La Desayunería or how to have breakfast in Madrid or Barcelona in the purest American style


Madrid already has its temple of American breakfast

Madrid already has its temple of American breakfast

It was July 14, 2015 when a charming local San Antonio neighborhood became an attractive restaurant where American breakfasts -served at any time of the day- They left their guests speechless and, at the same time, they gave a lot to talk about outside: La Desayunería.

In fact, such was the success that it currently has two premises in Barcelona -that of Comte Borrell (nº 75) and that of Comte D'Urgell (nº 260)- and with another that opened its doors on July 6 in the Madrid neighborhood of Chueca.

What led us to him? The delicious memory of a lunch of fluffy pancakes and toast with avocado, scrambled eggs and salmon on the terrace of La Desayunería de Sant Antoni. But what was it that made the owner of this coffee shop decided to land in Madrid?

“We decided to open the third breakfast bar here because of the demand. We have many regular clients in Barcelona who are from Madrid and have been asking us for it for a long time. Secondly, many people on social networks also asked us if we would open here, So we decided to do it," he says. Paula Ruiz, the entrepreneur who runs this business next to her second hand, Laura.

Computer science by profession, Paula knew that she wanted to dedicate herself to the hospitality industry with 24 years her, when she moved to Edinburgh. “There I entered a restaurant for the first time, although it was cleaning dishes. At the time I began to work in the room , and then it was clear to me that I wanted to dedicate myself to this” , she explains to

Said and done. That was how she started with La Desayunería, which she got off the ground thanks to her passion and the help of her family , who painted walls, hung pictures and contributed to giving it the homey touch that represents the restaurant so much.

The original, eclectic and cozy decoration is the hallmark of each of Paula's restaurants, where banners, lamps with colorful mosaics, illustrations by Mr. Sis and maps steal the attention of visitors.

But they will only do it for a moment, since the parade of dishes, each one more tempting , is a delirium for each of the senses.

Once at the table, funny placemat notes will be in charge of distracting you: "Especially those first minutes of the morning when one confuse dreams with reality and everything can be possible. I would like to extend that time and that feeling, that my cup was not emptied” , prays one of them.

we can also read a fragment of 'Speed ​​of Sound' by Coldplay and... What does it sound like? Chuck Berry's 'You Never Can Tell' , the letter arrives and, suddenly, we leave Madrid to teleport to an iconic american diner . Choosing a dish will be an arduous task, so if it is your first time, take note of the recommendations:

“The Breakfast Shop originated with the American Morning Special , which is a super complete breakfast: pancakes, french toast or butter toast; grilled or scrambled eggs with American cheese , crispy bacon, Casolana sausage , roasted mushrooms, grilled tomato and skillet potatoes . That is the one that represents us the most,” says Paula.

The recently opened Madrid Breakfast Shop

The newly opened breakfast bar in Madrid

On the other hand, the Manchito's tail, which is a reduced version of the morning american -two pancakes or French toast, scrambled or grilled eggs with cheddar cheese, crispy bacon and French fries or tater tots-, or the pancakes are other essentials.

“We have the largest variety of pancakes in Spain, both sweet and savory . In addition we do homemade maple scent and now we are going to start making our own chocolate and red fruit syrup as well”, Paula continues, emphasizing the idea of** preparing each of the recipes* on site***, completely rejecting frozen foods.

“We make everything homemade: the sauces, the homemade hamburgers, the pancakes... Less the bagles, brought to us from Boston by a boy who has a bakery in Barcelona” continues Paula, who has lived in different cities of USA , between them chicago and new york her, and she every year she travels there in search of new breakfast recipes.

And that is what mainly makes La Desayunería so special. For example, last year, according to its owner, They were in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. , where there is a very large population of Amish.

During their stay, they dedicated themselves body and soul to cooking with them and soaking up their recipes.

“We brought the fried chicken, the baked oatmeal, and the Amish Breakfast : French toast coated in egg, parmesan and spices with a tortilla filled with American cheese covered with sausage gravy and skillet potatoes. A delight”, he tells

As for the scrambled pancakes , do not forget to try the specialty of each city: the Barcelona, ​​made with apple, banana and berries; and the novelty the Madrid, only available in its last opening.

Oh the smoothies...

Oh the shakes...

What are they wearing? Good of thick chocolate and marshmallows , a combination of ingredients whose texture and flavor pay homage to the mythical chocolate with churros . We can also travel to Detroit with Nutella (note: filled with chocolate chips) or pass 'A night in Paris' flavored with banana, strawberry compote, homemade cream and crunchy biscuit.

And, of course, we must not forget about its succulent drinks: all kinds of coffee -which you can accompany with vegetable milks- natural juices , going through the addictive shakes.

“We have something unique: flavored milks, which are vegetable drinks . We use oatmeal a lot, to which we add a lot of fresh fruit. One of our star drinks is the Banana milk, which has our homemade maple syrup, banana and oat milk . It is natural and goes in very well”, Paula tells

“Now in summer a lot is also requested the lemonade, which is a recipe from my grandmother , who was from Extremadura and had a whole house full of lemon trees. When summer came she would make us her mythical lemonade and she wanted it to be at La Desayunería”, she tells us.

A double tower sandwich with american cheese at the next table, a vegan omelette -with mushrooms, spinach and tomato- about to be devoured, amish fried chicken with waffles over there, a hamburger to which the bites do not give respite...

And what does that couple share? Sweet potato fries drizzled with Tabasco maple syrup and topped with homemade ranch sauce . We have chosen well (very well!), but already We don't even have room for a little extra (avocado, salmon, chips...) , so we will come back to try all those dishes that, even with a full stomach, are capable of arousing our greed.

We will return to the restaurant that Americans talk about so much in their private Facebook forums: La Desayunería. And they do not lack reasons. We give faith.


“ALL DOGS WELCOME” , she says (thus, in all caps), one of her paper placemats. So if you are looking to enjoy a copious and tasty American breakfast in the company of your pet, The Breakfast Room is declared pet friendly.

Besides, intolerances are taken into account here: they have all the menu available gluten-free -although the cakes are only made to order-, as well as vegan proposals, see the pancakes , incorporated this summer by demand.

Amish Fried Chicken Waffles

Amish Fried Chicken Waffles

“We control a lot the traces in the food and we take care of cross contamination. Also, allergens can be consulted on the web . We are very aware of it. We are also very flexible: if someone wants to change an ingredient in a dish (for example, bacon for avocado), we have no problem”, says Paula.

On the other hand, they have promotions several days of the week: “Not a Tuesday without my bikini/mixed” is the slogan that invites us to visit La Desayunería on the second day of the week, while on Thursdays St. Pancake’s Day is celebrated, a secular feast of pancakes at special prices.


As her website says: “YOU MISS ENOUGH THINGS IN LIFE, DON'T MISS BREAKFAST” (You lose enough things in life, don't miss breakfast.)

If you are not one of those who believe that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, at La Desayunería they will make you change your mind: homemade delicacies, hearty dishes and an atmosphere that will make you feel at home (or better, if possible). And no, there is no excuse for those who are not early risers: **breakfasts are served non-stop from nine to nine.

Still wondering why to go? We give you the definitive reason: its blessed PANCAKES . Made by hand, they are the specialty of La Desayunería, which can boast of having the widest pancake menu in the national market , as well as being the only producers of maple flavored syrup from Spain, ideal for smearing pancakes and waffles.

Who said macaroons weren't breakfast?

Who said macaroni wasn't breakfast?

“I don't think there is anything in Madrid or Barcelona of the same style, there isn't a place specialized only in American breakfasts, that is the main difference. Besides that the recipes come from the United States and they are all homemade”, concludes Paula. **The true American dream was this. **

Address: C/ Barbieri nº 4 28004 Madrid See map

Telephone: 915930893

Schedule: In summer, from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. every day. It will be expanded for winter.

Additional schedule information: Breakfasts throughout the day.

Half price: 12

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