This is the definitive book to camperize your van and turn it into your home


Traveling by camper is fashionable . It is not that we say it, but it is very likely that lately you have heard the word camperizar, because for some time it has been a concept that in Spain is in full expansion. This way of traveling has experienced a remarkable boom and we believe that it is partly because it is a type of trip that gives value to the little things that really matter”.

These are the first lines of ‘ camperize’, the guide of the authors of the blog Viajandonuestravida that has recently been published by the editorial Anaya Touring and that is designed for anyone who intends to convert a van into a home to travel.

Would you like to turn your van into your home? This guide solves some of the most common doubts in a practical and theoretical way: what are the best vans to camperize, what budget do you have to have, what materials to use, how to camperize it from scratch without being experts, etc.

Behind this guide are the authors of Viajandonuestravida, a backpacker blog that was opened in 2015 with the intention of providing information on road trips, traveling with dogs, and in 2018, they added the adventure of camping their first van themselves. This is how they immersed themselves in the campervan world and began to share all the tips they tried on their own skin on their blog. His philosophy? A minimalist and more respectful life with the environment.

“After having camperized our van ourselves, we have poured all the knowledge acquired throughout this process into this guide. With the experience we can offer and share the information that is needed to embark on the task of camperize because we've been through it. From choosing the right materials, tools, carpentry techniques , we have researched facilities and so we could go on with an extensive list. Thanks to this book you will save a lot of time , all that we invest looking for this amount of information and that we summarize in the following pages”, point out its authors.

Traveling by campervan is for you if you don't like to leave any member of the family when you travel (including pets), if you enjoy nature, freedom of movement, driving at your own pace, not in a hurry to be able to photograph the landscape... “ Choose each sunset and forget about the fixed and mandatory schedules . It is the comfort of carrying your house on your back. It doesn't matter what model of van you own, larger or smaller, everything you need fits inside. And finally, speaking of space, traveling by campervan is also learning about minimalism and realizing how many things we buy and stockpile and how few we really need”, they add.

camperízate book

The interior of the 'Camperízate' guide.


What are you going to find in the guide that you can't find elsewhere? First of all, it is a guide for beginners, it is simple, it has a theoretical part and a practical part that you can easily understand.

In it you will find information about the different options that the market offers in vans, how each one adapts to each user profile, what is necessary to make a search and purchase with a guarantee, the realization of a design and all the steps to follow to carry it upon completion.

In addition, each section details the necessary tools, materials offered by the market and all the regulatory information related to the task to be carried out. With graphics, explanatory tables that will make understanding easier and the explanations and practical advice that experience has taught the authors in the camperization process.

And to have everything in order and avoid problems, the guide includes a section with all the necessary information, the steps to take and the recommendations to be able to easily homologate the vehicle once camperized.

'Camperize' book

'Camperízate' by Anaya Touring.

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