The Route of the Parks of Patagonia connects 17 national parks with a single path


Torres del Paine

Sunrise in Torres del Paine National Park

Chilean Patagonia is synonymous with freedom. here the nature She is the queen and mistress of all that the eye can see (and beyond).

go through their National Parks, whose surface reaches 45,000 square kilometers, It is an experience that marks a before and after in the life of every human being. And we are not exaggerating, really not.

And before the immensity, the doubt: where to start? The Network of National Parks of Patagonia offers endless possibilities. But sometimes, It is best to start at the beginning and make the way by walking.

Although in this case, this road is already done and you just have to start walking. We are talking about the Route of the Parks of Patagonia, a trail of 2,800 kilometers what CONECT 17 national parks.


The impressive Torres del Paine


At the end of last year we knew the news of the important donation made by Tompkins Conservation to the State of Chile ** –no less than 4,000 square kilometers– for the creation of the largest national parks known.

Now, together with Imagen de Chile, Tompkins is launching a campaign to promote Route of the Parks of Patagonia.


The guanaco, an illustrious inhabitant of the Torres del Paine National Park

The objective?: "that Chile be recognized as a world example of tourism based on conservation", say from Tompkins.

"The purpose of the Route is value those 17 National Parks and their 60 surrounding communities”, He comments Carolina Morgado , executive director of Tompkins Conservation Chile.

This route of 2,800 kilometers is located between Puerto Montt and Cape Horn and integrate the Carretera Austral, the Patagonian Channels and the End of the World Route.

gray glacier

The Gray Glacier, in the Torres del Paine National Park


“We want Chile to be a destination, not only for wine, fruit and copper, but also for conservation, where national parks become engines of local economies, through good tourism, which is a consequence of conservation”, explains Carolina Morgado to

In her opinion, “the most important thing about this initiative is that the national parks link with their surrounding communities and vice versa”.

"It generates a virtuous circle where communities develop around these parks, while being their guardians” she concludes.


Fauna is the queen and lady of the Route


17 National Parks, more of 60 communities, 2,800 kilometers, 3 regions (Los Lagos, Aysén and Magallanes) , 11.5 million hectares protected, 91% of the territory protected under the category of National Park, 140 species of birds and 46 species of mammals.

That is the numerical summary provided by the Ruta de los Parques Nacionales, whose newly launched website brings together all the information relating to the territory, excursion suggestions, transport and lodging advice and more than 50 trails traced with GPS.


Chilean Patagonia is waiting for you


"The idea is that visitors can go along the route, part or all, according to the time they have and their interests”, Morgan explains.

“In the suggested trips section of our website we have different options so that people can plan and make this spectacular trip in a self-guided way or through a travel agency or tour operator”, says the director of Tompkins Conservation.

On the web you can also download trekking trails of the national parks, also classified in routes of different difficulties.

Austral road

The magical Austral highway

"As you can see, it's about a scenic route suitable for all audiences, since it offers different options according to the interests of each visitor, with trails of varying difficulty and can also be traveled by car, bicycle, motorcycle, etc.”, Carolina comments to

The best time of year to do it? “Every season has its charm, but the weather improves between October and May, Caroline advises.


Patagonia: a trip you will never forget


“This territory is one of the most beautiful and pristine in the world, so you will find spectacular landscapes even without getting out of the car, with ancient forests, larches nearly 4,000 years old, glaciers, lakes, waterfalls, Patagonian steppes, ice fields, and a great biodiversity of flora and fauna”, exposes Carolina Morgado.

Likewise, the route connects with different local communities of great charm and very welcoming people, "so the tour will be very inspiring both for the beauty of its landscapes and for its people and traditions," he says.

Patagonia National Park

Patagonia National Park

Among the most famous places included in the route is ** the W Circuit of the Torres del Paine National Park, ** whose goal is the impressive Gray Glacier.

Less known, but just as beautiful, are the glaciers of the Laguna San Rafael National Park. Nor can you miss the valleys carved out by the Chacabuco River in the Patagonia National Park and the awesome castle hill, in the National Park of the same name.

And those, just to put an example of the immensity (task but difficult, impossible) .

Castle Hill

Cerro Castillo National Park


Have you felt an irrepressible desire to travel to Patagonia? Until October 31 you can participate in this contest whose prize is a trip to the Route of the Parks of Patagonia for two people and a complete first class clothing kit.

To participate, you must send a short text of 101 words telling your experience about how the National Parks have changed your life.

In addition, this initiative will collect the best stories to prepare a digital book about all these experiences.

Patagonia, here we go!

Route of the Parks of Patagonia

The map of the Route of the Parks of Patagonia

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