La Rioja Alta, the romantic getaway you need between vineyards


Fall in love with La Rioja Alta.

Fall in love with La Rioja Alta.

The High Rioja is that bit in the westernmost part of the province of La Rioja, which without trying to bother the people of La Rioja Rioja Baja and Alavesa They say it is the most beautiful of the three. Anyone who has been lucky enough to enjoy this region will know that this is home to vast fields of vineyards , which change color with each season and, depending on where they are observed, are like living carpets that are spun between green, red, brown and orange colors.

that same place where the mountains and snowy peaks of Valdezcaray rise , where you will find beautiful and curious towns such as ** Briones and Briñas ** and listen to the stories of the pilgrims on their journey through the Santiago's road . Oh, and how not to mention their music! The chirping of the sparrows here is unmistakable.

Santo Domingo de la Calzada.

Santo Domingo de la Calzada.

who leaves these lands always remember them with a smile , and he knows that some of the most desired pleasures of our days are found in them: tranquility and calm. La Rioja, dear readers, is to temporarily stop the clock and take a leisurely hot chocolate; or have a chat -of those relaxed ones- in the bar of any square with cobblestones.

**Let's live more and run less in these experiences in La Rioja Alta **, which will always make you feel better in good company.


You will see many towns along this trip, but none as authentic as Santo Domingo de la Calzada . The first of its curiosities is that this town It is one of the most unknown jewels of the Camino de Santiago Let's say that its history begins with him, in the 11th century.

Where you can now see stone houses and the splendid tower of its cathedral (one of the most beautiful in La Rioja), everything was holm oak forests that ran alongside the oja river before the 10th century. Domingo settled there, a hermit who dedicated his whole life to facilitate the way to the pilgrims who went to Santiago.

Mount of San Lorenzo.

Mount of San Lorenzo.

From this work came a wooden bridge, a hospital -now a Parador Nacional- and a temple for the material and spiritual help of the pilgrims. In the Alameda Square you will find one of the most recognized hostels on the Camino de Santiago.

Many reasons will take you here: the Medieval Fair in December , its May festivities... but possibly the most important reason is its gastronomy. In the Restaurante de los Caballeros you will discover how Calcea residents spend their time behind the stove and in The National Parador They will serve you a good wine between centuries of history.


We started strong crowning the highest peak in all of La Rioja , Monte de San Lorenzo is well worth an effort like this. Arm yourselves with courage to climb (or at least try) their 2,271 meters high.

It is ideal for any time of the year, in winter, of course, if you like cold and snow . It is located in the demand saw and to ascend you must go to the people of Ezcaray . The route that we propose is the one with easy access, it can be done with children and starts at the Tres Cruces , at 1,940 meters high. Once at the top you can see Moncayo and the Pyrenees if the weather allows it.



La Rioja becomes irresistible in spring, but also in winter, when the first snowflakes leave their mountains painted white . Valdezcaray is the perfect place to enjoy a good day of skiing.

You can give the snow a break by visiting the surrounding towns and villages, some of the prettiest are Valgañón, Zorraquín or Zaldierna . The latter is a village of old stone houses with a special charm that, although it is only inhabited by 14 people, has a Rural House and Bistronomic Grill where, in addition to eating well, you can have a quiet coffee.


Ezcaray is and will be one of the most charming towns in La Rioja. Its narrow streets with wooden and stone houses, the arcades and those balconies where there are always flowers are hard to forget. This town, better known for being the home of the Echaurren - they say that the best croquettes in Spain are eaten here - lives during the day, but much more at night.

If you come to visit remember that Rioja people like bars and they do not forgive going from one to another taking their shorts. So we encourage you to make the saying yours: "Wherever you go, do what you see!".

Rioja roasted peppers.

Rioja roasted peppers.

Before reaching the Vegetable Square -its neuralgic point- don't forget to walk along the Oja river, look at the old books in the bookshop The Veil of Isis and see the Town Hall of it. When you've done all this, head to the square and start drinking and eating.

If you want to try some more informal delicacies you will not fail in the Little room of the Echaurren or in the tapas area of ​​the restaurant Masip House . Nor can you leave without trying the skewers of the Roypa and the Ubaga.

End the night with the best cocktails at the Troika pub. The best in all of Rioja Alta? I think so...


La Rioja has plenty of traditions. What if their roasts, what if their chops to the vine shoot, what if their wonderful wines... But really, you can't leave without trying their peppers. Of all the possible varieties, choose the roasts: meaty, tasty and with a characteristic colour.

When autumn arrives and the orchards have harvested the red and green peppers , people from La Rioja get together -many as a hobby- to roast peppers. A documented tradition since the 19th century that brings so many moments of happiness to those of us who can taste them.

Haro La Rioja.

Haro, La Rioja.

Go to any grocery store and ask for a pot of roasted peppers, fry them with a little garlic and a little oil, and finally accompany them with some fried eggs and a loaf of bread. If it can be, take it all to the field and enjoy it after a walk. They taste like glory!

If you want something more formal, go to the restaurant Peppers , in Thyrgo. Not much more needs to be said...


Haro is one of the municipalities in La Rioja where you will find the highest concentration of wineries. If what you want is a romantic getaway dedicated to wine , this will be the place for it because many wineries offer authentic activities and tours.

Muga, Roda, La Rioja Alta, Ramon Bilbao ... With which of all are you going to stay? You don't have to be an expert winemaker to enjoy the Ramon Bilbao Wineries (since 1924), here you will learn how their best wines are prepared, you will do a tasting, you will be able to eat -if you make the reservation in time- and you will live a trip in 3D reality.

You would be crazy if you did not take advantage of the activities of the Muga Winery : a visit to its vineyards and a tour aboard a balloon .

The Roman bridge of Cihuri.

The Roman bridge of Cihuri.


We bring you to this little town located between Haro and Casalarreina for two things. The first is that in a romantic getaway you cannot miss a walk , in this municipality of nearly 200 inhabitants you will not lack tranquility, groves, trails -a wonderful one along which the tug river -, neither wine, because it is one of the wine towns of the area.

The second reason is that in Cihuri there is one of the best restaurants in Rioja Alta , which you will have to call in advance to reserve since it only opens certain days a year. Grandfather's Trujal, located next to the Roman bridge of Cihuri, It is an old house with a rustic atmosphere and exquisite cuisine.

Dishes like your Iberian secret with pepper garnish, their artichoke hearts , its smoked anchovies or its chops to the vine shoot They are essential on this journey.


We entrust you with a place that you may not have heard much about, but of great natural beauty. **The so-called Peñas de Cellorigo ** are located just behind the same municipality that bears their name, a place that overwhelms and causes intrigue when you visualize it out of tune between a large plain.

That's how beautiful Cellórigo is.

That's how beautiful Cellórigo is.

This natural space secretly keeps hundreds of battles between Moors and Christians who disputed the territory (it is bordering Castilla y León) centuries ago.

The Pulpit of La Rioja , another of the names with which it has been baptized, is a mountainous group with the appearance of natural fortress which is part of the Obaren Mountains . Legend has it that these big boulders are actually witches , who fell into a curse turning into rocks forever.

It is nice to see its perched houses and the contrast with the mountains. Several walks can be made in the surroundings.

Are they really witches?

Are they really witches?

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