Do you dream of traveling to Africa? This is the route you were waiting for


plane flying over victoria falls

The trip includes scenic flights above Victoria Falls

The trip of your life. Trip with which you have always dreamed. The one that inspired you by the movies of adventure, documentaries, books What did you read when you were little? That is the one that the company specialized in luxury safaris has prepared Ratpanat for you.

We are talking about ' ** The Premium Okavango Route ** ', which runs through ** Namibia , Botswana and Victoria Falls ** in 21 days of travel, and which includes scenic flights by plane and ultralight , the opportunity to meet local tribes and the experience of **one night of luxury camping** under the stars.

lion and lioness in the savannah

During this safari, you will see animals in the wild

The safari takes place through the etosha national park , "an ecosystem totally different from that of ** Tanzania or Kenya **", they explain from the company. "We visited the main ponds in the area of Okaukuejo to spot wild life , because there they come to water lions, rhinos, leopards, elephants, zebras, and giraffes. It is the only opportunity to observe the african wildlife in an ecosystem semi desert ".

The adventure will also allow you to travel the Okavango Delta in mokoro, the traditional boat of this area of Botswana, described by Ratpanat as "one of the experiences more sensory and evocative that can be lived".

touring the Okavango Delta in 'mokoro'

You can tour the Okavango Delta in 'mokoro'

But What a difference this route from the others? According to Almudena Parrondo, company spokesperson, the response can be summed up as "the variety of landscapes that are covered -including desert, dunes and swampy areas-, the fauna that can be seen and the tribes who are visited; the culture shock is awesome".

The tribes that Parrondo speaks of are the Himba and the San. "The Himba are easily recognizable by their hairstyles and the color reddish of their women's skin, which they dye as a beauty ritual and to protect yourself from the sun l", says the expert. For her part, "the San are one of the greatest exponents of the Bushman culture. During the route, you visit the Nyae Nyae Reserve , a space self-managed by the tribe, where we will live with them and share their customs and rites ancestral".

himba tribe woman and child

The Himba, recognizable by their hairstyle and the reddish color of their skin

Another feature that differentiates this adventure from the others is the zone in which it runs, places in Africa "still underdeveloped ", like Namibia ("which is not South Africa or Kenya"), clarifies Parrondo.

"We travel in a prepared truck to approach this type of expeditions, in which there are many long journeys and the roads unpaved, which allows us to carry the necessary equipment to bridge these distances and overcome the travel conditions more extreme ", assures the professional.

safari road at night

This will be your means of transportation for much of the route

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