelva … a scandal.

Selection of mushrooms 'made in Huelva'

Mushrooms ‘made in’ Huelva.

Because autumn makes us discover things of this area of ​​Huelva that perhaps would have gone unnoticed by the constant glare from the beaches, paellas and mojitos first afternoon. Now in autumn we know that in this part of Huelva they know a lot about cook rabbit, and that in Matalascañas there is also picturesque inns where to put on boots roasted, in stew or with rice, it will be for options!

One of those places where you feel at home is in Matalascañas in the Uncle Paco's Tavern, located in the Plaza de las Begonias.

The name of this tavern is already a declaration of intentions, well manifested in Iberian ham dishes on barrels that serve as a table, a nod to the local wines from Huelva and a grandmother-style cod that could be the king of cod confit if there were a kingdom to crown it. that and his octopus bread, which will be what every local will recommend when you go to Tío Paco's call. And now, there is a table.

Doñana in Huelva.

Live in a natural paradise.


The only access that can be done on foot to the beach is on Matalascañas beach. Doñana national park. What is useful to know is that to access the park you have to follow some rules very strict for the perfect conservation of the precious natural space that we have.

The station itself reserves of the Doñana National Park allows the possibility of discovering this natural paradise in a thousand ways, many of them collapsed in the spring and summer months. Now in autumn the ideal is book ATV tours that are made through the park, an adventure that takes a whole morning and that is especially interesting in October and November.

Bus from the Doñana National Park in Huelva.

Autumn colors in Doñana.

It is in these months when migratory birds have already crossed central Europe and they roam in Doñana, under the ringing of the last rattles of the deer bellowing. Doñana Park is right now the scene of the imperial eagle, where it begins its autumn show soaring through the air.

Although without a doubt, the most rewarding adventure is the one lived in African airs, located in the Parque de las Dunas. These animal lovers take us to cross Doñana on a camel, From the perspective of the incipient ecotourism, a sustainable proposal that now in autumn is much easier to reserve. And it is no longer because there is less demand, it is that riding a camel when the Huelva sun is hot in July is talking about big words. Now that problem does not exist. Now there is only pleasure.


Along the promenade there are many trails to the dunes and towards Doñana, which in summer is filled with tourists on bicycles, running or simply strolling. almost now There are no people who can spoil your photo.

In Matalascañas there is a museum very curious, he of the Beacon Tower. Inside it houses an Interpretation Center of the Doñana coastline with incredible views of the coastline. Outside, in addition to a Botanical Garden, has a space where they live black tortoises.

As a curiosity, in Matalascañas a Marine World Museum in 2002 that, in just a decade, had to close due to lack of liquidity. At present, it is completely abandoned and nothing is done despite occupying part of the protected natural space.

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