The most corrupt countries in the world (and the least)



Corruption and fraud occupy second place in the concerns of Spanish society

"The world is not threatened by bad people, but by those who allow evil."

We begin by quoting Albert Einstein to analyze one of the great evils of our society. It is not trivial that in the last barometer published by the CIS corruption and fraud occupy second place in the concerns of Spanish society (with 35.1% of mentions), only behind the great concern: unemployment (with 65.8% mentions).

But, in what position is Spain compared to the rest of the countries of the world? This is what the non-governmental organization tries to deduce Transparency International every year with his Corruption Perception Index Just published this year.

This report analyzes 180 countries according to the perception that experts and people in the business world have of the level of corruption in each territory and classify them into scale from 0 to 100 , with 100 being the number of maximum “cleanliness” or “transparency” and 0, the maximum of corruption.


The Corruption Perception Index analyzes the level of corruption in each territory, classifying them from 0 to 100


A couple of conclusions to keep in mind: New Zealand remains, for the second consecutive year, as the least corrupt country of those analyzed with a score of 89.

In addition, as a global reflection, Transparency International concludes that in 2017 (year analyzed in this latest report) more than two-thirds of countries are below level 50 (i.e. in bad position), with an average score of 43. Spoiler: this way is Spain (45) .

Literally, the report reads "Unfortunately, and compared to recent years, this poor behavior is nothing new.”

It is furthermore stated that "Most countries are making little or no progress in ending corruption."

And in a deeper analysis he exposes how journalists and activists in corrupt territories risk their lives every day in an effort to speak out about it.

This last aspect refers to countries whose score is dangerously close to zero.

So, to find the most corrupt country of 2017 we have to look at Africa, where Somalia , with 9 points, holds this dubious honor.

They follow him on this embarrassing list South Sudan (12) , Syria (14) , Afghanistan (fifteen) , Yemen (16) , Sudan (16) , Libya (17) , North Korea (17) , Guinea-Bissau (17) , Equatorial Guinea (17) and Venezuela (18) .

If you want to know the least corrupt, click here.

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