A walk through the 1,500 works of art of the Four Seasons Madrid


The hotel jewel of Galería Canalejas, the new icon of luxury in Madrid, also hides many other gems. The figurehead is in the form of an imposing sculpture of KAWS presiding over the elegant lobby and, curiously (because of the contrast), fits perfectly into the idiosyncrasies of the hotel and of the city itself.

For those who do not know, after these four letters -KAWS- is artist brian donnelly (New Jersey, 1974), a world reference in art and one of the most influential artists today. Acclaimed by critics and the public, his works are part of collections relevant and museums. "Recently, a retrospective with more than a hundred of his works was held at the Brooklyn Museum," he reminds us. Paloma Fernández-Iriondo, Art Project Manager of the Four Seasons Madrid.

Detail of 'Along de Way' by KAWS in the lobby of the Four Seasons Madrid

Detail of 'Along de Way', by KAWS, in the lobby of the Four Seasons Madrid.

Paloma gives us a background on this very special work: “The presence in the lobby of the Four Seasons Madrid from Along the Way, play made in 2013 and that was selected to be part of the KAWS exhibition. Final Days, held in 2014 at the Contemporary Art Center in Malaga, is a great international gateway to the collection of emerging Spanish artists and, at the same time, an exit door and projection of these artists that, like KAWS, began training in college”.

“It is also an example of how past and present can coexist in the 21st century, in the same way that the art of the past and that of the present can become complementary and form an integrated whole”, she adds.

KAWS's 'Along de Way' in the lobby of the Four Seasons Madrid

'Along de Way', by KAWS, in the lobby of the Four Seasons Madrid.

Definitely, "in that continuous quest of the American artist to 'democratize' art, the presence of KAWS at the Four Seasons in Madrid contributes to position the city in the international art map, causing a knock-on effect for art lovers, both guests and visitors to the hotel", explains Paloma about this sculpture that has been loaned to the hotel by Mark Scheinberg, founder of the global investment company Mohari Hospitality.

Mohari is co-owner of the Centro Canalejas Madrid building, in which the hotel is located. As Scheinberg himself expresses, it is a work "visually very contemporary, but it represents traditional and enduring values ​​of collaboration, cooperation and mutual support”.

The presence of this artistic treasure, which not only guests but any curious passerby can freely contemplate looking out of the lobby (we encourage you to do so), is just the tip of the iceberg of a large-scale artistic project that has led Paloma to become familiar with the plans and elevations of the hotel, its spaces and their meanings, to the point of perhaps becoming the person who knows the Four Seasons Madrid best.

Work 'Starry Night' by Eduardo Prez Cabrero at the Four Seasons Madrid

Work 'Starry Night' by Eduardo Pérez Cabrero, on the hotel stairs.

“My goal was to create a collection that reflected the vitality of contemporary Spanish creation before an international audience and to help promote the careers of emerging artists, to present them together with other established creators of Spanish art and to project their talent to the world”, summarizes Paloma about a job that has led her to select thousands of pieces that make up a coherent speech, while confer uniqueness to each room and nook and cranny of this five-star from Madrid.

The artistic project has been developed for five years, and it has been a job done parallel to the transformation of the seven historic buildings that make up the Four Seasons hotel in Madrid.


What has been the reception of such a task? “Since the first day of its inauguration, in September 2020, guest calls to the hotel concierge showing interest in the exhibited works have been constant: a sculpture, photograph or canvas that the customer might trip over in a hallway, in his room, in the different spaces of the hotel where the collection has been arranged, which reaches fifteen hundred works”, says Paloma.

Paloma Fernández Iriondo Art Project Manager of the Four Seasons Madrid

Paloma Fernández Iriondo, Art Project Manager of the Four Seasons Madrid.

As a curious anecdote, she tells Condé Nast Traveler that in those early days, a guest called and commented on her interest in a work located in one of the corridors. At first, Paloma understood that she was interested in acquiring the artist's work similar to the one on display. “Later I realized that what I wanted was that specific work”.

“Within the culture of the Four Seasons and in accordance with one of the priorities of the chain, which is to satisfy the needs and tastes of its most demanding customers, In a matter of hours, the work was ready to travel, underlines Paloma. We can talk about anecdote, since the collection is permanent although all the artists have their portfolios to offer the client works that arouse their interest”.

Sculpture by Jos Chfer in a suite at the Four Seasons Madrid

Sculpture by José Cháfer at the Four Seasons Madrid.

It is the first time that this art expert has worked on a project of this type. “And it wasn't easy to do it,” he admits. when I meet before one of the biggest challenges of my professional career, I wondered where to start. Actually, what were the questions I should ask myself? He had to find out what elements he had to consider first of all, to make a far-reaching proposal that would allow me to move forward and go molding what I was already beginning to conceive as an exceptional art collection, that it was not a simple accumulation of objects”, she explains to us.

“For example, first of all, the space: the hotel itself and the Madrid Canalejas Center complex, of which it is a part, ”she continues. “Immediately you could sense that it was a unique work, both for its large dimensions and the architectural complexity that it has, as for its location in the heart of Madrid.

Art at the Four Seasons Madrid

Pilar Cavestany's painting in the Royal Suite, behind a lamp selected by BAMO San Francisco.

With the premise that the collection would be representative of current Spanish art, Paloma followed two lines of action. One supported by emerging Spanish artists who had to leave the calls of the four seasons competition in universities, and another based on works by established artists that would help to shore up the structure of the collection.

Pigeon studied art history and her professional career in this world began in 1989 when she joined Sotheby's Madrid, in the Department of Ancient Painting, which she some time later directed.

“During those years I had the opportunity to organize auctions and get to know the international art market in depth, attending auctions mainly in New York and London, that at that time were the centers of world art, and forging my career from parameters that would later serve as a guide and values ​​throughout my life: rigorous academic vision, ability to visualize the different factors that affect an art sale and a continuous monitoring of the market at an international level”, she recalls.

Art at the Four Seasons Hotel Madrid

Paintings by Lucrecia Pascual, in a suite at the Four Seasons Madrid hotel.

In 2000, Fernández-Iriondo joined as director to one of the most important art collections created in our country in the last twenty years, advising and buying works both in the national and international markets that would end up becoming one of the most important collections of Spanish art from the fifteenth to the twenty-first century.

“I think that when one wears whole life dedicated to art in its different facets, the know-how ends up being inherent to the person. Having had to face great challenges in my career possibly moved a pretty solid image for a big project that required commitment and professionalism”, says Paloma when we ask her about the possible reasons for her appointment as Art Project Manager of the Four Seasons Madrid.

Art at the Four Seasons Hotel Madrid

Painting by the Madrid artist Eduardo Martin Del Pozo in the Presidential Suite.


Paloma loves to travel. "Coming into contact with other cultures, landscapes, people... has always enriched me enormously, has opened new horizons for me both personally and professionally, whether it was walking through the Atacama Desert (Chile) or touring the Frick Collection in New York,” she says.

we want to know what world hotels with art collections have impressed him and counts among them The Fife Arms (Scotland) and Villa la Coste in Provence (France). Has anyone served as a role model for you? “There are many hotels that are currently committed to art as a differentiating element and a unique experience to offer your customers,” she replies.

And she adds: "Until now, art projects in hotels have rarely been approached as a collection," she says. In some cases they house ensembles where artists of the stature of Picasso or Bacon mix with works by current artists with great impact on the international market. I cannot say that any of these hotels have served as a model for the Four Seasons Madrid art project, but inspiration in considering art as a differentiating element, either from a high budget or with a more contained one”.

She herself has been able to enjoy the result. "I recently spent a weekend at the Four Seasons Hotel Madrid – she concludes – and the experience was incredible. Being able to tour the hotel as a simple spectator after having worked on its art collection over the past five years allowed me to see it in some perspective and appreciate the added value that art brings to the most luxurious hotel in Madrid”.

Stroll with her through the corridors of this magnificent five-star of the capital is also an immeasurable experience. Each corner of it hosts a work that it fits perfectly with its light, its textures, its functionality (or lack thereof)... and the selection of each piece (eye, there is no repetition or reproductions) seems like a long process and not easy at all.

“The most complex were the first moments of making contact. It was necessary not to lose sight of the history of the buildings that today have become the Four Seasons hotel and its nineteenth-century essence, as well as its relevant role in shaping the past and present image of the center of Madrid”, explains Paloma.

ISA Cocktail Bar at the Four Seasons Madrid

Work by Sandra Val in the new Isa cocktail bar at the Four Seasons Madrid.

The most rewarding? “To see how five years of intense work have resulted in a collection of emerging Spanish art for the hotel. Interact with all artists and institutions who have been part of the project has been a unique experience”.

Among so much talent, Paloma finds it difficult, as is logical, to highlight the work of one or another artist. "The selection has been so thoughtful that all student artists should be mentioned and I am delighted to announce that, early next year, A catalog of the collection will be published in which all of them will be represented".

Art at the Four Seasons Madrid

Sculpture by José Cháfer in an elevator area of ​​the hotel.

"Nerea Garzon, with the big pictures of her in the halls; Sandra Vale, with Ella's Hybrid Garden, intervention carried out on the roof of the Isa restaurant, which plans to open next December; the young Irene Perena, with his large collages on paper for different public spaces of the hotel, or Jesus Crespo and the powerful brushwork of her work at Dani Garcia's restaurant are just a few of the many excellent artists we've been able to bring together,” she adds.

Once her work as curator is over, Paloma continues to be in contact with the hotel in many different ways: assisting clients who may be interested in the work exhibiting and working with the artists on other new adventures. "The collection is young and very alive, what it will do in the future that actions can be considered around it”.

Cristina Almodóvar's painting at the Four Seasons Madrid

Cristina Almodóvar's painting at the Four Seasons Madrid.

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