Bartender's Day: what do our favorite bartenders in Madrid drink?


The day of the bartender, a global celebration under the name of World Bartender Day, It serves as an excuse to unravel a mystery that cocktail shakers only reveal on their days off or, if anything, when they are accompanied by others from the guild. It's worth delving into their fetish liqueurs and spirits, must-have classic cocktails, or those that keep you up at night to discover that they, our favorite bartenders, They also have their main preferences every time they give each other the benefits of an appetizer and, of course, at night.

1862 Dry Bar

1862 DryBar (Madrid).


One of the first to dare, in the heart of Malasaña, to leave the offer of beers and wines to focus solely and exclusively on cocktails. A risky feat that has paid off, becoming one of the best cocktail bars in Madrid. Alberto Martínez, its owner, has made 1862 Dry Bar a capital benchmark. His bar has been a quarry for many of the talents that have spread the love for cocktails to various corners of the city, a school that does not stop reaping fruits... and gain followers.

Your favorite cocktail: “I have always liked the Gimlet, but the classic recipe with gin and Lima Rose's. The big drama is that this lime cordial has been missing for a year or so. It does not arrive in Spain, there's no way to get it, suddenly it's gone and no one knows how to get it. There are many bartenders looking for it but there is no way. I have tried to use another lime cordial but the truth is that it is not the same. It was my favorite cocktail, but I kind of forgot about it because we don't get that flavor anymore. In fact, I've removed it from the menu for that very reason. Even Raymond Chandler wrote that the Gimlet is made with that cordial, so everything is even a little nostalgic”.

A liquor you love: Campari, of course. I think it is the favorite of most bartenders. A cocktail that I really like is the Lucien Godard, inspired by the famous French fencer: a variation of the Negroni that is made with dry vermouth and Cointreau. In general, the Campari gives a lot of play, I guess it's because of its color, which does a lot. And of course, the bitterness. Then it has a great history, which is that of many cocktails that are made with it. It is a bitter that always beats any novelty that dares to make its foray into the market, it is the worldwide bitter and it is very difficult not to always opt for it. It has sugar, it's bitter... It is the typical flavor that you do not like when you are young but that later, when you start to like it, you get hooked.

‘Craft Campari at BenFiddich Bar

Artisanal Campari at the BenFiddich bar.

Although my absolute favorite liquor is the Chartreuse, a marvelous herbal liqueur, with a great story. It is the most mystical because some Carthusian monks continue to make it in the Alps, following the same secret recipe since 1615 that they only know two monks. One knows one half and the other, the other. There are some liqueurs older than this but they already belong to houses, like Benedictine. In addition, it is highly valued because it is still made in special bottles that were made in Tarragona for many years. It is a very collector's liquor... and yes, very freaky”.

A cocktail for which you tour Spain: “When choosing my favorite cocktail in a Spanish cocktail bar, I would have to say that it is the Daiquiri, or any cocktail with rum, from the Caribbean Club, in Barcelona. Since I'm in the city I also always make sure to go for a drink at the Ideal cocktail bar. It is a place with a lot of history, open since 1931, where you can go for a cocktail before eating. I usually order a Martini… or a Gimlet (laughs). It's on the same street as the Dry Martini, near Tandem and Solange. I think it is one of the few areas in the world where bars that are cocktail bars continue to open and where you see all the customers with cocktails in hand, no beers”.


Naranjo lets his creativity flow at Belisa's bar, the new cocktail bar in the Barrio de las Letras . A project that was born inspired by the context of the 17th century, a moment in which Lope de Vega writes Las bizarre de Belisa. In this new cocktail shaker, it is the teas and infusions that are the protagonists of most of the preparations, laying the foundations for a different cocktail bar and of which much remains to be discovered, being accessible to all audiences and, therefore, capable of pleasing a diverse clientele.

What is your favorite cocktail? "The Old Fashioned, because I love whiskey. This one in particular is an alcoholic cocktail in which the presence of whiskey is noticeable, although it has sweet notes as well, courtesy of sugar. The bitter helps to reduce it and the orange twist gives it a refreshing touch. That when we talk about classics, because when it comes to more modern elaborations I like it a lot one they make at Harvey's, with mezcal, chamomile, lemon and St Germain.”

And what about distillates and spirits? “I'm a big whiskey drinker. I love references like the Maker's Mark, Blanton's or Mitcher's. And I like it alone, I don't like to combine it with anything… Yes, if you see someone in a club with a glass of whiskey and a bottle of water in the middle of the dance floor, that's me. I love mezcal too my favorite is the one made from agave tobalá, whose plant takes 15 years to grow. References such as Unión or 400 Conejos also go straight to my list of favorites, along with the raicilla from La Venenosa. Then there is the St Germain, It is valid for making both long and short drinks. You can add a few drops to any mixture and it becomes wonderful.”

Diego Cabrera Salmon Guru

Diego Cabrera, Salmon Guru.


Is there a more successful cocktail bar in Madrid than Diego Cabrera's? We doubt it. And it is that the Argentine has been the one who has been the longest fighting in Spain to give its well-deserved niche to signature cocktails in our country. Mission more than accomplished that materializes with the triumph of Salmon Guru, essential of any route high in alcohol within the capital and a meeting point for locals and travelers who seek to drink Madrid in its maximum and most liquid expression. Excellent service, eager to experiment and guaranteed fun, both in the glass and in the room, make Diego Cabrera's home a true point of reference.

A liquor that fascinates you? “The triple sec is one of the first I knew. I remember that my brother had in his house a bottle of Cointreau and at first glance it seemed that it was going to have an intense dry flavor, but one day, making a foray with a friend, we tried it and it was sweet, he even had a hard time opening it. That moment brings back a lot of childhood memories. of the raids he made to my brother's and my dad's bars. Now, as a professional, it seems to me that it is a liqueur that gives cocktails roundness.



I also really like working with the smoke liquor, because I find it very daring and because it gives a spicy and smoky touch to cocktails. In addition to being a national brand. We at Salmon Guru we use it at Chipotle Chilllon –mezcal, lemon juice and Smoke–, that we used to make with chipotle syrup. And then there is what is called the bartender's opium, which is elderflower, or St Germain. It is a kind of link because when you are making a cocktail and you don't finish getting it, you add two drops of this liquor and is magic".

A cocktail bar in Spain that you admire? “Everything Angelita does fascinates me, she goes and discovers new products and new ways of doing things. Angelita is one of those places where I am going to be daring with my choices, like when I go to visit Carlos Moreno, because they always try to be daring and are always experimenting.”


In this mezcaloteca , in which Vinueza acts as bar manager, have been standing out for four years now the value of agave distillates from Mexico: artisanal, traditional and most without having touched the barrel, becoming one of its main strengths. A concept that started with the intention to make them known at their best, teaching how to drink them neat and without ice. Over time, here they have been allowed to work with a specialized cocktail bar to attract new audiences , but without neglecting varieties such as sotol –made like mezcal but with a specific D.O and from a different plant–, as well as the popular mezcals of Oaxaca, the raicilla, mezcal from Durango and yes, also the tequila, white and reposado.

What are some of your favorite mezcal varieties? I have a lot of love for them mezcal from Jalisco, especially those on the coast. They are not as smoky, they have fresher flavors and slightly salty notes. Even herbal. For me, they bring together all the flavors that lead to reach umami. If I had to choose, La Venenosa –raicilla– would be my favorite reference. Then I would go to a mezcal from Oaxaca called tepextate, with smoky flavors and light spicy notes, like chili… but without chili. It is long-lived and is almost always close to 30 years old, although it has no age in the barrel, so it has a very characteristic flavor, quite full-bodied thanks to its alcoholic strength.

Beyond mezcal, what is usually your go-to cocktail? My favorite cocktail would be the Vieux Carré, slightly sweet, with bitter touches thanks to the bitters and very characteristic flavors thanks to cognac and rye whiskey. I had the opportunity about five years ago to go to New Orleans and take a tour of the best in the city. I fell even more in love with him and I still have those good memories recorded, so every sip It reminds me a lot of that time.


Dovi Krauzaite and Gintas Arlauskas.


In this cocktail bar footbath the drinks are characterized by being classic with a slight personal touch and some small modification. It is that point that makes the house of the Lithuanians Gintas Arlauska and Dovi Krauzaite, always be full of faithful clients ready to spend the hours, cocktail after cocktail, enjoying a perfect drink. a simple formula yes, but that is being able to endure over time, showing a certain future: that of being one of those places where, whatever you ask of yourself, you will surely succeed. And with a vengeance.

A cocktail that you are passionate about: “If we talk about my favorite cocktails, we will have to talk about three different preparations. Of course, I have to accept that I am one of those who prefer try different things, join the offer... but if there is not much to choose from or any kind of pressure to try something in particular, I always tend to opt for a Negroni, the classic, the usual –gin, Campari, vermouth–, one of the all-time favorites of bartenders. Second on my list would be Whisky Sour or a variation of it, followed by an occasional Margarita. But it all depends on where you are, with whom or the time. At home, for example, when I don't want to prepare anything extraordinary or very difficult, I usually resort to a Old fashioned".

A cocktail bar that prepares them to perfection? "The Salmon Guru Margarita It has always been one of my favorites because it is different and has a touch of egg white, which makes it more creamy and silky. In Savas we also have it, but instead of triple sec or orange liqueur we use Napoleon, a French liqueur flavored with tangerine instead of orange”.

Fernet Branca

Fernet Branca.

The spirits and liqueurs that win first place in your heart: “I always say the same thing. If it were up to me in Savas we would only have whiskeys and love you Italians, with this I would be more than happy. Whiskey is something that I am very passionate about and amaros are very interesting to work with, being very versatile and allowing a lot of play with small variations. My favorite brands are Cynar, Averna… and lately I have rediscovered my love for Fernet Branca. Many years of my life I was working surrounded by Argentines and this was recorded in me, there are times when I like Fernet a lot and times when I leave him aside. Now I am in the moment in which I enjoy it, and as the Argentine in me, I take it with Coca-Cola. On the other hand, whiskey fascinates me alone, better if it is smoked, with a lot of peat. ardberg , for example, is my favorite right now.”


The best cocktail bar in Spain according to the latest edition of FIBAR –reliable proof of why it is one of the favorites of Spanish mixologists– and the most sustainable. Never before have we seen cocktails in our country reach such levels of experimentation until Mario Villalon decided to get down to business with it. All the waste from the Angelita restaurant –under the leadership of his brother David– they are used to elaborate the proposals that make up the letter of it. Nothing is wasted, everything has a reason for being and it is delicious, everything is said.

Do you have a cocktail party? “For me, the choice of cocktail depends on the company and the moment, on my mood… I am capable of changing styles very easily, so I am not a person who has a main cocktail. But I am a creature of habit, so there are cocktails that I associate with certain places. For example, if I go to Del Diego I order the White Lady –gin, orange liqueur and lemon juice–, In addition, they add a touch of egg white, like a Whiskey Sour. On the other hand, if I go to Barcelona and go to Boadas, which is the temple of cocktails where my friend Adal works, I order a Dry Martini, which is quite an art the way he does it. the Dry Martini, a priori, it is very simple to make, because it is chilled gin flavored with vermouth, but in reality it is an elaboration which reflects a lot that temperature is one of the most important ingredients that exist: a hot Dry Martini is the worst there is”.

What spirits earn your admiration? “I really like the mystique that surrounds mezcal. I like the concept of terroir since Angelita is a wine bar and although liquors are not usually based on something like the terroir, in mezcal the type of plant is important, in what state it has been collected and in what particular area. Also, the ancient and cosmic mystique that revolves around mezcal is fascinating. I am one of those who lean towards the cuixe family: very old, up to 14 years old; complex and very vegetal. Still I have to accept that a good single malt whiskey It will always be my favorite drink. I'm into intense drinks and this one in particular has marine and iodized flavors. It's like an orchestra, not a soloist."


Miguel has been behind the bar of big hotels like Only You Atocha and Gran Hotel Inglés. He is now in charge of training different restaurant and hotel teams to ThomasHenry. His is a magic that transforms a place into an establishment prepared for the good drink. Although he not only works as a "teacher", but he also allows himself to play with social networks under the profile @randomshaker , visiting different cocktail bars in Madrid, teaching master different recipes and leaving traces of each one of the events that he organizes throughout the city.

Let's go to the classics. What is always your first option?: For me a Manhattan it is a must. The original recipe is made with two parts of rye whiskey, one of vermouth and two drops of Angostura, but variations can be made. I would say that it is the version that I like the most, but the Perfect Manhattan would follow closely, being less sweet and with dry vermouth. Then we would go to the Negroni, another of my favorites and the perfect cocktail because it is neither sweet nor bitter, with perfect notes of wood.



And what about liqueurs and spirits? “Mezcales are very important to me. This is a very wide world and there is still much to discover, but i love learning about them and drink them: both alone and combined. On the other hand, I love whiskey, I'm big fan of the irish Although it is a supposedly small category, I find them very interesting and flexible when experimenting.

The last cocktail that surprised you? "The Moscow Mule by Savas. I tried it recently and it has a very particular style, with citrus on top that takes you out of your comfort zone. This is a cocktail that you think does not give much room to change or play with the ingredients, but the truth is that Savas has its own signature touch and it is very, very good”.

A cocktail that you would like to see become fashionable? “I have rediscovered Naked&Famous, that has mezcal and Aperol: very rich and very refreshing. I would also like to see the success of the highballs, easy to drink and perfect for introducing new audiences to cocktails.”

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