FILIPLAN, the search engine for cultural plans in Madrid


That an application is useful is as important as its design. That is why the new website (also app) PHILIPLAN It is presented as the definitive search engine for cultural plans in Madrid. We will not only access more than a thousand activities in the capital in record time, but we can also do it by filtering the results based on our interests and our location.

Its founder, Gabriela Maier, says that it was difficult for her to find something that would fit your interests and time availability in the overwhelming cultural offer in Madrid, the reason that prompted her to found FILIPAN: “For me culture is essential but it was very difficult for me to keep up with everything that was happening in Madrid”.

Exhibitions, concerts, workshops, courses, plays, shows... everyone is waiting perfectly classified on the web to be found. And the way is very simple. You may filter the results by dates, by tastes, by location and even by price. Also sort them (the newest first, for example), save your favourites, invite and share those experiences with friends and archive those activities you have already done.

Application interface.

Application interface.

"It's like being subscribed to 2,400 newsletters to be up to date with everything," they say from the website, since In Madrid alone there are more than 400 organizations that offer cultural activities and more than 2,000 if we include schools and academies. It's the closest thing to a personalized cultural diary.

FILIPLAN ('fili' was, in medieval Ireland, a poet and philosopher in charge of spreading the culture of his time) has been the third best valued project by the Ministry of Culture and Sports of 650 presented and has the support of the Thyssen-Bornemisza National Museum, CaixaForum, Casa de México or the Fundación Amigos del Museo del Prado, among other institutions.

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