Plácido y Grata, a design hotel in the center of Seville


Sunlight illuminates every space in Plácido y Grata, a new name that adds to the hotel boom in Seville, this one in the heart of Seville. And you will see what light, we are not lying: it will chase you around each of its corners.

With purpose and treachery, just as he wanted from the beginning the architecture and interior design studio Your Living Space Atelier , commissioned to renovate an old stately home from the end of the 19th century –close to the Museum of Fine Arts and the Monsalves Palace– which has it all: four stars, minimalism and a homely atmosphere full of Scandinavian and contemporary pieces , classic furniture from the 1950s and lamps such as the one designed by Miguel Milá in the 1960s. Or the Mantis by the sculptor Bernard Schottlander.



And it is here that light and design are always present. Starting with the patio – which also functions as a cocktail bar – and the rooms – the most special with a free-standing bathtub and large windows with views of the plants that climb the brick walls – as well as the breakfast room, which is illuminated through the Lampe de Marseille, design by Le Corbusier for the Unité d'Habitation of Marseille in 1949. While in the cocktail area you can see pieces such as a canvas by Carla Cascales , whose organic forms that she manages to create with the resin combined perfectly with the decoration of the place.

A regionalist house welcomes the new hotel.

A regionalist house welcomes the new hotel.

"With the idea that guests feel at home, breakfast is served in the kitchen . Attached to the multipurpose room, a domestic-type kitchen was designed, fully open and where we serve the buffet . There are also a series of off-menu dishes that the chef will prepare at the moment", they recommend from the hotel so that the guest can enjoy its tastiest space that serves dishes from first thing in the morning, such as a salmon and avocado omelette or any of toast made with sourdough bread. “From Pablo Conesa, for us the best baker in Seville”. All this accompanied by specialty coffee from the Barcelonans NOMAD.



A round morning success that is completed in the hotel shop. "It is located right in front of the hotel and in it we emphasize the selection of wines , with a menu from various regions of Spain at very contained prices. But you can also find oils, chocolates, preserves, designer kitchen items."

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