Menus of the day in Madrid: Arganzuela


Facade of the premises on Bolívar de Buenas y Santas street

Healthy, holy and good

USKAR _ (Alonso del Barco, 11) _

Possibly one of the most careful menus in the area. uskar, the modern restaurant of the Valdivieso brothers , also a meeting place for lovers of the bar, includes a daily menu where there is no lack of oriental winks . The menu we ate included a Mr. vegetable ramen and rice noodles first, a baked sea bream with the aroma of kaffir lime and a dessert. The pasta with zucchini and prawns was the first option and the Galician lacón was the second option. Price: €12.50

GOOD TASTE _(Santa Maria de la Cabeza, 60) _

Without at doubt it is one of the fetish Chinese restaurants in the capital , and not only because of the photo that the owners have with the king in his living room. His eagerness to offer dishes different from the Chinese to which we are already accustomed has led us to find products as unusual in Western Chinese as offal. And although he is not short of detractors, the fascinating thing is being able to "negotiate" the content of the daily menu with rarities on the menu . Starting from €12, which is what the daily menu costs, you can customize your meal of the day with shark fin, scallops in tempura or even tripe . Imagination to the power.

LA TOUCHE FRANCE _(Granite, 20) _

Is there the possibility of traveling to France at a price of just over 10 euros? Yes you can, and the option can be found in the district of Arganzuela, very close to the Planetarium. This small French restaurant hides gems in the form of pâtés and duck magrét. The menu , which is only served between daily, could consist of Vol-au-vent of seafood preceding a Hungarian goulash and a dessert . Two starters and two main courses to choose from, although you can always fatten up your budget by asking for a cheese board to close. Price: €12.50

GOOD AND HOLY _ (Bolivar 9) _

It is always positive to demystify Argentine cuisine , leaving aside the famous grilled meat and opening other avenues. That is the goal pursued by Buenas y Santas, an Argentine close to the Matadero who opted for organic products and home cooking. The menu is weekly, and you can find a starter onion soup that, without a doubt, is one of its great successes . Second, it is not possible to resist their fabulous Argentine empanadas, cooked with love, affection and care, with chicken, onion, cheese or meat. Another hype is the brochettes, accompanied by grilled vegetables from the garden . Price: €11

Good and Holy in Bolívar 9

Good and Holy in Bolívar, 9 (Madrid)

A CANADA DELIC EXPERIENCE _(Alonso del Barco, 4) _

Without a doubt the king of the cachopos of the district of Arganzuela . Although the claim began with its octopus a feira, its Galician tapas and its La Penúltima cider, it is the cachopo menu that has become an institution in a very short time, to the point of jumping into the pool with it in the world of delivery. The cachopo menu , suitable 'for two people includes a mammoth cachopo to choose from a thousand varieties, a salad, braised piquillo peppers, a bottle of natural cider and two desserts. Its price is 28 euros and it is important to book because there is usually never a free place. On Thursdays they celebrate “cachopomania” and the menu costs €10 per beard.

ALCONADA _(Saint Mary of the head, 61) _

Cantabria on your plate. It is possibly one of the favorite restaurants for the residents of the district of Arganzuela, and for those who are looking for a family place where to eat as if you were at home. It is the perfect place for those looking for an abundant daily menu on weekends. The menu is around €30, but the quantities are so gargantuan that it is usually shared . Broad beans, eels, red peppers with ventresca can be the first and Iberian sirloin, veal entrecote or cochifrito the second. A delirium: the dessert trays.

Latxaska Etxea

Fan of neotaverns? Latxaska Etxea is your option


Located on the outskirts of Plaza de Legazpi, we could not make a list of daily menus without making room for this little jewel of Basque cuisine that flirts with the best of the Mediterranean . Ideal for lovers of cool neotaverns where there is not too much noise. Anyone who has not tried his crispy sweetbreads or his cod kokotxas with pil pil is unaware of one of the great wonders of his menu. The menu of the day may well include a sea bass on the back or a sirloin . And on weekends, the bar is superTop. Price: €13.50

SEOUL _(Round of Segovia, 25) _

It is undoubtedly one of the most popular Korean restaurants in Madrid due to its value for money . Located in the Imperial neighborhood of Arganzuela and bordering the Central district, it offers a daily menu made in Korea with a starter, a main course and a dessert for less than 10 euros. It is essential not to leave without trying their mandú (Korean dumplings), their meat soups, their Chachangmyon (black noodles) or their raw skate in spicy sauce. And yes, its spiciness really stings. It is visited very frequently by young people, weekends included . Price: €9.90

SEOUL Restaurant long live Korean cuisine

SEOUL Restaurant: Long Live Korean Cuisine!

HAVANA BLUES _(Santa Maria de la Cabeza, 56) _

Without a doubt, the best way to close this selection of daily menus in Arganzuela is to visit Havana Blues, the home of the incombustible Raphael Hernando . This little piece of Cuba is possibly the place with the most soul in the district, and with a few decades of experience behind them. Chilindrón lamb, wrinkled potatoes and old clothes are some of the delicacies that we can taste in its menu. Also, freshly squeezed juices of various kinds and end of the party with daiquiris, mojitos, piña coladas or whatever comes to mind. Almost that the menu of the day is the least important, the show is everything as a whole. Price: €9

MY TRADITIONS _(Plasterwork, 15) _

To the cry of "My traditions have their own, and share it with pride" this Quirky Peruvian restaurant on Paseo de las Yeserías specialized in Creole cuisine and grilled meats. As a good Peruvian, there is no shortage of fish ceviches, ají de gallina, anticuchos or lomo saltado, dishes that no longer sound so strange to us now that Peruvian cuisine is so fashionable. In your daily menu we have eaten veal heart anticuchos with yucca and a grilled entrecote for just over 10 euros . And the desserts are homemade. Price: €10.50

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