Guide so you don't miss anything in the Galapagos


The natural abec island by island

The natural alphabet island by island

Giant tortoises, marine and land iguanas, sea lions, blue-footed boobies, several species of sharks, are some of the animals that you can find in the Galapagos Islands, in Ecuador, an archipelago that is located 1000 kilometers from the mainland . It is not necessary to go to a specific site to observe the aforementioned, because in different places you will find some of the reptiles, fish and birds that are part of the natural landscape of the enchanted islands.

To tour the islands, declared Natural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO, We recommend wearing light clothing, sports shoes, sun protection and a hat, but everything will depend on the months in which you visit: December to May are the hottest months (28°C) and June to November is cooler (24°C). C). These are the most outstanding islands, perfect for your visit, and their main attractions.

the laboratory of the world

the laboratory of the world


It is the most populated of the archipelago and is the starting point to tour other islands , such as San Cristóbal and Isabela. Among the activities offered by Santa Cruz, you can opt for an active plan of walks and bike rides, snorkeling and diving, and countless tours to see points of interest, such as the ** Charles Darwin Foundation ** , whose objective is to carry out scientific research and environmental education for conservation.

Marine and land iguas flood the Galapagos

Marine and land iguas flood the Galapagos

More places of interest:

The ranches or farms , where you will find the famous giant tortoises of the Galapagos Islands in their natural state.

The Twins , located in the highlands of Santa Cruz Island. They are two craters inside of which, especially the largest, is the scalesia forest , and it is an excellent place to admire land birds, such as the woodpecker finch and witch bird.

scalesia forest

scalesia forest

** The turtle route ** is a tourist trail that leads to the Fausto Llerena breeding and rearing center Yet the Symbol of Hope room, space where the embalmed body of the lonely george (the most famous Galapagos tortoise that lived 90 years and died in 2012 being the last of its kind, Geochelone abingdoni). During the route, you can delve into some topics, such as the conservation of the turtles of the Chelonoidis donfaustoi species, which inhabit the eastern part of Santa Cruz Island, and the extinction of some of these reptiles.

The beaches, including the Garrapatero , located 35 kilometers by car, Tortuga Bay or Tortuga Bay. On the latter, the white sand and the species found on the site, such as sea ​​lions and iguanas, pelicans, flamingos, seagulls and crabs.

Turtle Bay

Turtle Bay

Darwin Avenue to enjoy the Santa Cruz nightlife. In this street there are different options of restaurants, cafes, bars and shops to do some shopping. Another option is the street of the kiosks , the one that closes every night to vehicular traffic to fill it with tables and food. Be sure to try the canchalagua ceviche and the fried cod.


It is the second island in population, after Santa Cruz, and welcomes travelers dedicated to doing surfing, diving and kayaking on this side of the Pacific. The city Puerto Baquerizo Moreno It is the cantonal head of San Cristóbal and the capital of Galapagos, and is located in the western part of the archipelago. There is a wide range of tours that invite you to visit and admire the marvelous flora and fauna of the island, and to reach them it is necessary to go by boat, such as:

Islet Sleeping Lion. Located two hours northeast of Puerto Baquerizo Moreno, they are two rocks approximately 148 meters high. You can swim in them, snorkel and dive. In addition, it is ideal to see sharks and fish, such as barracuda and rainbow fish. Other creatures you will find on the site are sea ​​turtles, eagle rays and sea lions ; and among the birds red-breasted frigatebirds, masked boobies and pelicans.

Lobos Island. 20 minutes from the island, it is a long path of 850 meters where there is a small population of blue-footed boobies and common frigatebirds.

The Lobery. Spectacular coral sand beach, ideal for surfing. The name of this site is thanks to the amount of sea ​​lions that rest on the rocks and sand. In addition, here you can observe different birds, such as frigate birds and various species of finches.

Sea lion procrastinating in paradise

Sea lion procrastinating in paradise

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