One of the best wine tourism destinations in the world is Spanish and practices regenerative viticulture


Because although the virtual world of wines has a lot of posturing, that of wine tourism lands on earth, on the terroir, and practice the real experience. And in that, one of the best wineries in the world, towers family, has a lot to say.

Especially if according to the World's Best Vineyards –that is, the Oscars of world wine tourism– qualify it as one of the most enjoyable experiences of the world for wine lovers and for all those who consider themselves foodies. Pay attention to us, you will not regret putting the Penedès in your wine sentimental map.

The prizes of Best Vineyards in the World They are endorsed by more than 500 experts –among sommeliers, gastronomic journalists and other people who travel the planet with wine as their leitmotiv– and each year they select the 50 top wineries of more than 1,500 in the five continents. Hey, that's saying a lot.

But Familia Torres has plenty of reasons to be there. The only Catalan winery on this list Furthermore, the golden one stands out for its weight in history –we are talking about a viticultural tradition with origins in the 16th century– for its commitment to sustainability, with capital letters.

Pairing with wines and tapas.

Pairing with wines and tapas.

Apparently simple actions such as reducing the weight of their bottles or using renewable energies have allowed them to reduce CO2 emissions per bottle by 35% from 2008 to 2021. A decisive fact in its production. Since in 2030, they want to reduce 60%, and achieve emission neutrality before 2040.

But it has also been its strong commitment to the regenerative viticulture movement, the decarbonisation of the sector and the paradigm shift in vineyard management, which has allowed it to position itself at the top of this world ranking of the best wineries in the world.

The sheep also have their function.

The sheep also have their function.


When you are surrounded by vineyards in Familia Torres, close your eyes. You will hear little birds, fluttering insects, You will see how the good herbs grow around the vines... You will come across sheep, precious manufacturers of organic compost that favors the vineyards... and you will hear, among all this buzz of life, words like regenerative agriculture, biodiversity, green roofs, holistic management... in short, imitate nature to create life.

This stable ecosystem, which will be explained to you in great detail, is what will give these pampered strains more natural defenses against pests and diseases and will help stop soil erosion.

But going back to your personal experience on the ground, to that biodiversity that can be felt, to that cosmos in which the vineyard is one more living being, It is wonderful to see that this agricultural model that Familia Torres has been practicing for years not only increases biodiversity but also converts These vineyards are real carbon sinks. In addition, as there is strength in unity, Familia Torres has established, along with other winemakers, the Regenerative Viticulture Association to promote a paradigm shift in vineyard management, which can become a solution for curb climate change.

Green roofs in spring.

Green roofs in spring.


The so-called regenerative agriculture or holistic part of the precepts of organic agriculture, but goes further because it puts the look on the ground and how to get life back into them. looking to restore the natural ecosystem based on respectful techniques that combine ancestral knowledge and modern technology to increase the organic material in the ground. That is the end.

Techniques like do not plow turning the land so as not to damage the surface; preventing the release of carbon retained in the soil, or using plant covers to maximize the assimilation of atmospheric CO2 and increase biodiversity, are very effective. Did you know that these actions, by themselves, are capable of does the soil fix three tons of CO2 per hectare per year? Isn't that amazing?

Mas La Plana winemaking room.

Mas La Plana winemaking room.

In addition, according to the studies carried out to date, this plant cover It has other positive effects like retain rainwater –improving periods of drought–; prevent soil erosion or delay grape ripening, counteracting premature harvests caused by global warming. You are right. And you know what? Now it's time to try their wines.

Because “The more we take care of the land, the better wine we get”, explains the Torres family, who have managed to make their winery one of the most admired in the world, after maintaining a legacy that has already reached five generations. And that Wine professionals say so in the World's Most Admired Wine Brand ranking published each year by the British magazine Drinks International.

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