Jijona, the nougat town



Jijona (Alicante)

In Jijona there are more nougat factories than bars . Here, from September to Christmas, the streets smell of almonds and honey. It is during these months when they work at full capacity to supply the whole world. And almost literally, because 70% of world production comes from this Alicante town , whose idyll with nougat, his fetish product, has 500 years of history.

Did you know, for example, that approximately 80% of its inhabitants live from nougat ? "We are some 7,000 and practically we all depend directly or indirectly on nougat . The people who work in the factories or in related companies, the shops in the town, the restaurants, the printers… even the physios live off the nougat, from the contractures they have to treat when the season is over!” Gemma Mateos, journalist at the CreativiLab agency , she is from Lorca but jijonenca by adoption. Our hostess proudly tells us how, every year for eleven years now, when December arrives, Jijona transforms : the traditional Christmas Fair full of booths the main avenue, Christmas carols become the soundtrack of the town and his Nativity scene in real size, in the Barranc de la Font , is a source of pride for the neighbors but also welcomes tourists, who visit the municipality to buy nougat and artisan sweets made in Jijona. And although this year is a little different, because due to the situation, the fair has been held virtually, it has managed to maintain its essence.

The next challenge? Deseasonalize the nougat , always so linked to Christmas. We, for now, have prepared a guide for you so that, whatever the month, you want to know Jijona . We assure you that wanting to eat nougat out of season will happen to you.

Nougat from Alicante and Jijona

Nougat from Alicante and Jijona


After wandering around his medieval framework , goes up to the castle , newly remodeled: from almohad style , was built between the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. If you feel like it, you can do it with one of its dramatized visits, highly recommended and for the whole family. You will get a surprise when you crown it, because from up there you can see the Mediterranean which, in a straight line, is about 20 kilometers.

On the way down, you will cross the Raval neighborhood: make a technical stop for a refreshment station (sweet, of course) at the Forn El Raval de la Penita. Tere, third generation (“and last, because my children don't want to know anything about the business”), In its medieval bread oven (documented at the beginning of the 15th century, it is one of the oldest in the Valencian Community), it makes sweets called the same at Christmas or doubles at Easter. Let yourself be recommended.

Jijona Castle

Jijona Castle


Under the umbrella of this guardian of nougat, which safeguards two varieties (Jijona and Alicante) 466 trademarks are registered , which are the legacy of these five centuries.

There you will meet Alexis Verdu, an encyclopedia of nougat . The Director of Quality of the Regulatory Council will explain that the nougat from Alicante, which we know as hard nougat, takes a day to make. Jijona, also called soft nougat, one week . And that not all soft nougat can be called Jijona, not all the hard ones, from Alicante : only those made here, by companies registered with the Council and that meet the established requirements. To identify them, they bear the garnet quality seal of the Regulatory Council of the Protected Geographical Indication.

Take the opportunity to visit your exhibition Jijona: artisan looks , a photographic journey to the past of the nougat tradition, turned into art, which has passed from generation to generation here.

Artisan nougat elaboration process

Artisan nougat elaboration process


Nearly three quarters of his surface are of forest mass , so the surroundings of Jijona are perfect for hiking or mountain biking. Between January and March, we recommend the 12-kilometre path that connects Jijona with Pou del Surdo, because it is the time of the almond blossom. The routes to Penya de Migjorn, Vivens or Montnegre de Dalt They are also good options to discover the diversity of the area. After the rainy months, visit the natural springs: El Salt, Font de Nutxes, Font dels Bassons, Font de Roset or Font del Moratell.


The Turronería of Primitivo Rovira and Sons

The sixth generation now runs this family factory, founded in 1850, which is in the center of town and has a shop. You can visit from September to Christmas Eve.

Nougat making process

Nougat making process

Nougat The Wolf and 1880

The Sirvent family has been making nougat since 1725 , though Nougat El Lobo was born in 1924 and the brand 1880, in 1939 . Why is it called 1880 then? Because it's the year the family recipe was written . Now it is the eleventh generation, as Isabel Sirvent tells us, that has taken over. They export nougat throughout the year to the five continents... and they never stop innovating. The news of this 2020? The nougat sticks (to the touch of salt, without salt or with chocolate) and toasted yolk nougat with orange or candied cherry . This year they have opened the store at the factory gates, so that you can buy in the open air.

There they will tell you, for example, that stone nougat is as old as Jijona's, but much less well known. Before it was made only for the boss and the workers . A tip: take advantage of the visit and discover the Nougat Museum, which is in the same building.

Artisan nougat factory

Artisan nougat factory

The Artisan nougat

At the entrance of the factory they have a store where you can buy any of their delicacies. We recommend you try what they call coca, flirty or nougat cake from Jijona : It is eaten with a spoon and it is addictive. You can also visit the factory to see how Jijona and Alicante nougat are made. , to find out that they used to eat nougat as a sandwich... or to sign up for one of their nougat workshops, in which you will learn how to make the famous stuffed almonds.

Nougat Garcia Mira

It is one of the oldest brands, but it spent years in oblivion, until Rocio Garcia Nomdedeu He decided to recover the brand and the formula with which his ancestors marketed Jijona nougat. The store is only open from September to December.

And, as experience, also you can buy nougat in the vending machine at Carrer del Vall 4 , where you will find tablets of The Carrasqueta Y TurroDiet.



Ame, Ema and Eva are three sisters who have run this restaurant for 20 years, who was born as a sandwich shop (hence its name) and that it still is on Friday and Saturday nights, when the claim is its sandwiches, pizzas or hamburgers. But his specialty is the tapas made with this sweet jijonenco : the Polvoron , a Jijona nougat croquette, assorted mushrooms and crunchy kikos; the Tomato tartar with anchovies, stone nougat and crispy cod either Els Nanos , a stew of pork cheeks with nougat sauce and purple mashed potatoes, served in a tub of ice cream on a painted head that pays homage to “ The Nanos and Giants ”, of its Moors and Christians festivals. There you can also try Giraboix, a typical stew from Jijona.

Every day, they offer a menu for €11 and, in December, a Christmas menu for €30.



Vicmo Brewery

Seasonal product and creative cuisine… with a lot of nougat : The Balfegó red tuna sashimi with its roe and Jijona nougat crumbs, the Denia red prawn carpaccio with snow nougat or the esclatasangs scramble (a kind of wild mushroom) with yolk nougat surprises. They also make Alicante rice dishes and other more traditional dishes , such as lamb gizzards or pickled tuna, as well as many local products (bay sepionets or rock octopus).

Vicmo Brewery

Balfegó red tuna with nougat


Hotel Boutique Carrasqueta

At the top of the Carrasqueta , at 1,100 meters and in what used to be the Hotel Pou de la Neu (so called because it has an old restored snow well, in which ice was stored in the past), since this summer, Different Hotels has managed a 7 room mountain boutique hotel . Isolated but welcoming, it has outdoor spaces that invite you to stay longer than expected, among vultures, eagles, mouflons, eagle owls, foxes, deer and wild boar . Fresh air and silence are assured.

At dinner, they will surprise you with very traditional products, such as sausage from Torremanzanas (a neighboring town), but also with more creative dishes, such as Calamari with seafood and cocoa sauce or Salmon with glazed seaweed.

One piece of advice: before going down to breakfast, don't miss the sunrise through your bedroom window . And don't leave without taking the obligatory photo on your bench, "Next stop... the clouds." From the viewpoint terrace you can contemplate the Alicante coast.

Hotel Boutique Carrasqueta

Hotel Boutique Carrasqueta

Finca Les Coves

You can also come to Jijona to do glamping: one of our favorites is here.

Rural House Finca El Pao

Another good option for a weekend with your partner... and with your pet. In his bubble suite you will sleep under the sky.

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