Eating Palencia: the ABC of its gastronomy


Cecinas Valle de Villarramiel

Cecinas Valle de Villarramiel

Palencia, one of the most unjustly unknown provinces of Castile . It is land of fields, that is to say, of cereals mainly. That is why they have such a variety of sweets, and they are also proud of their own bread . But in the province where the most Romanesque monuments are concentrated (and best preserved) and whose capital hides the bar with the most gins in the world , There is much more. Because its diverse geography produces good meat and better cheeses. We spoke with producers and chef Miguel Sánchez, who runs the restaurant the butt in Palencia capital, to elaborate the alphabet with which to sink your teeth into the province.

Landscapes of Palencia

Landscapes of Palencia

Food from Palencia

It is the brand created by the Diputación in which all foods with a quality label, their producers and a good handful of restaurants throughout the province are included. “ We need to go out more ”, Miguel Sánchez tells us. And since the union is strength, Perhaps this is how we begin to hear more about what is eaten in Palencia.

Cervera de Pisuerga meat

Not everything is countryside in Palencia. The Palentine Mountain To the north of the province there are large pasture areas where cows are raised that give meat with a guarantee mark.

Cecina from Villarramiel Valley

It is also a guarantee mark. And it differs from the rest of the Castilian cured meats because they produce ** horse cecina **. "It has less fat, more iron, more omega-6, omega-3... It's good for athletes because of its high level of protein," Mariano Lucas, one of its producers, tells us while cutting slices from two of its pieces. Two pieces each with his name. “Each one has a cure, we know where it comes from, how old it is. We do everything following an artisan process and personalized by piece . This piece, for example, I have played 114 times”, he continues. And it differs from that of León because it is not smoked, but they work on two curing textures: “one softer for cooking, and another more cured similar to the traditional sausage”. They produce cecina from horse, cow, certain, wild boar, and they are testing with mouflon and other animals . But they don't work pork. We do not work the pig. We are artisans.


It is the most important sector in Palencia. And not only because the people of Palencia can have a sweet tooth, but also a little, but because its manufacture of cereal and very high quality butter favors it. Aguilar de Campo , for example, is famous for its architecture, but also for years for its Cookie factory . In general, the most typical is the preparation of dry sweets: pastries, such as the blind ones, or puff pastry bows, such as the Socorritos of Uko , made in cervera . But the tocinillos or the almonds are also important.

Socorritos of Uko

Socorritos de Uko, a classic

suckling lamb

The dish that you have to try yes or yes if you step on the province of Palencia. It is probably its most important product, it comes from the churra breed of palentine cerrato , much juicier than others. And it is served baked.

Vegetables from Saldaña

“The Saldaña bean is soft and creamy”, Miguel Sánchez explains that he works a lot with game at La Traserilla. But, in addition, Palencia also has production of brown lentil.


Palencia is also traditionally a hunting area and that means that dishes with “ roasted or pickled palominos ”. “We also work with the rabbit in any facet. And an interesting dish is the hare with beans -the Saldana beans –“, explains Miguel Sánchez.

Menestra Palentina

"The Palencian stew is the only dish that bears the Palentino surname", explains Sánchez. “Our province is famous for having a small but very tasty vegetable garden – in which the Torquemada peppers stand out, Palenzuela onions either Ojeda's potatoes – and in the season of vegetables what was brought forward is this recipe: it is like a panache of vegetables that is made with a background of the juices of the vegetables, with a little onion, garlic and lean pork or ham vegetables are added the difference is that the artichokes and cauliflower are battered ”.

Blood sausage

Unlike the one in Burgos, it does not have rice. And they aren't as compressed as Leon's either. Throughout the province there are eight or nine producers of this very characteristic black pudding that can be made almost like a spreadable paste.


We are in the land of fields, here bread is essential. The good bread. The Fabiola from Palencia, for example, will soon have a guarantee mark.

Villamartin pates

Since always the Nava Lagoon has been passage of birds. "They come to spend the winter there, some hard winters of nine months," says Manuel de Prado Gairaud, producer of Selectos de Castilla, a brand of high-quality pâtés made with those ducks that feed on cereals from the land of fields , neither corn nor grass, which gives it a different quality and consistency. Y no additives or preservatives added . For a few years now, in addition to the duck pâté, they have been making churro suckling lamb pâté, to combine very palentine flavours.

Pleasure is to try the Cerrato cheeses

Pleasure is to try the Cerrato cheeses


There are 17 cheese factories in all of Palencia. What distinguishes their cheese is that it is only made from raw churra sheep milk.


As recipes, it is an important dish in the province, Miguel Sánchez tells us. Made with eggs from the farmyards there, with ham and mushrooms, "which are always found in our moors or pine forests".

Castilian soup

Another important dish on the Palencia menu. Not to be confused with garlic soups.


Of the palentine rivers. It is the fish that is most found in the province.


And like all good food, it should always be well watered. In Palencia they have two Denominations of Origin: Arlanza wines (which they produce red and rosé); and those from Cigales (white, rosé and red).

Wineries of the Designation of Origin Cigales

Wineries of the Cigales Denomination of Origin: a world of surprises

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