The Depot: the world's first open-to-the-public art warehouse


The Depot Rotterdam

Rotterdam opens the world's first art repository.

Rotterdam does not seem to want to lose its position as the architectural capital of Europe. If we are already impressed with constructions as atypical as their Cube Houses, the next chapter of innovation comes from the hand of Depot Boijmans Van Beuningen, the world's first publicly accessible art store.

The new season of the city's architecture is made up of a groundbreaking space covered in mirrors that will allow everyone know the entrails of a museum . Really, what goes on behind the scenes and how to manage all the art that we miss in a conventional museum.

This delivery will arrive in September 2021 and will land in the center of Rotterdam, in Museumpark . At first glance, there are those who may think that it is a simple warehouse, but from its design to its operation, passing through its purpose, The Depot transmits a message in each of its corners . Actually, it is an act of artistic, sustainable and architectural generosity.


Due to the volume of works that a traditional museum receives, its capacity to exhibit them resides solely between six and seven percent . Keep in mind that these spaces follow temporary and artistic lines that force them to organize these works with a meaning that be consistent for the visitor.

Nevertheless, The Depot does not group materials by artist, period, or art movement. . In this case, and according to their identity, the objects will be stored according to the climatic conditions necessary to preserve them . Thus, each space will have different circumstances: cold or warm air, humid or dry environment...

Visitors from space this time yes they will be able to access the complete collections . Nothing remains hidden in this deposit, quite the contrary. You will be able to discover the work that goes into maintaining an art compilation, assist in conservation and restoration processes , even to the way of packaging and transporting them.

The Depot Rotterdam

The Depot will land in downtown Rotterdam in 2021.

The Depot will have 151,000 works neither more nor less, open in its entirety to the public. They will meet wrapped, on shelves, or imposing showcases that will hang from the gallery, taking into account that this deposit is precisely in charge of their protection.

To visit those artifacts that require total darkness such as prints, drawings or photographs Attendees will need to submit an application. And as for movies and videos, a special screening room will be set up for your care.

The Depot, however, has wanted to give more of itself. Apart from these spaces dedicated to the maintenance of art, it will also have with exhibition halls to use . But there will also be room for a leafy roof garden and even a restaurant.


As we already announced at the beginning of the article, nothing is the product of chance in this artistic temple. The Depot embodies a commitment inside, but also outside . His design, work of the architecture studio MVRDV is specially designed in a way sustainable from start to finish.

Obviously, in the first place it fulfills the clear function of blending in with the surroundings of Rotterdam and continue to maintain that architectural legacy that puts them at the forefront of originality and innovation. They are about 39.5 meters high with an oval shape and covered with mirrors , which in itself makes it a rather unusual work of art.

The Depot Rotterdam

The Depot breathes art inside and out.

It is precisely in that way where the responsibility of construction begins . The simulation of a bowl means that the largest part of the building is on the roof, which visibly reduces your footprint on the floor , being the place with the smallest surface.

As if it were a tree growing, the park space that will replace The Depot automatically moves to its highest part . That is to say, that roof that will recreate what looks like a garden of delights, it really is a way of represent the part of the park that will be affected due to the location of the building.

Thus, that forest that will give much to talk about will be made up of 75 birch trees of different heights that have been planted for three years. all of it on a rooftop located on the sixth floor and that, for obvious reasons, will grant one of the best views of the city , which will make it, together with the complete context, an idyllic space.

The mirror that surrounds the building is not about a compact surface, but about 1,664 panels arranged side by side . This design was devised this way so that it would literally reflect its surroundings . This way, when looking from The Depot, you will still see the surrounding trees and vegetation.

The Depot Rotterdam

The rooftop, on the sixth floor, will offer one of the best views of the city.

Finally, this altruism in the design is joined by a specifically oriented operation to the reduction of energy use . Solar panels or LED lighting will be just some of the measures taken, which also include rainwater storage in the basement , in order to use it for irrigation and baths.

The Depot seems to have been created under the philosophy of "give to receive" . The possibility of seeing works of art with a new perspective , the clear intention of not harm the environment with its construction and the goal of continuing to contribute amazing buildings in the city , three characteristics that seem to be in perfect harmony with Rotterdam.

The Depot Rotterdam

The Depot: one more reason to go to the architectural capital of Europe, Rotterdam.

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