Google Arts & Culture launches 'Maravillas de España', a digital portal to explore the heritage of our country


Wonders of Spain

'Wonders of Spain': hours and hours diving into the treasures of our heritage

Google Arts & Culture premieres today on its cultural platform the project Wonders of Spain , in collaboration with the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism and the Ministry of Culture.

It is a digital portal that brings together a set of exhibitions where explore and dive through the wealth of Spanish culture and heritage through the five senses.

The initiative is part of the national campaign of TurEspaña "the incredible is closer than you think" and its objective is to encourage users to rediscover Spain and promote national tourism.

Google Arts Culture launches 'Wonders of Spain'

Google Arts & Culture launches 'Wonders of Spain'


Wonders of Spain has had the participation of more than 110 Spanish institutions that are members of Google Arts & Culture and hosts more than 150 reports, virtual tours obtained with Street View technology and super high resolution images.

The content is divided into five major chapters: sights, tastes, sounds, smells and touch.

In addition, it incorporates a visit to the Thyssen-Bornemisza National Museum behind closed doors from the hand of its director, Evelio Acevedo, and the youtuber Javi Alonso.

'Wonders of Spain'

We have a wonderful cultural heritage!


The portal is available in English and Spanish and in it we can contemplate Spanish masterpieces such as The bottle of anise by Juan Gris, or this Sabbath painted by Goya.

Also, you can give a walk through the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, ​​through the archaeological site of Madinat Al Zahra or behind the scenes of the Teatro Real.

Likewise, we can discover museums and spaces dedicated to art and culture, such as the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, from a new perspective.

Guggenheim Museum Bilbao

Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao


Wonders of Spain also offers us the possibility of exploring the gastronomy of the Spanish territory through an interactive map, cooking a potato omelette from home with Kikillo and Samantha Vallejo-Nájera or seeing Ferran Adrià's creativity notebooks online for the first time.

And as if this were not enough, the portal incorporates the new exhibition The Thyssen on the plate , which stems from a previous initiative of the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum in which 25 Spanish chefs each prepared a dish inspired by a work in the museum.

The digital exhibition, carried out in collaboration with the Royal Academy of Gastronomy, presents a selection of this project and adds new proposals such as, Chicken with spices, by Ferran Adrià , inspired by Seated Woman by Juan Gris; Y Spring pickles with walnut romesco sauce, by Joan Roca , inspired by Renoir's Woman with a Parasol in a Garden.

Spanish gastronomy

Spanish gastronomy

Amit Sood, Director of Google Arts & Culture hopes that "with this exhibition we help users to rediscover the delights of Spain: its art, history, gastronomy, architecture, etc."

"We have worked hard to integrate all the wonders of Spain into a single site, in order to provide all kinds of visitors with the possibility of “taste” everything that Spain can offer”, he continues in a press release.

Rooster by Joan Miró

Rooster (Le Coq), by Joan Miró

For its part, Reyes Maroto, Minister of Industry, Commerce and Tourism , she highlights that “thanks to Google technology, this project will allow anyone who wants it explore the cultural and heritage wealth of Spain, and it will also help promote national tourism to support local economies and therefore the recovery of the tourism sector, one of the pillars of our country's economy".

Finally, the Minister of Culture and Sports, José Manuel Rodríguez Uribes , defends that “culture is essential for Spain, so we have to work to protect it, strengthen it and raise awareness among citizens, as it empowers our country both from an economic point of view and from an international prestige point of view; via Google Arts & Culture, our culture can be enjoyed without geographical borders or economic barriers, at any time”.

Google Arts Culture

Listen, touch, taste, contemplate, smell...

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