Sanlúcar de Barrameda will be the Spanish Capital of Gastronomy in 2022


It's official: Sanlucar de Barrameda It will be the Spanish Capital of Gastronomy in 2022. This was announced this Friday, November 19, within the framework of INTUR (Inland Tourism Show) , held in Valladolid.

Thus, the Region of Murcia, Spanish Capital of Gastronomy 2021 , will hand over the baton to Sanlúcar de Barrameda, who will take possession of the position next January 1 and will keep it until December 31, 2022.

This award annually recognizes the city or autonomous community most committed to promoting gastronomy as an attraction of a tourist destination.

During this first day of the fair, the Jury has deliberated on the various projects presented and subsequently, at the stand of the Capital, has proceeded to the opening of the envelope containing the name of Sanlúcar.

Enrique Pascual García, President of the DO Ribera del Duero, was in charge of announcing the winning project.

The cities that have held the title of Spanish Capital of Gastronomy to date and that make up the Gastrocities Network are: Logroño (2012), Burgos (2013), Vitoria (2014), Cáceres (2015), Toledo (2016), Huelva (2017), León (2018), Almeria (2019) and Region of Murcia (2020 and 2021).

Sanlúcar de Barrameda pure essence of Cadiz

Sanlúcar de Barrameda: pure essence of Cadiz


We already told you about it in its day, and we will not tire of repeating it: Sanlúcar is to eat it. For sample, its throbbing Food Market, visited by both neighbors and tourists; its historic cellars –such as Barbadillo or La Gitana, which add up to several centuries of wine history under the D.O. Chamomile Sanlucar de Barrameda.

Prawns, chamomile, little fish, products from the garden... There are many things to celebrate and savor in Sanlucar, which has just become the first city that, without being the capital of the province, rises with the Spanish Capital of Gastronomy.

The more than 150 restaurant businesses in the city are in luck and have already begun the celebration, which is also added to the V Centenary of the First Circumnavigation of the World, also included by the City Council in its campaign, whose slogan says: "Sanlucar de Barrameda. The World, Around and Around”.

Manzanilla advertisement in Sanlúcar de Barrameda.

Sanlúcar de Barrameda smells like chamomile.


On October 19, at the headquarters of Valladolid Fair , the collaboration agreement was signed between INTUR (Interior Tourism Show) and Spanish Capital of Gastronomy (CEG). According to said agreement, INTUR would be the stage where the name of the city chosen as Spanish Capital of Gastronomy 2022.

The document that established the collaboration between both institutions was signed by Albert Alonso, director general of Feria de Valladolid, and Mariano Palacin, President of the Spanish Capital of Gastronomy and of FEPET (Spanish Federation of Tourism Journalists), promoters of the award.

“INTUR has managed to consolidate itself as the leading fair in Spain in the promotion of inland tourism. INTUR is the best platform for promoting national inland destinations and gastronomy stands out as one of its main attractions”, he highlighted. Mariano Palacin , president of the Spanish Capital of Gastronomy (CEG).

Bodegas Hidalgo La Gitana

Bodegas Hidalgo La Gitana.

Likewise, Palacín stressed that “Valladolid has undeniable gastronomic values ​​that cannot be ignored. There is its consolidated pinchos and tapas contest that attracts both national and international attention. We would be pleased if Valladolid decided to repeat its candidacy for the Gastronomic Capital in 2023 just as I already tried in 2012”.

"Ten years later, Valladolid has a great opportunity to obtain this award which is the most efficient platform for promoting gastronomic tourism. Valladolid has undeniable arguments in its favour: everyone knows that they eat very well here and have the privilege of being the capital of Ribera del Duero wine”, he concluded.

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