Roadtrip through the Alentejo Coast: the paradise of surfers



Beach, waves and Portugal: perfection

The Alentejo as a whole is the largest region in the country. The coastal zone, as its name suggests, is delimited by the coast. Surfers come here in vans and caravans in search of the perfect wave . Kilometers of deserted beach with no trace of construction. Only sea, sky and nature. That is the great treasure of this area of ​​the Portuguese coast. In the strong swell of the Atlantic Y the wildness of the beaches of the Alentejo Litoral, surfers find the perfect ingredients to fully enjoy their passion.

Praia do Tonel in Sagres

Praia do Tonel in Sagres

From the south of Lisbon to the shores of the ** Algarve **, the Alentejo Litoral extends over the Atlantic like a wild coast in many points, with long beaches of golden sand. An area that is perfect for touring on the road.

And yes, the beaches are truly from another planet. The cold water. If that is not a problem, here you will find some of the best beaches in the Iberian Peninsula. And with much less people than usual for our coastal latitudes.

Cape Espichel

Cape Espichel


Before entering the Alentejo proper and once Lisbon has been left behind, Caparica coast is mandatory . With his more than 30 kilometers of chained beaches , is one of the favorite beach destinations of the Lisbon people.

The beaches closest to Lisbon are more crowded, but as one moves away, on the way to Corporal Espichel, sandbanks like the one in Meco they are presented immense and with plenty of space for that longed-for tranquility.

south of the Setúbal Peninsula, The Arrábida Natural Park, lush and rugged, offers pleasant golden sand beaches surrounded by exuberant nature. But it is not until leaving the Setúbal Peninsula behind that one fully enters the Alentejo.

Costa Caparica

Costa Caparica


The first stop is Porto-Covo . Situated on low cliffs, this charming town proudly displays its cobblestone streets swirl around the plaza at the north end.

Some houses that are painted in an immaculate white, with blue baseboards and clay tiles. From the top, in the town, there are paths that go down to the port and to the Samouqueira beach.

Typical houses of Porto Covo

Typical houses of Porto Covo

Among Porto Covo and Vila Nova de Milfontes there is a unique beach: Malhao. With its stone dunes and covered in fragrant bushes, it is one of the lesser-known beaches in this area. The reason? Its complicated accessibility. Only that and a great incentive... Its extensive sandbank is more than adequate for lovers of surfing. There is also space for naturists.




Follow the path, always heading south, towards another of the obligatory stops on a route along the Alentejo coast: Vila Nova de Milfontes . Glistening beaches and whitewashed buildings make this town an attractive place to rest. In the heart of Southwest Alentejo and Costa Vicentina Natural Park, Vila Nova de Milfontes offers beaches such as the Praia do Farol, next to the town.

Another of the places that one cannot fail to visit on this route through the southwest of Ajente is Zambujeira do Mar, already on the way to the beginning of the Algarve. Here the attraction is also that of the wild beaches, which rest protected by steep cliffs. The town is small, with a few quiet alleys. Zambujeira is one hundred percent surfer territory and it shows in every corner.

Zambujeira do Mar

Zambujeira do Mar


Way to cape st vincent, the most southwestern point of the European continent, the Sierra Vicentina Natural Park , confers much of the attractiveness to the area. It is what has allowed this Portuguese corner to remain less exploited than other areas of the country. The Algarve begins here, but much more slowly than the south coast, marking a continuity with the Alentejo.

Just 25 kilometers from Zambujeira, we will meet Odeceixe . A fundamentally white town, located under a hill crowned by a postcard windmill. Its beach calls vacationers, with a tongue of sand that extends into the mouth of the river , flanked by impressive cliffs. Around here surfing is also religion.



Arrifana It is presented as a seductive cove surrounded, of course, by cliffs. Very popular among surfers, the area has several schools to learn to catch waves that never fail to meet you. To this display of indescribable beaches we must add that of Border , a gigantic tongue of white sand that is almost lost on the horizon.

She adds and continues. The do Amado beach It is one of the best known by surfers in the country. It is south of Carrapateira , a fishing village that is also a surfer on all four sides. Amado is a kilometer-long sandbank that faces the force of the waves. It houses a surf camp , very suitable for those who want to learn to surf.




Shortly before arriving at cape st vincent, where it seems that the world ends, a series of small beaches ( Castelejo, Cordoama, Barriga ) also protected by cliffs are equally excellent for surfers, sports fishermen and nature lovers.

Sagres, already turning Cabo San Vicente, puts the finishing touch to the route along the southwest coast of Portugal. This town is devoted to surfing and in its streets it is possible to breathe the passion for this sport, which draws thousands of devotees every year to this remote and quiet part of Europe. Nature and sport go hand in hand in the Portuguese corner that still keeps many secrets to be discovered by the visitor.





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