Six sculptures drop anchor on the Cannes seabed


The dive took place on January 28

The dive took place on January 28

We have been tracking the trail for years. British activist and sculptor Jason deCaires Taylor, who seems to have a clear objective: flood the ocean with fascinating sculptures.

Clear examples of this are the Maldives underwater museum, the one in Lanzarote or the recent dive -on January 28- of six faces in the waters of Cannes.

They are located at a distance of between 84 and 132 meters from the shore.

They are located at a distance of between 84 and 132 meters from the shore

situated around the island of Sainte-Marguerite , the sculptures have given life to the first underwater eco-museum in France and the Mediterranean with the stamp of Jason deCaires Taylor. Were six inhabitants of the French city source inspiration of the features of the faces that the British artist modeled.

elaborated with a sustainable material (pH neutral) , the figures of two meters high and ten tons of weight will contribute to the return of underwater fauna and flora. Over time, algae, shells and corals They will cover the imposing pieces, thus integrating them into the marine ecosystem.

The faces correspond to six citizens of Cannes

The faces correspond to six citizens of Cannes

"What a joy to be able to contemplate the result of this magnificent project! Combining beauty and pedagogy, the Cannes underwater eco-museum symbolizes my attachment to two fundamental values: the cultural need and the preservation of the environment” , commented David Lisnard, Mayor of Cannes.

“In 2015, I was struck by images of the work of Jason deCaires in Mexico. They were powerful and dreamlike, with a true ecological dimension. The installation of the sculptures in Cannes offer an enlarged bathing area , an environment conducive to the discovery of underwater life”, he continues.

the bathing area in which the sculptures are found has quadrupled, counting on an area of ​​29,000 square meters.

On the other hand, in order to respect the environment, the mooring of boats has been prohibited in said area , located at a distance of between 84 and 132 meters from the shore, allowing only diving.

It's worth diving at a depth of between three and five meters to contemplate this ode to underwater art that evokes the image of the mysterious Man in the Iron Mask -imprisoned for eleven years on the island-, in addition to pay homage to cinema, intrinsically linked to the cultural life of Cannes.

The mask as a symbol of Cannes

The mask as a symbol of Cannes

But in addition to being an emblematic figure in local history, the mask is also an internationally recognized symbol , representing, since the 18th century, the denunciation of the arbitrariness of absolute power.

As for the Free access) , being an expert in diving is not a requirement: it is enough to have a mask and a tube to be able to enjoy the experience.

In turn, the execution of this artistic project is accompanied by regular monitoring of the underwater ecosystem of the archipelago of the Lérins Islands. The objective? Observe the evolution of marine biodiversity and protect this rich natural space.

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