Guided meditation: treat yourself to 30 minutes of relaxation


Sonia Ferr soul of MasQi guides us in this traveling meditation

Sonia Ferré, soul of MasQi, guides us in this traveling meditation

You need to forget about what surrounds you, lower the revolutions of your crazy head and get out of here, even if it's just for a little while. We know, the same thing happens to us. That is why we propose this meditation guided by Sonia Ferre, soul and essence of Mas Qi, The Energy House, a space for retreat and personal growth located within the Sierra de Mariola Natural Park, Alicante. Just the place we would love to be right now.

Since the confinement began, Sonia is taking advantage of the possibilities of the online world to help those who want to adopt a more conscious way of life and, from the "MasQi retreat at home" offers daily **yoga classes, **gong concerts and Tibetan stories, talks with doctors, therapists and specialists, macrobiotic recipes and various activities aimed at strengthening our immune system and providing energy, vitality, happiness and health. She has even organized a detox program of several days.

For us, for all of you Condé Nast Traveler readers, she has made this meditation that will make us not only relax, but also travel.

“When you do a meditation you have two possibilities: to concentrate on some very specific point, such as the breathing, body sensations, the senses, the sounds that reach you, etc.; or take your focus a little further, more expanded, outside the physical body. It is not just about getting out of the physical sensations of your body but about travel with the mind And that is what we are going to do with this meditation that I propose to you”, explains Sonia.

“For those who are not used to meditating, this technique can help them to be less distracted. And furthermore, you can get to do amazing things like, for example, fly”, Sonia tells us with her usual enthusiasm. “You start by visualizing yourself sitting where you are and little by little you start to come out of your space through the ceiling and see what would be around you if you were physically up there on the rooftops, and then you keep going up... It's amazing but you can actually feel the air blowing on your face! The experience is incredible.

It is the power of visualization. “The ultimate goal is to relax, stop being aware of our concerns, problems, Of the pains, also of the joys. It's about unplugging." And in this visualization, the sounds help. “At MasQi, next to the pool, we have a spring . Is always full of birdies. I placed myself there on purpose so that the trills and the water could be heard. We are all so in need of nature that the simple fact of recreating ourselves in them I thought could provide pleasant sensations”.

That's how comfortable it is in MasQi in the Sierra de Mariola National Park

That's how comfortable it is in MasQi, in the Sierra de Mariola National Park

For those who claim that meditating makes them more nervous Still, that "sitting down and not thinking" is not her thing, Sonia has some advice. “If you are nervous or very active, stopping suddenly is difficult. It is best to do some physical exercise beforehand: some yoga, a series of sun salutations, even some cardio or any activity of a certain intensity that tires you out and makes you want to stop, to rest. The idea is that this meditation can also be done lying down”. So, lying down and so at ease, the difficulty is not to fall asleep. “Indeed, the objective is not to fall asleep and to remain attentive throughout the visualization, but look, if someone falls asleep because they are very tired, it is a lesser evil. What it takes is practice. This has happened to all of us at the beginning. We identify closing our eyes with going to sleep and that also requires a process. There are different types of meditation and I always advice to experiment and see for yourself what suits you best, see which one you connect with more”. Simply sitting down, closing your eyes, and counting ten deep breaths can be a perfect start.


Entrance road to the main house of MasQi, The Energy House

“This thing about meditating is leaving your mind blank is a mistake. The mind works." Sonya warns. "How I connect with that calm is a practice, a training. Just like you exercise a biceps lifting weights, the mind is trained to bring the attention to the point of concentration, be it the breath or, as in this case, a visualization and follow the voice that guides you”.

What there is is not to be scared or discouraged. “Many times, when we feel that our mind is going at full speed, when there are many thoughts, it does not mean that the meditation is not being done well. Simply we become aware of how our mind is at that moment”. Without judgment. Without trying to change anything. **If you disperse, nothing happens, you just have to watch. **

In MasQi the superpowers we have are discovered

In MasQi the superpowers we have are discovered

“The practice of meditation makes you more resistant to difficult moments, it helps you to cultivate an inner calm, to react less, to be more loving, more compassionate… Many qualities are developed to live better and happier”. The simple fact of doing something, a little yoga, a few breaths, a simple relaxation, is always a success. And a gift we give ourselves.

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