The best potato tortillas in Spain


Sylkar's potato omelette, yes or no

Sylkar's potato omelette: yes or no?

I don't know all the tortillas in Spain. I haven't tried more than a small part, but considering that I travel and eat, I'm sure I have sunk my teeth into a good sampler . Making an objective, fair and equitable selection is impossible. That's why I've chosen to list nine of my favorites in a random order. Many are missing: Casa Támara, La Ancha, Jurucha, Casino de Lesaka -that I have not put it because it has pepper- the one of the bubble ... And others that are famous but I don't like like La Encina or Sylkar. It is that you, readers, continue the list with your suggestions. If I don't like the one you propose, I will refute you, rest assured.

From Marbella to La Coruna, we have chosen our favorite potato tortillas . We know this list is going to be controversial, so if you don't agree, add yours to our list.

1) ** La Ardosa Winery **. I love the tortilla at this bar, very Madrid-style, which is an indefinite and mestizo style like everything in my city. Neither caked nor liquid, balanced, juicy. Considerable thickness. With the right amount of egg and the potato more cooked than fried in olive oil. I prefer it with onion, but they also make it without it. They prepare 10 tortillas a day that are curdled as needed, so that they are fresh. The skewer costs 2 euros and while you eat it with a well thrown cane, you can look at the photo of Frank Sinatra dedicated ( Colon, 13. Madrid. 915214979).

two) ** Bar Sagartoki **. The Cook Senen Gonzalez he has dared to do what everyone criticizes: a frozen tortilla that he sells on the internet. The invention has been very successful. Although it is quite decent, the really good one is the one he prepares in his bar in Vitoria. Sweet and soft, potato and egg form a unit. He makes it with and without onions, so as not to fight with anyone. (Prado, 8. Vitoria-Gasteiz, Álava. 945288676)

**3) Casa José **. The father of the Cerro brothers is the true tortilla artist, although now they hardly let him do it: they want to retire him. He says the trick is Curdle it in a very hot frying pan so that it forms a crunchy crust on the outside and remains creamy on the inside, but not slimy , nor with the raw egg. The potato is cut into slices and slowly poached in olive oil over medium heat. Then it is mixed with the eggs and... to the frying pan. oh! They don't put onion. (Supplies, 32. Aranjuez, Madrid. 918911488)

Potato omelette from La Ardosa

Potato omelette from La Ardosa (Madrid)

4)Sacha. Sacha Ormaechea makes the tortilla as his mother did, half Galician style and half his way. He cuts the potatoes very thin, fry them until golden brown and mixes them with the egg, beaten until he foams. When no one sees him – this is a joke – he adds a little ladle of broth to the whole, that is his secret. He curdles it like a scramble, until it forms a golden crust. Inside it is juicy and delicate, almost ethereal (C/Juan Hurtado de Mendoza, 11. Madrid. 91 3455952)

**5) The Penela **. It faithfully follows the Galician style. Thinly sliced ​​potato, fried in live oil to make it crispy and rehydrated in the beaten egg . It curdles slightly in the pan so that the egg remains liquid inside, and that is where the reason for discussion arises. Juicy, of course it is, but I prefer the egg to be more integrated with the potato. The solution: I ask them to leave it a little longer in the pan and that way it will come to my liking (Calle de Velazquez, 87 Madrid 915 76 52 22)

6)Tahiti. It is incredible that despite being made with little egg , very little in proportion to the amount of potato, the tortilla is so juicy. Perhaps the secret is that the potatoes are soaked in water for many hours and cut into irregular pieces, and then cooked in oil. Before curdling the tortilla, almost as if it were a scramble, the potatoes are slightly crushed. It's not orthodox, but it's good . One of the many mysteries of the kitchen, because with the same ingredients no tortilla is the same as another.

7) Juana The Crazy. The tortilla at this place in the Latina neighborhood is heterodox and perhaps that is why it has become famous among the youngest, unconditional locals. Not only does it include onion among its ingredients, but it is caramelized, anathema! which gives an extra point of sweetness . The slightly curdled egg and a crisp, golden outer shell do the rest. Sweet and all, I like it! (Plaza de Puerta de Moros, 4. Madrid. 91 3640525)

*The beautiful photo of Sylkar's potato omelette that illustrates this article has been kindly provided to us by our friends at madridcoolblog .

* Initially published on 01.10.2013 and updated with the removal due to the closure of Patio Martín.

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