These are the 29 adventures that you must live (at least once in your life)


20 adventures you must live.

20 adventures you must live.

** About 20 years ago Jorge Abian ** had an idea in mind: go on adventures . You sound familiar...?

His office job in London did not inspire him enough to continue , so this contemporary adventurer left everything to embark on a journey without returning around the world, the result of that year and a half is 29 adventures you must live (GeoPlaneta Nomads), a book to practice surfing , namely, enriching and sustainable travel with which to get closer to happiness or live it fully.

“I had been living in London for two years. He had previously lived in Barcelona, ​​Los Angeles and New York, and despite having had a few vacation days, he did not feel freedom or the challenge of being able to live adventures for a long period of time. I think the idea was conceived when I was 12 or 13 years old. At 31 I decided to carry out those ideas ”, He tells

Adventures to live once in a lifetime.

Adventures to live once in a lifetime.

between those 29 adventures spread over six continents is an expedition through Antarctica with the director Cat Koppel on board the ship Atlantic Ocean from Ushuaia (Argentina) to the coldest end of the earth.

also a pretty kayaking adventure through the aboriginal peoples of the Amazon , in which Jorge Abian together with other friends (because he is with these with whom he usually travels regularly) discover Iquitos , one of the few cities in the world inaccessible by road that is located in Peru. there among all they recovered a soccer field for one of the local communities and they even rescued a pygmy sloth.

Surf the unknown shores of the Mentawai Islands or overcome the challenge of Mountain Challenge , an experience only suitable for athletes that combines kayaking, running, trekking and swimming in the mountains of Montana, in the USA. Or crazy (the one that appears in the cover photo) like experimenting cold therapy in Poland by Wim Hof , the Iceman.

In the book you will find high-voltage experiences, but with all the possible information, from the difficulty to the budget, such as temperatures and the best times to carry them out. Still there are experiences of all kinds , some that require physical strength and others that do not. But all of them have something in common and that is look for hidden and little known places.

“I remember that in 2009 a friend showed me photos in Vogue magazine of people in disguise in a desert and I did not understand a thing. do Burning Man ? Two days later we were taking a plane to Reno and 15 hours by car later we landed in Black Rock City . I had never read anything, nor had I seen photos. It was an amazing adventure . Surely there are many more to discover, although Instagram is making things increasingly difficult. It is neither good nor bad. It is how it is. But yes, I discovered Burning Man through a small article in Vogue Magazine, and at that time it was quite unknown”, underlines Jorge, speaking of the most recondite experiences of his book.

Climb Everest It is another of the great adventures that appear in the book, yes, after the famous traffic jam, it proposes an interesting reflection. “Perhaps we should start asking ourselves before going to many places what our intention is. If it's for a good cause... to accompany a good friend or partner to realize their dream, go ahead. Otherwise don't travel. . Ask yourself the intention to travel, before doing it, I think this is the most responsible question ”.

You may not be able to do these 29 adventures in a year and a half like he did, but you can choose some for the future.

Meanwhile, Jorge sets himself a new challenge for this year, which is to minimize your ecological footprint and also your flights . For now, he stays in Europe, a farm in front of the sea in the outskirts of Sintra will be his home.

If you want to find his book you can do it here. 100% of the profits from the book go to the organization Ocean Conservancy Yet the Leonardo Di Caprio Foundation.

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