One kilo of saffron, two hundred and fifty thousand flowers


Why is saffron so expensive? We have the answer!

Why is saffron so expensive? We have the answer!

Its peculiar cultivation, its value and the presence of its reddish threads in hundreds of dishes are some of the reasons why saffron is the most expensive spice in the world.

From our Valencian paella to Swedish saffron cake, in honor of Saint Lucia. From the typical bouillabaisse of ** Marseille ** to the hen in pepitoria. From the Milanese rice to Asian yogurt biryanis. In all of them, saffron is counted among the main ingredients.

**The saffron flower (Crocus sativus) ** is a plant of the liliaceae order. From its bulbs stems and up to three flowers of violet petals. In each of them we find three red stigmas that will give rise to saffron.

Crocus sativus the saffron flower

Crocus sativus, the saffron flower

The flowers have to be collected daily in the saffron , where with the first light of the day they begin to show their corollas, separating the calyx from the stem with the fingers. The flowers are placed in small quantities in wicker baskets to preserve their freshness.

From the field they are transferred to the premises where it is carried out, also manually, the monda or esbrinado. This technique consists of separate the petals so that the stigmas are visible , which are cut with another accurate pinch at the point where they begin to turn white.

And so on, one by one, until two hundred and fifty thousand saffron flowers, necessary to obtain a kilo of this precious spice. The already free stigmas are usually subjected to a **heat source (60-80 degrees)** which reduces their weight considerably, but releases one of the compounds, safranal, responsible for its delicious aroma.

Is this whimsical purple flower worth so much effort? Yes, because of the aromatic value of its filaments and its enormous coloring power. Therefore, in addition to the aforementioned culinary uses, saffron has played a leading role in painting : it is said that the great masters, such as Leonardo da Vinci , they got the green from their paintings mixing turquoise (copper acetate) with the yellow obtained from saffron.

They are attributed to saffron medical uses very varied, from appetite-stimulating tonic to cough remedy. It is also said to act against insomnia and helps relieve pain. hippocrates considered the father of medicine studied it in depth , being one of the remedies that he frequently prescribed to his patients.

Filaments at the price of gold

Filaments at the price of gold

Spain It is one of the key countries in the production of saffron worldwide , not so much for the amount, where Iran dominates the market , as for the quality. Spanish saffron is considered among the best in the world. **The one produced in La Mancha stands out **, the only one that has a Denomination of Origin.

Also worth mentioning is the area of ​​the jiloca (Teruel) where an association of producers wants to promote the direct purchase of the spice from the producer. They are also pioneers in ecological cultivation of the so-called “saffron rose”.

Like any high-priced gastronomic product, saffron has frequently been the target of fraud. It has been replaced by other fibers such as safflower , dried pomegranate flower petals or adulterated with glycerin to hydrate it and thus increase your weight.

Current picaresque? No way, already in 1441 the court "Safranschau" was created in Nuremberg (Germany). dedicated to judging cases of saffron adulteration , even signing hanging sentences for swindlers.

The saffron threads must be roasted

The saffron threads must be roasted

Today, the best guarantee is offered by the back label of the aforementioned Denomination of Origin or rely on a trusted direct supplier.

One moment! We are missing the instructions: saffron is not like most spices, which are ready to use. In the case of having unroasted saffron threads , it is recommended to put on non-stick paper for 10 seconds in the microwave.

Once toasted and on the same paper, it can be crushed in a mortar to be added to pickles, tortillas or sauces. When we want to season rice, it is best to use it as an infusion.

That is, after crushing it as we have described, add hot water and let it infuse for about 10 minutes. Subsequently, pour the liquid obtained into the rice.

It must be remembered that saffron is a powerful condiment and therefore it has to be used in small quantities. That is why its price ( between 3,000 and 5,000 euros per kilo with D.O. La Mancha saffron and much less if it is from another source in Spain) should not mislead us.

For one Paella For example, it will suffice to 10 milligrams per serving. Take out the accounts. It is worth using real saffron.

A good paella requires quality saffron

A good paella requires quality saffron

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