Seth: “I wish I were in the bar at the Mandarin Oriental Ritz in Madrid right now”


The love of comic book artist Seth (Clinton, Ont., 1962) for things with history and a certain elegant decadence does not surprise us. Under this pseudonym, Canadian Gregory Gallant has spent decades betting on a nostalgia for the popular culture of the first half of the 20th century that delights his followers, since his first great work, Life is good if you don't give up (Salamandra Graphic, 2017).

The personal drawing of him, indebted to the cartoonists of the classic era of The New Yorker – not in vain his work as an illustrator has been published in this header and in The Washington Post-, has made him one of the totems of independent comics.

Seth with his new comic 'George Sprott'

Seth next to his new comic 'George Sprott' (Salamandra Graphic, 2022).

we take advantage a visit from the famous author of Palooka Ville, which presented his new work, George Sprott (Salamandra Graphic, 2022) at the Valencia Comic Fair, in Barcelona, ​​Madrid and Salamanca, to chat with him about his inspiration, his travels and those hotel bars that are most welcoming to him.

CONDE NAST TRAVELER. Is life good if you don't give up?

SETH. In English, the saying is "It's a good life, if you don't weaken" ('it's a good life if you don't falter'). I'm trying to guess what you mean, since I don't speak any language other than English, but in translation it always seems to sound much more somber. More difficult. In English, the phrase is light, even joking. My mother used to say it all the time. In essence, I agree with that. I like life despite all the terrible things in the world. Despite all the pain and sorrow. Despite the small problems. Despite everything, life is good. I'm getting older and believe me, I want as much life as possible!

Interior of Seth's 'George Sprott' comic

Interior of Seth's 'George Sprott' comic (Salamandra Graphic, 2022).

CNT. Has the pandemic affected your creativity in any way?

s. Not much. I have always worked at home (I have a studio in the basement) and have had a very organized daily routine. I work long hours in the studio most days. I don't always achieve much, but I put myself to it. The pandemic changed little of these habits. What really changed was my leisure time. My wife, who is a hairdresser, was home for three long periods of confinement, which I really enjoyed. I like having it at home. Though our custom weekend driving into the Ontario landscape to visit antique markets and vintage restaurants was shelved for a long time. I missed those escapades so much.

CNT. How would you define the relationship with your readers?

s. Very abstract. I have very little contact with them in the real world and none with them online (I have had almost no internet presence). In fact, I probably had more contact with my readers in the days before the internet since, back then, they wrote me letters. I rarely think about the readers. If I did, I would probably have a harder time doing my job. I trust my own instincts about what is a good story... but if I thought too hard about what someone else would like to read, I'm sure I'd get confused. My own tastes are stuffy and weird and probably even pretty boring. It would be a huge mistake for me to start trying to appeal to any imaginary reader.

Seth Self Portrait

Self portrait of Seth.

CNT. Are you a traveler? What kind?

s. I am not a traveler by nature. In fact, whenever a trip comes up, my first feeling is one of dread. I have such a routine (and love of home) that I am afraid to break it. That said, the moment the ride begins I enjoy it. I even enjoy the airport and the flight, a rare moment when I have absolutely nothing to do and can just relax. I like to explore, I love to walk and I love to be alone. This makes book tours easy for me. Visiting a lot of new cities and having time for myself is a very attractive plan for me. Although some of the Best moments of my life have been on trips with my wife. She shares these same traveling traits. We both love letting time pass. Especially in a beautiful museum or in a dark old hotel bar.

CNT. What destinations inspire you and why?

s. They are always cities. I am an urban person. I like to go to art galleries, theaters, bookstores and restaurants. The four best cities for me , so suddenly, have been: Stockholm, Buenos Aires, Madrid and London. Just thinking about those beautiful places gives me real pleasure. So rich, each one of them, in culture and history… In each case I considered, for a moment, moving there... but only for a moment. I would never leave Ontario. I am too connected to the landscape and history here.

french river ontario canada

French River, Ontario, Canada.

CNT. Please tell us four or five must-see places in Ontario for you.

s. As I mentioned earlier, my wife and I drive around Ontario every weekend. Ontario is not an exciting place . It is becoming more suburban. Too many urbanizations stripping the landscape. And I have weird, old-fashioned tastes. i love old things . Old buildings, old monuments, old neighborhoods. Antiques, second hand books. That kind of thing. So my list reflects those tastes.

Attic Books in London, Ont. One of the best old bookstores in Ontario. Three plants of books. The rare and expensive ones on the top floor. The mid-priced ones on the main floor and the bargains on the basement and ground floor (a gold mine!). In each visit I find a treasure.

Paris Ontario Canada

Aerial view of Paris, Ontario, Canada.

Restaurant and piano bar The Old School House, in Paris, Ont. A wonderfully old-fashioned, elegant restaurant in the middle of nowhere. Continental cuisine. Tuxedo waiters. A piano. A wonderful time capsule. A claim: the queen of england ate there when she passed through the area a few years ago.

The mcmichael gallery, Kleinburg, Ont. Without a doubt the most beautiful art gallery in Ontario. Wonderfully designed with a mid-century sensibility (wood and stone) and set in a beautiful wooded landscape. The collection is mainly made up of the Group of Seven, Canada's most celebrated painters. I visit her several times a year. It is an essential place.

The other gallery to visit is the AGO in Toronto, specifically its David Milne Room, possibly the best art room in the country.

The Bell Monument, Brantford,Ont. I am a fan of civic art. This wonderful allegorical tribute is from the great sculptor Walter Allward. Very much in the Art Nouveau tradition : It is complex and beautiful, but also somewhat exaggerated. I'm lovin 'it. Allward was the man behind the remarkable Vimy Ridge memorial in France.

CNT. What is your favorite hotel in the world and why?

s. A difficult decision. Maybe The Grand Hotel in Stockholm. Perhaps the Goring in London. But no, I stay with the Mandarin Oriental Ritz in Madrid. I don't know anything about any of these hotels, except the restaurants and bars because, quite simply, they are too expensive to stay in them. However, I like to stay in some nearby nearby hotel to be able to stroll and enjoy the luxury of its lobby bar. The Mandarin Oriental Ritz in Madrid, recently redecorated, is a glorious respite from the busy world, in white marble and gold. A perfect place to spend a few hours after the hectic crowds of Meadow. I wish I was there right now.

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