a sad goodbye


Digital reconstruction of what Malta's Blue Window looked like before it collapsed last year.

Digital reconstruction of what Malta's Blue Window looked like before it collapsed last year.

When a storm last year caused Malta's Blue Window to collapse, we realized how insignificant we are before the force of nature. One, because an unequivocal symbol of the country was lost, one of those that attract the traveler and make him choose one destination and not another as a vacation spot, and two, because it reminded us of those other places that suffered the onslaught of much more terrifying phenomena. and devastating, such as an earthquake.

For this reason we decided to pay homage in the form of a visual report to several disappeared enclaves and we completed it with others historical or natural monuments destroyed by man... Because so that the (disastrous) history does not repeat itself, it is necessary to have memory.

Memory of what we were and what we are to be aware of what we want to become.

- That natural window of rock that has changed the landscape of Malta

- The Nine Apostles of Australia

- The finger of God that no longer exists in Gran Canaria

- This rock in the shape of faces that disappeared in the United States

- This extraordinary formation disappeared due to the irresponsibility of three tourists

- Palmyra, in ruins

- The shooting down of the giant buddhas of Afghanistan

- The earthquake that destroyed this square in Nepal

- The Cuzco that is no longer

- The same thing happened in Mexico

- The flooded towns in Spain

- The Brazilian Cerrado will disappear imminently

The Taliban left a physical void in the cliffs of Bamiyān but a cultural one in the history of humanity.

The Taliban left a physical void in the Bamiyan cliffs, but a cultural one in the History of Humanity.

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