Five things to eat in Galicia (and they are not seafood)


coffee liqueur

The coffee liqueur is a Galician invention to exterminate the rest of the peninsula


To what Guillermo López says here, one can only add amen (and if you opt for something softer, you have to try the pomace cream). Also, now that the do it yourself has returned to its own right and that many people are encouraged to make their own bread at home, perhaps it is time to pay homage to the joyous mindless people who distilled alcohol in their bathtubs in the 1920s by preparing our own coffee liqueur.

There are many recipes to choose from. , the elaboration is simpler than that of bread, and the result, which can fluctuate according to the skill of the preparer, between the chapapotístito paste and the café-american aguachirri , guarantees tastings that put you in a good mood.


When it comes to recommending tortillas, bitter debates are generated because each one has a weakness for the one at home and there are infinite likes and dislikes when it comes to tasting it (whether with or without onions, whether undercooked or overcooked, fat or fine …), something surprising considering that it basically has two ingredients: eggs and potatoes.

That is precisely why some of the best tortillas are prepared in Galicia, thanks to the undeniable quality of its raw material . Anywhere you will find a more than worthy product, but those of Betanzos and those of The house of tortillas in Cacheiras (near Santiago). eye, always with the little curdled egg , as it should be. We are willing to discuss it.




There are foods that have magical properties and this is one of them. Recomposes the body, comforts like a hug and sometimes saves life from certain death from hangover or cold . The quintessence of the Galician menu is a plate of stew preceded by a cup of broth, capable of even making us wish for a rainy and cold day to arrive so that we want twice as much.


Now that we can't see how it could have ever had a bad press, it's worth remembering that in Galicia the art of making (good) bread has never disappeared . That which in some cities is called “Galician bread” to refer to a more traditional product, there it is, simply, bread.

Must try corn or rye and above all enjoy those **huge bread rolls from Cea (Ourense)**, which take days to harden and with which we cannot decide if the crumb or the crust is more delicious.

Cea bread

There is no bad bread in Galicia


It can soon be said that “they are like pancakes”, but the definition falls short. thin or thick, pancakes are exquisite by themselves and do not need extra accompaniments tasty to be enjoyable (although a little honey or sugar never hurts) .

Its most atavistic variety and not suitable for squeamish, the pancakes of blood They are hard to find in a restaurant; to try them you have to have the good will of someone who invites us to her house at pig slaughter.

It is one of those recipes we do not know if it is destined to disappear due to some grotesque health regulation or due to the end of the agrarian world that created it, so if there is any opportunity to try it, do it without hesitation. Worth .

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Those of milk, for all; those of blood, for the brave.

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