Magallanes-Elcano route in Seville: in the footsteps of the first circumnavigation of the world


Seville Skyline

We discover Seville with others, we discover Seville following the trail of the first circumnavigation of the world

crazy. Fools. Hustlers. adventurers. Explorers… Heroes. It is very likely that those were some of the names that the ears of the 18 brave people who carried out one of the most extreme, intrepid and unconscious journeys in the history of mankind.

they completed The first travel around the world, showing that the Earth was round. Only they, of the little less than 250 men who they had left the port of Seville on August 10, 1519, They managed, a little over three years later, to arrive at the same port after avoiding innumerable misadventures and dangers. Five ships – Trinidad, San Antonio, Concepcion, Victoria and Santiago - had weighed anchors full of illusion, fear and, perhaps, greed. Only the Victoria ship completed the voyage.

Much is said about Magellan and little about Enrique de Malaca

Engraving in which an episode of that trip around the world is recreated, which is now 500 years old

Five hundred years later the city of Seville wants to pay tribute to those men who, led by the Portuguese navigator Ferdinand Magellan , first, and Spanish Juan Sebastian Elcano , later, they signed one of the greatest deeds ever happened.

For this, it has been developed a full calendar of cultural events and talks , housed in some of the most important historical buildings and places in the city.

The tour named Route of Magellan – Elcano is not reserved only for lovers of history, but allows you to discover some of the most interesting corners of Seville in a different way.


The route can start at the central Plaza de la Contratación, where was it located the House of the Hiring of the Indies. This body was founded in 1503 by the Catholic Monarchs to regulate and control all trade between the Crown and the discovered territories in the New World.

However, it did not have only a commercial function, because in it also the pilots who were going to undertake trips to the Indies were trained and all the reports related to the new explored territories had to be deposited, not only cartographic, but also on ethnic groups, fauna, flora, languages ​​and culture.

Map showing the voyage made by the galleon Victoria

Map showing the voyage made by the galleon Victoria

In the old Casa de la Contratación the permits for the expedition of Magallanes and Elcano were created. When Magellan presented the monarch Carlos I his idea, he approved it, commissioning him to find a passage in America that would allow cross the Pacific Ocean sailing always west (by the Treaty of Tordesillas of 1494, the Spanish could not explore territories sailing to the east).

His goal was simply economic: find the Moluccas Islands (currently in Indonesia), famous for having large quantities of highly valued spices. Magellan fulfilled his mission, reaching the Pacific after crossing the dangerous waters of the strait that today bears his name.

All the information compiled by the Casa de la Contratación de Sevilla can be found today in the Archive of the Indies. In the time of Magellan, the headquarters of the Archive - declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO - was the Merchants' Market. Here they are numerous, and valuable, original documents that deal with everything that happened during the first circumnavigation of the world.

Not far from there in Mateos Gago street, Magallanes had his house during his stay in Seville. At that time, it had the name of broceguinería, because the manufacturers of shoes and boots lived there.

Magellan often met, in the taverns near his street, with Jorge de Portugal, warden of the Real Alcázar and one of the main supporters of his project before the king. a visit to the gardens of the Reales Alcázares It is always a pleasure that no one should miss in Seville.

Archive of the Indies Seville

The Archive of the Indies houses valuable, original documents on everything that happened during the first circumnavigation of the world


Once the ambitious expedition had been approved, the forests of the Sierra Norte de Sevilla were cut down to obtain the wood with which to build the ships for the trip.

The five naos would leave the shipyards of the Reales Atarazanas, built by Alfonso X in the middle of the 13th century. The great and mighty arcades of this impressive construction continues to receive visitors, and even some queen. It is the case of Cersei Lannister, when scenes from the acclaimed HBO series, Game of Thrones, were filmed here.

Once the boats were moored on the waters of the Guadalquivir, the sailors and hustlers of the Paseo Mayor Marques de Contadero They began to be interested in how to enroll in that company. Nowadays is one of the favorite places for Sevillians to take a quiet walk or ride a bike. At that time, the place was abuzz with typical port activity.

The goods and supplies that were loaded on the ships were taken to them crossing the Triana Bridge, although in the 16th century it was not like the current one, being called Boat bridge. The Triana neighborhood was an eminently maritime district, being today one of the most colorful and authentic areas of Seville.

Looking at Triana

At that time, Triana was a fishing neighborhood

With the ships well provisioned, everything was ready to set sail. And so they did on August 10, 1519, when the five ships left the Puerto de las Muelas and crossed the waters towards the ocean and the unknown, passing in front of the massive and impressive silhouette of the Tower of Gold.


Three years after his departure, the nao Victoria went up, helpless and towed, the waters of the Guadalquivir. On board her, 18 men, including the great sailor – and captain who replaced Magellan on his death – Juan Sebastian Elcano. The one from Getaria gave a navigation master class which is still studied in naval schools.

To get an idea of ​​the conditions in which the brave expeditionaries lived, you can visit the replica of the Nao Victoria that rests at the Muelle de las Delicias.

The best option is to enjoy a dramatized visit led by Ferdinand Magellan and Juan Sebastián Elcano themselves. The actors who play them give their audience knowledge and fun in equal parts.

Together with the replica of the Victoria, it has been created a very complete interpretation center that narrates the details of the first circumnavigation of the world in history.

Cathedral of Sevilla

Almost the first thing the newcomers did was go to the cathedral of Seville to give thanks

In those times of fearful Christian faith, almost the first thing the newcomers did was go to the cathedral of Seville to pray to the Virgen de la Antigua for having granted them the grace of returning alive. They also visited her before leaving, thus closing the circle. The cathedral of Seville, the third largest Christian temple in the world, is a Gothic masterpiece that is worth visiting in peace.

Little tranquility had the administrators of the court of Carlos I, because soon they would take to the Torre de la Plata the treasures obtained in the expedition. That was the usual stop before being taken to the Casa de la Contratación.

The Torre de la Plata (13th century), with its octagonal floor plan, It continues raising its imposing figure to the Sevillian sky at the height of Santander street.

Finally, together with the Door of Forgiveness of the cathedral, the business would be closed on merchandise brought from overseas. It was in Alemanes street, named after the large number of Germanic merchants who carried out their transactions here.

After following all the traces of the first circumnavigation of the world, it is time to return to the banks of the river to dream, admiring the wonderful Sevillian sunset.

Some five hundred years ago, more than two hundred men were setting out on the journey of their lives. The journey of an entire era. Only a handful of them would return. An expedition in longed-for times, in which the word “explorer” had a meaning that has been lost forever. Men of a different paste, like Magellan and Elcano. Dreams of another depth, such as triumphing over the unknown and going around the world. Seville still keeps them alive.

Tower of Gold Seville

The Torre del Oro witnessed the departure of the five boats

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