Hokkaido, the frozen Japan that you will fall in love with


European court buildings and snow lots of snow

European-style buildings and snow, lots of snow

Despite being, by far, the territory largest in japan In terms of surface, it is surprising to discover that less than 5% of the Japanese population lives in this prefecture, which makes it one of the ideal destinations for lovers of virgin nature . Even its capital, sapporo, with its wide and almost deserted streets compared to those of Tokyo or Osaka, seems to breathe a different air.

It is not surprising, considering how close this island is to Siberia and its icy winds. But Hokkaido It's not just cold and snow and the traveler who is interested in savoring a bit of the north shouldn't overlook it.

Virgin and unforgettable territories

Virgin and unforgettable territories


Hokkaido ( ) literally means "North Sea Way" , but this island shaped like a sea animal was not always known by this name. It is believed that the first inhabitants of Hokkaido came to this land through the modern Russian island of Sakhalin.

So, Hokkaido was known as Ainu Moshiri ("Land of the Ainu", that is to say, of the "humans"), which is why these first settlers are known as Ainu. Legend has it that the first-born Ainus were born from the relationship of a white wolf with a goddess, which shows the closeness of these tribes with nature, contact that is still part of Hokkaido today.

As would happen with okinawa , the Ainu culture also had to fight against the impervious advance of the Wajin (as known to the main towns of Japan) to the northern territories, which they then called Ezo or Ezochi. Being a town that subsisted on the basis of fishing, hunting and rice exchange with the rest of Japan and without a large military force, soon the Ainu saw how increased occupation of their lands with the excuse of stopping the expansion of the peoples coming from the north.

An Ainu poses wearing traditional clothing

An Ainu poses wearing traditional clothing

However, the Ainu they were never passive victims , and since the Japanese presence gradually became more intrusive, the riots and even battles were constant between both territories. The resistance on the part of the aborigines did not diminish the interest of the rest of Japan in Hokkaido and its rich natural resources.

With the arrival of the 19th century, the Ainu population was decimated and, in the year 1899, Japan passed a law known as Hokkaido Former Aboriginal Protection Act , who seized the territories from the Ainu and ended up endanger their customs , almost all banned by then.

This law perpetuated the prejudice against the first inhabitants of Hokkaido by directly rating them as second class citizens on their own land. By the end of the meiji Restoration, Ainu Moshiri was a totally different place from the one the Ainu knew, not only because of the Japanese presence, but also because of the western influence which contributed to the island being renamed Hokkaido, a toponym that has survived to this day.

It would not be until the year 2008 that the Ainu would regain their status as indigenous people , with a history, culture, language and traditions different from those of the rest of the country recognized by the Japanese government. However, today, the Ainu's struggle for protection of his past, their lands and the recovery of their traditions continues; Hokkaido is, without a doubt, a different place, shaped precisely by this past and this struggle, and by the defense and respect for its beautiful nature.

Akankohan a traditional Ainu village

Akankohan, a traditional Ainu village


hokkaido it is almost never part of the agenda of the traveler who visits Japan for the first time, probably for his remoteness with the rest of the most popular areas of the country. However, it should be a ultimate destiny for nature lovers, especially of Mountain , and for anyone who wants to enjoy a little different japan , with a unique beauty and a history that everyone should know.

The ideal way to tour the island would be by car or bicycle, because having your own transport allows you to visit the most remote and beautiful places of this territory. Still, for the traveler who can't afford either of these two modes of transportation, the train and bus network is considerably wide and allows to reach the points of interest of the prefecture. Of course, it is advisable to be aware of the weather, because heavy rain or snow may stop traffic momentarily at some stations.

Draws attention to excellent service in english found in almost all transportation and tourist areas, possibly due to Hokkaido expanding and modernizing fundamentally during the Meiji period, under the western influence.

Also, the fact that Hokkaido was a agricultural society until considerably recently, makes this area of ​​Japan a perfect destination for practicing hiking, relax in its many natural onsen (hot spring baths) and to observe some of the species of flora and fauna They are only found in this part of the country.

In Hokkaido you will find a somewhat different Japan...

In Hokkaido you will find a somewhat different Japan...


Although Hokkaido is internationally famous for its natural enclaves, its cities, almost all projects born during the Meiji restoration, they are an example of habitability and harmony mixed with modernity, good restaurants and night life.


Sapporo became the Japan's capital in the year 1868, year in which planning began. Until then, Sapporo had been an Ainu enclave known as Sariporo-betsu (or river that flows between cane fields), name by which the river that crosses it was also known. Until the year 1821, the Ainu lived quietly subsisting on hunting and fishing in this area of ​​the prefecture.

With the planning of the Meiji government, however, the area became what we see today. Their straight and wide streets, along with a large number of areas reserved for parks and public spaces , make it a very pleasant place both to live and to visit. It is precisely his rectilinear aspect which shows its western influence, design carried out with the help of European and American architects.

Sapporo is, above all, a green City and designed for walking. The park Odori Koen, that crosses the city in half, is an example of this. In summer, this leafy park it fills up with people enjoying the good temperatures and the festivals and concerts that take place here. In winter, it is home to the famous Yuki Matsuri (Snow Festival) in Sapporo, which attracts millions of people who want to enjoy the vision of gigantic sculptures made with snow.

Sapporo Snow Festival is amazing

Sapporo Snow Festival is amazing

Near this park is the television tower , which can be climbed to enjoy the city ​​views from the top If you want to learn a bit of history, you should not avoid the former Hokkaido Government Building , a neo-baroque construction of the year 1888 whose interior houses a art exhibition with historical pieces. It is located in a park perfect for walking. Also worth a visit is the old Sapporo High Court building, a construction of Red brick just as impressive, with a museum about history inside.

Apart from for him Yuki Matsuri, summer is definitely best time to visit Sapporo due to the pleasant temperatures and the welcoming atmosphere of the city. At this time of year, outdoor terraces appear everywhere, known as beergarden where you can taste all kinds of food, and, above all, the sapporo beer , delicious and become a symbol of the city.

In fact, the lover of this drink should not forget to visit the Sapporo Bier Garten , located in the original Sapporo Brewery. This place, halfway between a museum and a brewery, teaches the visitor the history of this famous concoction and allows them to understand why the creation of this factory in the year 1876 It was so important for the Hokkaido economy.

For around four euros, you can enjoy a guide to the factory , with really interesting explanations about its history, beer tasting included. In case of going with children or with people who do not consume alcohol , there is the possibility to order non-alcoholic beer or juice.

Sapporo's skyline is dominated by straight lines

Sapporo's skyline is dominated by straight lines


Located in the south of the prefecture, in what seems to be the sea ​​animal tail that makes up this island, is the historic city of Hakodate. As with Sapporo, Hakodate expanded mainly during the it was Meiji, and this reality is visible in its streets, in the tramway that runs through it and in its brick buildings. Hakodate is a quiet seaside town, whose main attraction is his story.

Its best known attraction is the strong goryō-kaku (literally, "five-sided fort"). His name is given by his characteristic star shape , built in the image and likeness of Western-style forts. There is hardly anything left standing old construction , but strolling through the gardens of the fortress is incredibly beautiful. Also, if you want to observe the star from the air, there is a tower right next door, the Goryo-kaku tower, which offers stunning views of the fortress and the entire city.

Apart from the Goryo-kaku, there are other historical buildings scattered throughout the town, such as the red brick warehouse district wave russian orthodox church . To end the visit, it is recommended ride the funicular up to Hakodate-yama , or Mount Hakodate. From here, the views of Hakodate are impressive, especially at night. Of course, even in summer very cold , so it is better to dress warmly.


maybe one of the Japanese favorite places for its unique atmosphere, undoubtedly romantic . It was one of the fishing ports important monuments in Hokkaido and the place where the first railway station of the prefecture. The buildings that line the canal that runs from one side to the other are incredibly well cared for and they are very pretty. In addition, they offer very good quality restaurants where to enjoy fresh seafood dishes.

Among its most original tourist attractions is the Music Box Museum , which will delight fans (or not) of this instrument.

Goryokaku the most famous attraction in Hakodate

Goryo-kaku, the most famous attraction in Hakodate


Hokkaido, as we have already said, is, above all, nature; in this prefecture are some of the oldest and best maintained natural parks of the archipelago. Also, with a different weather to that of the central zone of the country, in Hokkaido there are species of flora and fauna that cannot be found in the rest of the Japanese geography, such as the snow bunny or the Red fox from Hokkaido. There are many interesting points to contemplate the natural life on this island, but the ones we mention below are the more attractive.

Of Japan's 31 national parks, six are in Hokkaido. Therefore, there is plenty to choose from when visiting this part of the country. Among the most prominent and easily accessible are the daitsetsuzan national park , which is particularly beautiful during the fall and winter months. With volcanoes, onsen and long hiking trails , is perfect for those who want to forget about civilization for a while.

The National Park Rishiri-Rebun-Sarobetsu, For its part, it unites mountains and coast. During the season of bloom , its soil is covered with hundreds of flowers of colors. Also noteworthy is the Shikotsu-Toya National Park , whose name refers to the two volcanic lakes it houses. The rest of the National Parks are the shiretoko (UNESCO Heritage), the Akan (whose lake is considered the most beautiful in the country), and the Kushiro-shitsugen (perfect for watching Japanese cranes) .

In addition to the National Parks, there are a large number of areas to do hiking or just enjoy outdoors. This is the case of furano, one of the most inland towns in Japan. During the summer, its hills are dyed purple, covered in lavender fields that are in full bloom during this season at ** Granja Tomita .** However, winter is perfect too since Furano is one of the best destinations to practice ski.

It is precisely the snow sports that attract tourists from around the world to the northernmost part of Japan. Due to cold winds that plague Hokkaido almost all year round, this area of ​​the country is particularly loved by lovers of skiing and snowboarding. It is not an exaggeration to name Hokkaido as one of the best destinations to practice them thanks to his famous powder snow (japow), almost unique to Hokkaido and that makes the practice of this sport a real delight.

Also, it is about one of the safest destinations to practice free skiing , since even the unmarked areas are protected from avalanches. The season runs from December to March, and among the best slopes are Niseko, Rusutsu or the Sapporo Olympic area.

The blooming season completely changes the look of Hokkaido

The blooming season completely changes the look of Hokkaido


Hokkaido is deservedly famous for its food and drink. Due to its unique climate, and its Ainu past, in Hokkaido you can taste dishes that are not typical from the rest of Japan. To appease the cold, especially in winter, it is recommended to try the traditional Ainu Spoon Stews, or Nabemono ( ) , as well as the ramen noodles with butter and corn. They are not only a real pleasure for the senses, but also a body warmer almost instant.

Meat lovers should not overlook the Genghis Khan (or Jingisukan), grilled lamb meat and sauteed with all kinds of spices whose name is said to be given by the preference of the mongolian soldiers for the meat of this animal. If you don't want to spend a lot of money, but you want to eat good meat , The chain of izakaya (japanese pub) koshidori is a good alternative. It serves, above all, Yakitori , a type of delicious grilled chicken skewer.

Hokkaido offers the traveler exquisite specialties

Hokkaido offers the traveler exquisite specialties

But if you go to Hokkaido, it would be almost unforgivable not to enjoy the fresh fish and seafood. In Sapporo, without going any further, you can have a bowl of rice with tuna fresh from the sea for breakfast in the market of Nijo , which is also a very nice old building almost all decorated in shades of blue. The most delicious and famous seafood in Hokkaido is crab (or kani, in Japanese), which can be found fresh almost anywhere in the prefecture.

On the other hand, due to its large number of grassland , Hokkaido hosts the higher number of cows of the country and, therefore, produces more than half of the milk from Japan. Thanks to this, their dairy products are not only very varied, but also they are succulent and of great quality . The frozen should be part of our tasting list even in winter.

When it comes to drinking, as we already mentioned, the beer It should be another of the delicacies that we should not overlook. Sapporo beer, with german influence, it's not alone the most famous in Japan internationally, but it is one of the most delicious in the country. The most common variety of this beer can be found in any point of the archipelago , but the more artisanal variants from the same company can only be found in Hokkaido, and they're all delicious.

majestic nature

majestic nature

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