Truths and lies of the (multiple) castles of Dracula


Bran Castle zero connection Dracula 100 awesome

Bran Castle: zero Dracula connection, 100% awesome

A century after the death of bram stoker (the creator of the immortal -in the broadest sense of the word- character), We review the real scenarios in which the traces of the fictional character and the alleged inspirer of him, Vlad Tepes, are mixed , ruler of Wallachia during the fifteenth century, hero of Romanian history for defending his territory against the Turkish attacks and son of Vlad II Dracul, a word that meant “dragon”, but also -oh, the etymology!-“devil ”.

bran castle

Relationship with Dracula: null. Relationship with Vlad Tepes: practically non-existent. Why is it worth it? It is a medieval castle conveniently located near Brasov, the beautiful capital of Transylvania and useful starting point for excursions in the region . Expropriated during communism, the place was returned to the heir of its former owners, who turned out to be a Habsburg living in New York whom we imagine that the unexpected inheritance did not finish deluding. After unsuccessfully trying to sell it, he reached an agreement with the Romanian authorities to keep it open for tourism, much to our delight. Inside there are explanatory panels on the myth of Dracula, the history of the castle and its total lack of relationship with the historical Vlad Tepes, who apparently never even spent a night there. And yet it is so overwhelming, photogenic and its silhouette so similar to the vampire castles of the collective imagination that the visit is unavoidable.

Views from the heights at the Poenari fortress

Views from the heights at the Poenari fortress

The fortress of Poenari

Relationship with Dracula: null. Relationship with Vlad Tepes: absolute. Why is it worth it? Vlad Tepes knew, in addition to creative ways to torture his enemies, how to choose the locations well . The fifteen hundred steps that you have to climb to reach the top of the fortress will serve to put us momentarily in the skin of the Turkish slaves who were used in its construction. Although it is in ruins, it is worth approaching because it was built by the real Impaler and because of the views from him, breathtaking five centuries after its construction. If the place does not manage to move us or does not seem terrifying enough, very close is the road to Transfăgar an , whose curves and unevenness will scare the most experienced driver.

Slains Castle where Bram Stoker was inspired to write the novel

Slains Castle where Bram Stoker was inspired to write the novel

Hotel Castel Dracula

Relationship with Dracula: it is the reason for its existence. Relationship with Vlad Tepes: we assume none. Why is it worth it? A few years ago someone decided that the myth of Dracula was not exploited enough and that a new tourist attraction could still be created: a Dracula-themed hotel on the site of the novel's castle, near Bistrita (the last place Jonathan Harker stays before facing a salad horror that will leave him scarred and gray for life), north of romania . If you decide to stay in it (yes, it also has coffins) you have to go without prejudice, aware that it is a mix of hotel, Dracula theme park and tourist attraction . Not suitable for those who are afraid of… kitsch.

Slains Castle

Relationship with Dracula: the character owes his “life” to him. Relationship with Vlad Tepes: not even remotely Why is it worth it? All these Romanian locations are very interesting places except for one small and insignificant detail: Bram Stoker never visited Romania (Let's finish!) And the place he had in mind when he described the count's abode was much closer to hand: the ruins of Slains Castle, Scotland , in the United Kingdom. they have the right presence and atmosphere to inspire any horror novel. And there's no denying they're so much closer London , the place where, after all, most of the novel takes place.

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