Fear of traveling alone? We take it away with these reasons


Because traveling alone has more positive things than you think

Because traveling alone has more positive things than you think

if it exists an upward trend in the world of travel, and which will continue to grow in the coming years, is to travel alone. Little by little, people are **losing their fear (and shame) ** of discovering new places with no one in the seat next to them.

We are convinced that traveling in single mode is a great idea, and we are going to demonstrate it to you below with millionaire lawyer arguments.

Forget about stigmas turn a deaf ear to malicious comments and, as soon as you finish reading our reasons, prepare the suitcase. On the way back you tell us if it was worth it.


It may be a very trite phrase, but that does not stop it from being a compelling reason. Being alone in a new place means that you have to seek life on your own, which is very positive, because if an unforeseen event arises, there is no other option but to wake up and do your best to solve it.

you will be surprised too the number of things you will dare to do for the first time, and that when you are with your partner, family or friends it is more complicated.

It is normal: you have knocked down a great mental barrier by daring to live this adventure, and now the body asks you for more and more until discover where your new limit is.

sitting boy

Disconnect to reconnect


Really, the thing about traveling without anyone happens only at the beginning. There are many who agree that in these experiences you end up meeting a lot of people, either in the place where you stay, on an excursion, on a guided tour...

It's hard for friendships to survive the journey, but the magic of exploring the world with new people It will be an indelible memory.


Itineraries? Schedules? Those words do not exist for an adventurer who 'ventures' alone. Do you want to go to square 'x'? You go. Do you feel like stopping as long as you want to photograph the 'y' monument? You stop. And above all, don't you want to go to site 'z'? You do not go.

You are the sole owner of your steps, you set the hours, you decide what you're missing and you choose which of the two exhibitions that coincide in time you prefer to see, and all of this free of reproaches.

That We do not mean that traveling accompanied is a nightmare, but you save yourself a good number of silly discussions.


You are the only owner of your steps


These days are to dedicate them to you to the fullest and it will not cost you anything Get rid of your mobile, laptop and tablet. You forget everything and put your thoughts in order, see things from another perspective and reconnect with yourself.

Don't feel guilty about focusing on yourself: we all need to restart the database from time to time and This experience may be the occasion you were waiting for: decide whether to launch that project you've been thinking about for so long, start learning German or start collaborating with an NGO.


If traveling is for get rid of many chains that adhere to our subconscious as the years go by, doing it without company helps this process faster.

You will have to interact yes or yes with the local population, you will learn new customs, you will soak up the history of the place and you will know things that are everyday for the people of the area but that for us are very strange. Time to untie a lot of blindfolds!

tea ceremony

You will learn new customs and ways of seeing life


Not even Jon Snow in the reconquest of Winterfell can match your courage after returning to Spain of your experience to the single.

you dare with everything, You don't stop at home for a moment, you start going to the cinema or an exhibition without a companion when before you were embarrassed just thinking about it...

You have discovered that you are not made of glass, that you can manage well on your own and now there is no way to satiate yourself.

That's great but you have to be a little careful not to sideline your people and overwhelm them with your stories. Balance the scales!


This would be the best summary. How many times have you stayed on land for not having a companion despite having the time and money? Is there anything more frustrating? We doubt it.

As long as the necessary precautions are taken, discover the world on your own It is as good an option as any other.

If you can afford it, don't hesitate for a moment. In the end, the places you discover will be the least of it; what will stay etched in your memory It will be that experience that you felt 100% for jumping into the pool and leaving your misgivings behind.


You will realize that your limits are much further than you imagined

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