Asturias, the paradise of cheese


Asturias land of cheese

Asturias, land of cheese

Of the 26 cheeses with Protected Designation of Origin (DOP) currently in Spain, four are Asturian: Afuega'l Pitu, Cabrales, Casín and Gamonéu . Also, the cheese The Beyos enjoy Protected Geographical Indication (PGI). Likewise, other small artisan dairies, such as lazane , are revolutionizing the Asturian cheese scene by presenting new and unique cheeses.


This is how the Gamonéu cheese cows are raised


They say the cheese Gamoneu is one of the great unknowns outside the Principality and at the same time it is one of the products that best represents the essence of that land , the green of its pastures and the respect of the producers towards their environment. Common on the menus of renowned restaurants, Gamonéu is a blue cheese which is made with raw cow, sheep and goat milk and is characterized by its slightly smoky touch and by being stained with penicillium around the edges. With a much lower production than Cabrales cheese -in 2015 the production of the dairies attached to the DOP rose by 9%, exceeding 116,000 kilos- the Gamonéu can be seen, but you have to look for it.

Of the two varieties of Gamonéu that there are, the most difficult to find is undoubtedly that of the port , the one that is made during the summer months in the highlands, in the cabins of the mountain passes and that represents only 4% of the total production. The Gamoneu of the Valley , which, as its name suggests, is produced in cheese factories in the lower areas, is easier to obtain and is produced throughout the year. The DOP covers the councils of Cangas de Onís and Onís, at the foot of the Picos de Europa . Some prominent producers of this delicacy protected by a PDO since 2003 are Surveillance, Vega Ceñal and Gumartini.




The Cabrales cheese , whose commercialization exceeds 400,000 kilos per year, would hold the imaginary title of the most international cheese in Asturias if it existed. Regular in the lists of the best cheeses in Europe, Cabrales is a cheese with a strong presence whose smell leaves no one indifferent. Protected by a Designation of Origin since 1981 , this blue cheese is made from raw cow's milk, or a mixture of two or three types of milk -cow, sheep and goat- and the DOP encompasses the council of Cabrales and three municipalities of Peñamellera Alta. One of its best-known characteristics is that it matures in caves, caves whose rights of use are transmitted in many cases from generation to generation. One of the most sought after Cabrales is the Teyedu by Pepe Bada.

The last Sunday of August is celebrated in Cabrales Sand the Cabrales Cheese Contest , where it is decided which is the best Cabrales cheese in the world . Last year its 46th edition was held and a record was broken, the highest price ever paid for a Cabrales cheese, which was 11,000 euros for a two and a half kilo cheese produced by the cheese factory Vega de Tordin and acquired by the owner of two Madrid restaurants.


In your cheese board you can never miss a good Cabrales


This is one of the most traditional cheeses in Asturias and is widely known throughout the region. This cheese made from cow's milk has been protected since 2003 with a PDO which covers thirteen municipalities in the northwest and central area of ​​the region. It is believed that its striking name – “choke throat” in Asturian- has to do with its peculiar texture. There are four varieties depending on the color –white or red depending on whether or not it has paprika- and whether it is molded in a tub (atroncau) or in gauze (trapu). In addition to being an excellent dessert in itself, in some restaurants, such as the Grill Güeyu Mar They serve a delicious cheesecake that deserves each and every one of the calories.

Afuega'l Pitu

Afuega'l Pitu


Although the cheese Almost N It has centuries of history – it is one of the oldest in Spain and Europe and there are documentary references to it dating back to the 14th century – its contemporary history is linked to the life story of a woman, Marigel Alvarez , who fought for its recovery, who was the first to market it, who elevated it to the Protected Designation of Origin -obtained in 2011- and that opened the door for other dairies to join the production of this peculiar and unique cheese years later. Prepared in the councils of Caso, Sobrescobio and Piloña Made with raw cow's milk, it has a pungent, strong flavor and aroma reminiscent of cured butter. The best place to enjoy this cheese is at the rural hotel in Marigel, ** Reciegos Agroturismo **, in the Redes Natural Park.

Almost N

Almost N


The cheese The Beyos , which takes its name from an impressive gorge, is produced in the councils of Ponga and Amieva and enjoy Protected Geographical Indication . With a soft paste and a slightly acid taste, it can be made with cow's, sheep's or goat's milk.

Afuega'l Pitu and Los Beyos

Afuega'l Pitu and Los Beyos

In addition to these cheeses recognized and protected by international quality guarantees, Asturias has dozens of different cheeses and the production areas cover its entire geography. Of the western area highlights the Taramundi goat cheese with walnuts , just like him Abredo cheese and that of the oscos . In the central area of ​​the Principality, the La Peral blue cheese and the Varé goat cheese , the first organic cheese from Asturias, while in the East we must not forget the Vidiago and Pría cheese , especially the Smoked , just like him caxigon.

La Peral blue cheese

La Peral blue cheese

On the other hand, there are producers like the small artisanal cheese ** Lazana ** who have made a strong commitment to innovation and respect for the environment, producing very innovative cheeses with natural washed rind and soft paste. Active since 2010, its cheeses have received numerous awards, such as various gold, silver and bronze medals at the World Cheese Awards . Proof of its good work is that the only restaurant with two Michelin stars in Asturias, martial house , include your Geo cheese in your letter.

Smoked Pría cheese

Smoked Pría cheese

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