Extremadura from 'A' to 'Z'


The famous Monastery of Yuste

The famous Monastery of Yuste


with the A of cork oak , blessed trees that allow corking the best wines; of Schnapps , the homemade pomace that is made in these lands in the traditional style, and whose consumption is only suitable for the roughest throats; or of olives , which produce the wonderful EVOO , acronym by which extra virgin olive oil is known. An oil, Extremadura, which is among the best in the world and, without going any further, boasts of having the best in Spain among its latest vintages, according to the Ministry of Agriculture.


with B of Acorn , fruit of holm oaks and cork oaks mainly that serves as food for one of the Extremaduran delicacies par excellence with names and surnames: the Iberian pig. And just a couple of facts to understand why it is so valued -and expensive, compared to the others-: because for an Iberian pig to gain weight a kilo, you need to eat between 12 and 15 kilos of acorns ; This means that for each animal to be raised only on the basis of acorns and herbs (which will later give it the category of 100% acorn-fed Iberian pig), it is necessary -be careful- an average of between two and six hectares of dehesa for each pig!


with the C of chestnuts , one of the most characteristic fruits when autumn arrives; and of Digging For some years now, Extremaduran cava has even dared to overshadow the most famous wineries in Penedés.


With D for Denomination of Origin. And it is that Extremadura brings together ten D.O. in products that appear in the showcases of the most appreciated delicatessen in the country, from oils and cheeses, to honey, paprika, picotas -native variety of cherries that grow in the flowery Valle del Jerte -. and, of course, Dehesa de Extremadura Iberian hams. Dehesa, which also begins with D, and which is the essence of Extremaduran products -personified in the pig-. In fact, the D.O. Dehesa de Extremadura constitutes more than 50% of the dehesa of all Spain.

The cork oak from Extremadura and its imposing beauty

The cork oak from Extremadura and its imposing beauty


with E of Reservoir , specifically that of Valdecañas , a dam of the Tagus River as it passes through the ancient city of Talavera la Vieja -known as Talaverilla-. It has been submerged at the bottom of the swamp since 1963, the date on which the dam was built at a time when Spain dedicated itself to accumulating water without thinking about the devastating consequences. In memory, the ruins of the Portico de Curia were rescued -known as the Marbles- and that is the only one of its category that is preserved in the entire Roman world, located in the municipal area of Bohonal de Ibor.


with F of cold -very cold- during the winter months. But tremendously nice when you have a fireplace nearby; and with F of Fruits , because this is a very rich land for growing fruit trees, mostly bone -peach, plum, cherry…-, a category in which it ranks first at the national level. Take it now!


with G's Guadeloupe , name of the municipality that houses the Royal Monastery of Santa Maria de Guadalupe , a construction of Gothic, Mudejar, Renaissance, Baroque and Neoclassical architecture, declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO; and G of Geopark , a distinction that makes the territory between the regions of Villuercas, Ibores and Jara (in the northwest of the province) in a protected geological study area. It is one of the eight geoparks that exist in Spain and if it has been cataloged with this distinction it is because of its biodiversity, its attractive nature and its paleontological wealth. A good example may be Castañar de Ibor caves , one of the oldest open caves in rocks that has been discovered in Spain, and that make up a wonder of nature dated approximately 500 million years ago.

The ruins of the Portico de Curia

The ruins of the Portico de Curia


with H of Fig , in its multiple varieties: figs, brevas, prickly pears and 'pasiques' , name by which figs are known that are left to dry in the sun and that constitute one of the sweet delicacies during the winter months. Interesting note and that not everyone knows: Extremadura It is the region with the largest cultivated area of ​​fig trees in Spain. , with more than 5,000 hectares.


with the I of Iberian , of course, but also Protected Geographical Indication (IGP) . Because in addition to the pig, in this land of pastures other livestock breeds such as lamb and veal, both with recognized PGIs, are raised, and very well. You can tell that they like to eat here, and very well.


with J's Ham -I will not get tired of repeating it-, but also Rockrose . It is one of the most common plants of Extremaduran vegetation and highly recognizable by its five-petaled white flowers and sticky leaves . Bees love it, which is why it is also one of the components of the magnificent Extremaduran honey and the secret of the exquisite sweets that are made with it.

poetic poetry ham

Ham: poetic poetry


with K's kayaking , because Extremadura is also relegation zone . And if not, lovers of nautical and aquatic sports, come to Coria and participate in the Descent of the Alagon , almost 19 kilometers of route in which you can see kayaks, canoes and other types of boats, which has made this event one of the most popular events of the hot Extremaduran summer.


with L of spirits . Anyone who has passed through Extremadura and has not taken a sip of a shot of liquor -or brandy- of acorn, chestnut, fig, cherry, pillory, plum... don't say you've been here.


with M of Blood sausage , specifically luster black pudding, typically from Extremadura and made from Iberian pig fat and blood, paprika, onion and mint, among other ingredients. A hit of the homeland offal, without a doubt. It is eaten simply cooked and with bread. Divine. and with M, crumbs , for me the PLATE, with capital letters, of this land, not only for its flavor but for its forcefulness. Just mention some of its ingredients - bread, bacon, sausage and fried peppers - to know that this is a dish one hundred percent low in nonsense.

Chorizos and blood sausages from Extremadura

Chorizos and black pudding from Extremadura


with N of The new World . The importance of Extremadura in the American conquest was vital, from its geolocation, turning the monastery of Guadalupe into a starting point - it was a pilgrimage center for the men who would set out on the adventure and it was there that he met with the Catholic Monarchs before the trip. and on the way back - and on arrival - the first Americans who came to Spain with Columbus were baptized there. In addition, several of its conquerors were from Extremadura, names that sound familiar to all of us -at least to all of us who study the EGB-: Francisco Pizarro, Hernán Cortés, Vasco Núñez de Balboa and Pedro Valdivia.


with Ñ of No no . Let's see, it's hard to find words that start with ñ by themselves, but Extremadura is a land rich in lexicon , things as they are, and here ñoño, in addition to an adjective used to identify timid and finicky people, also means capon , of those who hit the head.


with OR of Ornithology , a science that has become one of the main tourist attractions of the community thanks to the practice of birding, as bird watching is known internationally. So much so, that Extremadura is considered one of the most important European regions for birds, and not only in the Monfrague National Park . Figures: 337 species of birds can be observed throughout the annual cycle ; and more than 74% of the territory is included in the inventory of Important Areas for Birds in Spain published by the non-governmental organization SEO/Birdlife.

Monfrague National Park

Monfrague National Park


with P of Beach -How are you? The quality of the water, the location in a protected area in La Serena (Badajoz) and the infrastructures that the orellana beach Surprisingly, Extremadura is placed on the map of beach destinations in Spain. But river players, because this is a river beach ; moreover, it is the first in its category to receive a blue flag. We continue. With P for Perrulillas , as the mantecados are known around here; It is one of the most representative typical sweets -and carbohydrates- along with the pestiños (the ones Puri, my mother, makes are divine). And with P of Pitarra because, although it is not one of the wines with Appellation of origin , is one of the most autochthonous in the region. Homemade wines are called pitarra, those that are made in the family environment in an almost rudimentary way -although it is also made in wineries to market-. You may not receive a 100 on the rating of Robert Parker , but for those who make them and enjoy them, they are always top-notch wines (including Pedro's, my father's).


with Q's Cheese , how could it be otherwise. Goat, like the Ibores (with D.O.) ; sheep, such as the creamy ones and the cakes (among them, those from Casar and La Serena, both with D.O.); and mixing, made with cow, goat and sheep milk . But let's not stay in the appellations of origin, because there are gems scattered throughout the territory that must be discovered, and I'll leave it there...

Ibores cheese

Beyond the Torta del Casar


with R of Romans . The historical legacy that the Romans raised back in the 1st century is still standing in Extremadura, and to get an idea of ​​everything that one can find on its way through the region, it is enough to walk through the remains of the city of caparra , or sit and look at the horizon from the Roman portico of the ancient city Augustóbriga in Bohonal de Ibor; stroll through Coria and its walls; visit r Medellin and its Roman theater; walking for Merida and enter its well-known amphitheater, among many other monuments -Emérita Augusta was the capital of the Roman province Lusitania (our beloved Spain) and this is evident in the architectural power that is still preserved today-, and of course, discovering Cáceres and its walls. Both cities, by the way, declared a World Heritage Site.


With S for Soup, tomato of course. Simple dish, but very typical in Extremadura ( go to the letter T and you will understand ) , made of bread, tomato, pepper, onion, garlic and bay leaf , mainly.


with T of Tomatoes . That's right, folks. If you are one of those who look at the labels and buy national tomatoes, it is almost certain that the one you are going to have today in the salad is from Extremadura. And here is the explanation: about 80% of the Spanish tomato production is from Extremadura and not from Murcia or Almería. How do you stay? Well, read on, because the importance of this crop is such that the town of Miajadas in Cáceres has erected a monument in honor of the tomato. A metal structure that welcomes the traveler who arrives in this town, known as the European tomato capital. Hey there!

Eternal and unrepeatable Merida

Mérida: eternal and unrepeatable


with U of University . And not only because it has a University, which it does -founded in 1973-, but because thanks to the good atmosphere that is generated between university students and the city, Cáceres has been chosen as one of the five best university cities in Spain , according to an online survey by Antena 3 Televisión .


with V of Villuercas . It is not only the highest point of the Montes de Toledo mountain range (1,600 meters), but it is also the area that marks the central axis of the aforementioned Villuercas Ibores Jara Geopark. It is also known for the military base installed on the mountain and which is currently abandoned; Everything indicates that it could be rehabilitated and become a center for tourist use -hopefully not massively-.


with W of Wenceslao Mohedas Ramos , name of one of the contemporary poets most committed to Extremadura, his native land, and Jaraicejo , the town of Cáceres where he was born. He captures it in works like I am an extremelan , where he alludes to the fusion between his past and his present life in Catalonia, from where he continues to make his homeland.

UNESCO World Geopark of Villuercas Ibores Jara

UNESCO World Geopark of Villuercas Ibores Jara


with X's Xarel lo . It is the name of one of the typical grapes used in the production of cava -along with Macabeao and Parellada- especially in Catalonia, but also in Estremadura , specifically in the town of Almendralejo, whose wines are also included in the D.O. Cava -despite who weighs-.


with and of And you , name of the famous monastery in which he lived and died Charles I of Spain and V for Germany . Although to honor the truth, what we see standing today is a convent rebuilt on the ruins of the old monastery where the emperor resided. In any case, its historical value earned it the distinction of the European Heritage Seal.


With Z de Zafra, one of the most important municipalities of Badajoz. But if it is known, it is for its contribution to the American conquest: more than 200 of its inhabitants joined the company of Christopher Columbus ; We know this, among other reasons, because of the writings that one of the survivors, Pedro Arias de Almesto, recounted on his return in the book The Adventure of the Amazon.

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The Yuste Monastery

The Yuste Monastery

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