Ten dishes from Extremadura to refresh body and mind in summer


Gazpacho from Extremadura

Ten dishes from Extremadura to refresh body and mind in summer

A land accustomed to the heat in the summer months had to have defense mechanisms to withstand the roasting. And these find a great ally in gastronomy. Because you are not going to have a stew or a chanfaina in the middle of the summer . It does not proceed. That is why we are going to mention some of the delicacies to which you can go in summer in Estremadura looking for help.


Yes, you read it right. Not the Andalusian, but the Extremaduran . Although everyone knows the Andalusian gazpacho with its tomatoes, its cucumber, its pepper and its garlic, its freshness is not detracted from the one made in the neighboring lands. The main difference is that the one from Extremadura is a little more like the salmorejo from Córdoba , since it includes breadcrumbs and egg yolk. In addition, to enhance the red color, it is seasoned with Paprika and other vegetables such as onion or pepper are added. It is usually served in a clay bowl called almorfía and is traditionally prepared in a mortar. Don't tell me one of these doesn't fit right back from the pool.


No, don't be mean and make the joke easy because of its similarity to a certain word. It is considered the predecessor of gazpacho and is a refreshing dish that farmers and shepherds took in the middle of the morning to combat the summer heat. The ingredients were garlic, bread, oil, vinegar, salt and water. It could also be seasoned with “soups”, olives or grapes. The objective was to serve as a refreshment without filling the belly to be able to continue with the task. But when the conquerors brought new foods from the new world, chopped tomato, peppers and onion were added to the mix, thus forming the current recipe for cojondongo, somewhere between gazpacho and salad. And yes, it's cool. Or as it is said.

Gazpacho and ajoblanco

Gazpacho and ajoblanco


And if you don't like tomato you have other options. We continue with the cold soups , which, without a doubt, is the most refreshing. Although, like gazpacho, it is famous in Andalusia, it is also a typical dish from Extremadura, once again due to the proximity between the two regions. It is said that you can have your origin in Roman gastronomy for its ingredients that, without a doubt, do not hide the humble reminiscences of the mixture. It is made with bread, ground almonds, garlic, water, olive oil, salt and vinegar. The result is a quite tasty and refreshing white soup. In its Extremaduran variety it can be accompanied by grapes or figs, or even torreznos. It acts as a summer substitute for traditional crumbs. And if you don't like it, garlic and water.


Not to be confused with the Murcian zarangollo. This salad made with roasted peppers and tomatoes bathed in their own juice and sprinkled with olive oil and salt is Originally from the region of La Vera . It can also be found in some towns in the south of Salamanca bordering with Extremadura. Serves as an accompaniment to meat and fish and, of course, like the rest of the previous dishes, it is preferably eaten in summer. As you can see, the tomato is of great importance in Extremadura's summer gastronomy.




Also typical to eat mid-morning, similar to cojondongo , but typical of the region of Land of Mud in Badajoz , especially in Los Santos de Maimona. Is about a mincemeat of seasonal vegetables , especially tomato, pepper and cucumber, to which melva, tuna or mackerel are sometimes added and, of course, seasoned with the excellent oil from the area.


Although in many places in Spain this name is used to refer to a soup, in Extremadura, this cold dish it is made with grilled meat, usually chicken . A sauce is prepared with egg yolk and ground almonds seasoned with saffron. It is kept on ice and when it is cool it is ready to eat.


this appetizer, very typical of the Mérida area, It is very common in summer, since the aubergine is a very common crop in the area. There is nothing like a cold beer and a pickled eggplant to hang out on a hot afternoon.

White garlic

The cold and white soup of Extremadura


It is as rich as the name sounds. It's a soft drink , so it does not have a garnish like traditional gazpacho. It is made from cherries, apples, lemon, vinegar and water . Once everything is crushed, the delicacy can be completed with a few drops of local oil and the mixture is scrumptious. The absence of bread makes it a light dish with few calories.


Don't let the name fool you. It is true that it is eaten cold, in summer and that it is a salad. But don't think that you are going to have a light dish, because its ingredients are oranges, lemon, chorizo, ham, olive oil, salt and egg. There is nothing.


This freshwater fish, one of the few that can be tasted in Extremadura because we are far from the sea, can be prepared in various ways, especially in the community of Tagus-Salor . We have chosen the marinade for being the most refreshing variety for the summer season.

But let the heat not prevent us from trying the rest of the delicacies of Extremaduran gastronomy, since we cannot forget the ham, sausages, meats, oil and even stew dishes. Although it is rare, it is still refreshing and you always have to be prepared to resist, don't you think?

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Gazpacho with Jerte cherries

Gazpacho with Jerte cherries

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