Why León should be Gastronomic Capital 2018


Plaza Mayor of Leon

Plaza Mayor of Leon

Bearing in mind that we find ourselves in a land that enjoys different climates and landscapes, its gastronomy is as diverse as it is powerful . The **heart of León** resides in its gastronomy, in the hostess and the enjoyment of every corner of the city through the tapas , but without forgetting that great journey through all its restoration, with great contrasts.

In León, tradition and history (both gastronomic and cultural) coexist, with the avant-garde in the treatment of the table and its raw materials.


cooking is the only one Michelin star that Leon has , a well-known restaurant where they have opted for a sensitive and quality cuisine , proving that you can eat at a Michelin star without having to mortgage yourself until your own grandchildren retire.

That the capital of Spanish gastronomy falls on León, in addition to a responsibility, has become a pure illusion, they comment Yolanda Leon and Juanjo Perez , creators of the miracle. They have not hesitated to set the table for us and share the moment with Traveler.

Yolanda Leon and Juanjo Prez

Yolanda León and Juanjo Pérez from Cooking

"We would like to be the capital in 2018 because of the illusion that all hoteliers have, and I want you to visit us from everywhere ; we want to bring cooks to Leon ; we want to spread our products and gastronomy ; we want to give talks, congresses and we want the gastronomic Lion to be talked about throughout 2018", notes Juanjo.

And it is that the " mark lion " It has long since crossed our borders. Products such as Chorizo ​​de León, cecina or some cheeses they have triumphed in corners of the planet as diverse as Hong Kong, Rome or the very Caribbean. Not to mention, points out Juanjo, that the best winemaker in the world in 2016 was Raul Perez , a native of León and a great exponent of the world of wine.

Of course León lives not only with botillo and cecina . From Cocinandos they discover us very interesting products; many cheeses, even an association of unknown but high-quality cheeses from León. We talk about cooked maragato from Astorga, legumes from El Páramo , a great mycological richness very close to the well-known Soria, both in quantity and variety, pork and beef tongue, goat cecina from Vegacervera, wonderful peppers from Bierzo, leeks from Sahagún and game.

And if you are already willing to visit Cocinandos, let yourself be advised by them but do not forget to try the Leonese stew or potatoes with conger eel . Friend's advice.

Cooked lions of Cooking

Leonese stew


Let's get into the matter. We arrived in Leon and we want to tap as if tomorrow humanity would become extinct, the victim of an ancient Mayan prophecy. It's possible? If possible. And although the whole city is full of fabulous tapas bars , the historic center is the nerve center of gastronomic activity. The famous Wide street divides the center into the two busiest gastronomic areas of the capital.

1. Humid neighborhood

Possibly one of the busiest areas of the Leonese capital and best known outside its borders. We have asked the institutions the reason for such a picturesque name and apparently its origin is somewhat uncertain.

It is said that in the old days the wine did not come bottled but rather in large vats, so when it was collected something was always spilled on the ground. Located in the old part of the city, el Húmedo is a true showcase of the gastronomy and wines of the region, a hive of young and not so young who seek to enjoy the specialty of each house.

The essentials of the Humid are many, but we can highlight some of them. The ferret _(Pza. San Martín, 4) _, a curious establishment of the usual type served solely and exclusively by its owner and whose black pudding is sidereal. His neighbor The rebound _(Pza. San Martín 9) _ competes with its wacky croquettes, of flavors as different as cecina or black pudding. Lovers of spicy potatoes will stop at The crush _(Cardiles, 2) _ or in The Gaucho _(Azabachería, 6) _ if you prefer them with mincemeat. The Competition, Bacchanal, Ham Ham... There are so many!

The ferret

The ferret

two. romantic quarter

The other side of Calle Ancha hosts this another spectacular gastronomic view of the city that in other times was called 'barrio del Cid' and was even considered part of the Húmedo neighbourhood.

The Romantic Quarter is almost like a breath of fresh air. We can bet on oriental cuisine and move to The Clandestine Gastrobar _(Cervantes, 1) _, with a very urban character and little by little rediscovering Japanese cuisine. or travel to The backyard _(Pza. Torres de Omaña, 2) _ with a southern air, where Galician-style octopus and cecina are not at odds. You can find a good hunger remover in the frying pan of fried potatoes, eggs and mincemeat of the The Tapas Brewery _(Juan Lorenzo Segura, 4) _ or in the spectacular garlic soup at ** Camarote Madrid ** _(Cervantes, 8) _. It is a non stop.

Leon Wide Street

Leon Wide Street


León is a city that encourages you to sit down at the table (not everything is going to be tapas and more tapas). Something that really defines the Leonese restoration is its tenacity in the care of local raw materials and the desire to preserve tradition without losing its creative and innovative potential. León has awakened a city full of gastronomic temples, and that is a great asset for the gastronomic capital.

For some time now, new places of worship for signature cuisine. We find wonders like LAV _(Av. Padre Isla, 1) _, with a careful and personal concept. The back room of 13 _(Calle Ancha, 1) _, in a privileged location and with a seasonal menu and a wine list. Also main road _(Calle Ancha, 4) _, if you want to eat among Roman remains; either niMÚ Roof _(General Lafuente street, s/n) _, with the best views of the city. delusions (Calle Ramón y Cajal, 5), explosion of creativity. And without a doubt, house command _(Calle General Lafuente, s/n) _, an institution in the city with an impeccable work of the vegetables of La Bañeza , vegetables and sausages.

And without turning our back on tradition, the good know-how of the years and the simplicity of a well-treated product, we could list countless treasures such as the pigeon _(Escalerilla, 8) _ **, Alfonso Valderas ** _(Arco de Ánimas, 1) _ **, Casa Rafa ** _(Ramiro Valbuena, 5) _ **, Casa Estrella ** _(Plaza del Caño , 4, Villaobispo de las Regueras) _ **, Racimo de Oro ** _(Plaza San Martín, 8) _ **or the Bodega Regia ** _(Regidores, 9) _ . All scattered around the city

One of the most exclusive places in the city of León is located in the Inn of San Marcos _(Plaza San Marcos, 7) _, already leaving the city. The old monastery dates back to the 16th century and hides behind its walls a true architectural jewel with an impressive luxury restaurant , ideal gastronomic plan for the most gourmets. His table is dressed with produce from the land and traditional cuisine where Riaño veal and suckling lamb are not lacking.




- Because your gastronomic offer has become sophisticated almost at the same level as the big cities

- For its botillo from Bierzo, its cecina from León, its suckling lamb, its veal from Bierzo, its mantecadas from Astorga, its legumes from La Bañeza. For its wines from Bierzo and the land of León, its chorizo, its black pudding, its sausages, its San Froilán donuts. For his chorizo ​​mincemeat with a short glass of beer.

- Because there are many things that we do not know about its gastronomy, such as the cured goat meat from Vegacervera, the chestnut from Bierzo, the Valdeón cheese (considered one of the best blue cheeses in Spain) or the marzipan from Babia, which is made without almonds.

- Because more recognition is necessary for one of the gastronomically richest regions of our country.

- Because the Cocido maragato is an institution.

- Because Ponferrada It should be in all the recommended guides for tapas and alternating.

- Because if someone has put enthusiasm into the project, that's León.

Leon Cathedral

Leonese daily print

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